just finished Honest Hearts, and I must say it is with a heavy heart. I'm curious if there's a way to learn more about the white legs, and I am damn curious about what happens if you tell Daniel to lead the Sorrows out of Zion... so uh your Legion a shit! A SHIT!
New Vegas Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Just started another HH run
>Got so much shit I can't even carry my Salvaged Power Armor or LMG
>Guess its procure on site
>Go in with a Merc Grunt Outfit and a 9mm SMG
Go read the wiki, there's plenty on there.
Also, Honest Hearts was underrated. The story was short, but there was shitloads of caves and stuff to explore.
is clawington the new vegas thread mascot?
>Honest Hearts was underrated
with all the survivalist journals I felt it was pretty good. that story was really, really good imo
>I'm curious if there's a way to learn more about the white legs
Play Lonesome Road.
>Go read the wiki
I'll do that
i wonder if it'll be more emotional if he bumped into you like hes trying to give a hug. like a dog bumping his head on the owner's leg
Does new vegas have a recommended mods thing like skyrim does?
45. pistol can carry you through the DLC if you mod it, 45. smg if youre really having trouble. also, go grab the survivor's rifle, sneak attacks can kill mostly anything in one hit, depending on your guns skill.
Ulysses talks about the white legs in his holotapes, but as for anything after the events in zion, it depends on your ending. the whitelegs in my zion ending they always end up wiped out from challenging the new canaanites.
also, literally nothing happens if you just leave zion. worst ending.
Which Riot Gear looks best, base, Advanced or Elite?
I know everyone has a boner for the Survivalist Rifle, but honestly by the time you get it between level 10 or 15 you have 0 12mm rounds so its just deadweight
Y'all ready for this!
did i fuck up by not exploring everywhere in HH because i feel like i did
also i kinda fucked up the ending because when salt upon wounds showed up with graham my game fucked and i couldnt hear or see anything until joshua asked me to make a choice so i just decided to kill the ooga booga
there's like 80 rounds stashed with the rifle, and some of the White Legs drop more. I had about 20 rounds left after using it extensively in the final battle
I just wish there was a way the Sorrows could have their paradise
Is that a DLC for 4 or a story mod for NV?
If the latter, then great. If the former, then holy shit it looks even worse than the base game.
You can return to Zion at any time for items you may have missed
Has anyone noticed that Cass is squating in the background before?
oh shit really? i swear it said you couldnt return, maybe im just mixing it up with the sierra madre.
You can't leave once you start Honest Hearts, but once you complete it you can come and go from Zion as you like
Dead Money is the only DLC where you can never return to the location again
Story mod for NV.
oh well. they were combat virgins, now their not. popped their war cherry, now they can defend themselves. Daniel was a giant pussy in my opinion. he carries that assault rifle and never EVER uses it. to be fair, the sorrows didnt have to become a warlike people, thats on them, so i feel no guilt. if it weren't for me (the courier? us?) theyd all be dead. idk.
I actually just bought this on Thursday, played a couple hours yesterday. I'm enjoying it so far but my computer is a God damn potato.
>computer can't play a nearly 6 year old game
I know gamebyro runs like shit, but how can your computer be that much of a potato?
fallout can run on a toaster if you set the rendering low enough. lower the graphics user.
the Father does wright in his logs that he wrote notes to them about "retaliating fiercely if anyone tried to take what was theirs". maybe Daniel saw something in them that wasn't there, and tried to shape them into what he wanted them to be? Either way I excuse my choice with knowing that it was in accordance with the Father's wishes why he has a right to decide for centuries you ask? I dunno, ok?!
I'm running a four year old notebook.
I've clocked 70 hours on CSGo at 15 fps.
Safe to say I need to buy a new computer
>Finding lots of ammo for the Automatic Rifle
>Can't even use it properly
>3 STR, 20 Guns skill
>Manage to land 1 bullet out of a full magazine
You might want to pick up a few performance improving mods.
I got performance mods and everything set to lowest.
My life is hell.
How do I pick pocket her with low sneak
A headshot should work.
How does ttw work with sexout?
I want to try it, but no idea what the compatibility would be like
>Legion have a presence in Portland
stick to the laser pistol boyo. also, why in god's name do you set your strength so low? and is that with the implant too?
Shoot her in the face until no face
Put hands in her pockets
Take stuff
Non lethal please
Yeah it ain't lore-friendly.
The NCR have fucking functional tanks.
stealth boy :P
honest farts
>go through a bit of trouble getting TTW to work
>toaster has trouble with all the mods but it eventually pulls through
>actually having fun with FO3's content
>20 hours later sexlab shits itself
should I just uninstall and reinstall any mods related to it in hopes that it resets whatever went wrong?
Playing a Brotherhood Scribe, 3 STR the requirement for the Laser Rifle and later Laser RCW, take Weapon Handling and it can accurately use Gauss Rifles.
Tried. She just took it back. She even knows when she's sleeping.
>recruit cass
>hey you seem pretty cool.jpg
>do her quest and fuck up the van graffs
>she wants me to kill alice mclafferty too
>doing that makes me vilified by the ncr but i want an ncr ending
what do i do
They have working trains and vertibirds, so this doesn't surprise me.
Not kill them.
How do I get the texture optimizer to work?
I've done everything I can for this game to run on my toaster other them that.
i remember you can convince in not killing alice but after finishing her quest the van graffs will kill you on sight
Kill her and say your sorry
What is vg for
theres no more van graffs left user
Looks fun
Posting waifus and talking about shit games.
Try killing her stealthily? I did it in her office with a silenced .22 no infamy and the "guard" watching her watched her head explode and didn't even go aggressive.
Make sure you do that quest before getting amnesty from Crocker
If I kill her but spare the Van Graffs how will Cass react?
you won't lose NCR rep unless you murder the CCC if I remember correctly.
just try to get it so mr Hostetler lives. his family has it shit enough as it is.
the best feature in the whole game i swear to god.
>be me
>nuke both NCR and legion for the unique items
>everyone hates me
>get amnesty from the NCR and legion later
>everyone acts like it never happened
then later you get the radio and supply stash from ncr and legion respectively, and they reward you for your loyalty.
how did they even know you nuked the NCR and the legions anyway? do they have a spy or something
that's how they explain the NCR knowing what you say to House, so I guess maybe they do
ED-E is a whore mouthed snitch. the outro to lonesome road even says the LR ED-E talks all about what you did to Wasteland ED-E.
Latest character has become a 100-skill god so I need a new one. I think two options:
Male Cowboy perk using character
Female Grunt perk using character
Which one? Also would Logan's Loophole let me be less godlike, since you wouldn't be able to max skills and you would have to select perks carefully?
Is there a specific order i should be playing through the DLCs?
Make Kenichi Smith
by release date ofc
That would be fun user, but there's one problem.
I've already done that.
If you following the story, go by release date.
If you playing right from the get go, go Honest Hearts first. Unlike the other DLCs which have set levels, HH level scales depending on the Courier's level.
I think the DLCs level scaling is
10+ DM
15+ OWB
20+ LR
>1 honest hearts
>2 old world blues
>3 dead money
>4 lonesome road
In order of fun:
Lonesome Road
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Dead Money
>Not Fun
Use jsawyer
Base level cap is 15, so with all DLC cap is 35.
Unless you go hard to max skill points/level, you won't have the "100 skill god" problem
you dont have to, but chronologically they are
Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, Lonesome Road.
i hated honest hearts desu
This is your best answer user.
Shi in heritage.
American in heart.
some people say OWB comes before DM, some say it's the other way around. what's the deal?
is the JSawyer Ultimate on Nexus trustworthy? I see "added features" and I start to think its something that will diverge from the original mod
not really different, just relaunched for better compatibility with other mods and mcm options
All the things Ulysses, Elijah and Christine do in the Big Empty still happen prior to Dead Money.
in dead money, they mention the big MT, and Christine is mute after the autodoc issue that Elijah forced her through in big Mt.
IDK anyone who says its the other way around is a faggot.
well in OWB theres recordings of the characters in dm (elijah and christine) and references to DM such as the holograms
Who /fistedthedeathclawquarry/ here ?
I'd use the regular jsawyer with compability patches.
That UE added more things than it said on the description.
you're retarded.
the holograms were made at Big mountain, then sent to the sierra madre. thats how elijah learned the location of the sierra madre, friend.
glad I'm not the only one
>Want to make an Asian girl
>Remember there's no qipao
>Give up and just make another boring dude
or a girl with 100 in guns
No idea. I downloaded it from the link on the Fallout gamepedia.
References that a player wouldn't get if they hadn't played Dead Money.
Last thread hit bump limit, wasn't able to have an actual discussion.
Can anyone explain to me why Fallout 3 is so disparaged here? Outside of Sup Forums it's generally considered the best Fallout game.
It seems obvious to me that Fallout 3's story is far superior to New Vegas'. Do people just prefer NV's gameplay or am I missing something more?
if dead money was before old wold blues, why does elijah have caches there? come on guys. in elijahs logs, hes looking for the sierra madre.
>weeb wants a qipao
>for what will inevitably be a japanese themed girl.
fallout 3 feels like an unfinished game, fallout new vegas feels (feature wise) the completed version.
the story for fallout 3 was fantastic and admittedly better than NV.
i know that. im terrible at explaining things
It's not because of this article, but read this to see a few reasons why.
do not reply to him plz
>that Fallout 3's story is far superior to New Vegas
It's bland and generic, not anywhere near as good as FNV's