Have you ever seen someone die on stream?

Have you ever seen someone die on stream?

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Did she died?

how did she died

One time I saw someone livestream their suicide on Sup Forums and they pussied out and spent the next 3 hours crying.

she didn't die

im just saying, you could possibly be watching a person's last moments on stream

weird, huh?

I am so curious what is this death

Yeah, watched a guy take pills and die on stream, and I watched a guy try to burn himself alive on stream but was rescued.

That dude from 2ch who hanged himself.
In recording though.

OP's talking about the ingame death

you could possibly be watching a person's last moments when you talk to them in real life

weird, huh? oh wait you never go outside

nce saw some streamwhore delete her sys32 file

>weird it wont let me delete it
>oh i can press the delete button on the keyboard!
>stream fucking dies

Was it Britanny Venti? Because that was faked.

Dragon Quest streamer girl hanged herself on Nico

>burn himself alive on stream but was rescued.
Shit, I remember an article about that being posted here.
They actually used the term "an hero" in it.

god fuck this bitch is a /cgl/ whore who keeps on trying to become an e-celeb but is still failing.

that one killer instinct player that had a heart attack on stream

Everybody know her so she's obviously succeeded. She cool though.

was she cute?

She didn't show her face but if she was cute, she wouldn't kill herself.

But this isn't /reallife/, it's Sup Forums.

I remember this. Wasn't he driving around in a car or something?

m e n t a l i l l n e s s

No, it was pitch black for most of the broadcast, but you could hear crying, and some talking, later on some shuffling, which could have been police.

I saw a clip of someone playing Heroes of the Storm (I think that was the game?) and they had a seizure while they were streaming. Their wife/girlfriend or whoever came in the room screaming and crying when she saw him convulsing on the floor. It was kind of sad desu.

I think I saw one of these too back when I first started coming to Sup Forums. I'm not sure if it was legit or not though.

watched a guy kill himself, with pills or some chemicals or whatever. the stream went on for a long time, until medical personell or cops or something arrived. watched some other idiot try to kill himself by lighting his apartment on fire, it didn't work. seen a few seizures too, they were actually the worst to look at.

>watching streamers with webcams

Whats wrong with watching a streamer with a webcam?

Why not? You dont watch streamers for the video games, but for the personality.

take this for what you will, but Broteam doesn't stream with a camera, and hes got a good stream personality.

Sure, but people like to see the reaction of people when weird things happen. The surprise or excitement or what ever. That's why a lot of people watch streams.



Are we naming random websites now?

Sauce to this?



Watching reactions is the worst meme of the 21st century.

>Everybody know her
I've never heard of her before this thread, and I spend several hours a day on Sup Forums

What the fuck are you talking about?

No it's not. People love it, it makes them more relatable.

1 guy had a hearth attack.

a laugh is enough, I don't need to see his chubby babyface too

She's not a huge Sup Forums figure.

Facial expression is literally a whole section of the human brain.

he has his moments

hes clearly pulling some fake self deprecating ironic stream whoring to a different level.

i'd compare him to a male version of kaceytron, without the facecam.

a section of the brain that autists don't use

You're on Sup Forums

Still. Being able to see the eyes and facial feature of a human make him more interesting to watch.

i disagree

Well it's researched. If you can see the eyes and face of a person, you are much more willing to listen to what they say.

did he died?


For that to work in a stream setting, you have to find your way to their stream first. Usually that's because you already have some kind of interest in what they're saying/doing, which means that you don't need to see their face as you're already willing to listen.

Toaster Steve was the closest i've seen

People just search a game they wanna see and listen to the commentator.
Everybody is different. Some people just want the game, while other people just want commentary and dont give a fuck. That's why you have people like Reckful who play Hearthstone simply because it's the most non game out there where he can talk like a podcast.

The part of your brain that gives significance to information from a person doesn't register context like that, if you were to see someone's face you're more willing to hear what they have to say, that's just a fact that applies to everything.

>that image
you can't even see what's going on in the game, it's just some shirtless fuck drinking milk out of the jug

why would anyone search around thinking "I want to watch some gameplay" and then pick that stream?

it's a millennial thing

That's Sodapoppin. One of the biggest Twitch guy out there.

People watch him because of his personality, not because of the game. He rarely do pure gameplay like this

user, I'm a millenial. you're probably a millenial. Anyone between the ages of 16 and 36 is a millenial. Stop using it to refer to people who are probably under 16

No. I was born Mobile.

I'm 58 years old faglord kys

You cant tell me that this is not entertaining.

You make it sound like you're gonna kill her

post more streamer FUCKS getting wrecked

She's a troll. Stop giving them attention.

>attention whore gaymer gurl

I can, user.

This is not entertaining

I watch her BECAUSE she's trolling. She pretty cool.

Why are they fucks?

>it's a female streamer (who accepts donations) is "just playing a character she's just trolling she's actually cool outside her character" episode

>I watch her BECAUSE she's trolling. She pretty cool.
you know user, no matter what you post here or how much you donate to her, she'll never touch your dick.

I think some indian/spic did on /r9k/ yesterday or the day before.

It is.


well he didnt kill himself but his so fucking stupid he might as well have

I never donated to a stream. Well outside of the Mario Marathon because it goes to Child Plays.

What is wrong with female streamers who accept donations? They are the digital equivalent to people playing Guitar in the streets.

Remember when GDQs were fun? Too bad it will never be that way again.

He did kill his neighbor though

Like Canadian super star Justin Bieber said, Never say never.

Most female streamers get money by manipulating men into donating by using their sexuality. It has nothing to do with video games or even being entertaining.

This is Soe. She cut her hair and was never cute again. I remember when she was the interviewer at The International a few years ago. I miss her. She's a lot worse now, does social media stuff if she's at esports events, but the bad kind that you don't want to participate in.

>Donating to give black kids video games
That isn't a charity

>tfw people try to force this stupid shit every sunshine run since, not realizing it could only ever be funny the first time
this year's sunshine man says he's going to shut them up if they do it, we'll see what really happens. I hope we get another "I'd really prefer if you could be quiet" moment

Possibly the most ham-fisted attempt at satire I've ever seen. Literally "I was only pretending to be retarded" tier.

GDQ got too big for it's own good.
Then the austerity measures happened.
You also have cases of streamers getting their invitations revoked because their opinions weren't progressive enough.

This was all to make the stream more family friendly and it killed their viewership.
Now they resort to fake, last-second donations to reach their 1 MILLION dollar donation goal.

>people donating so that their fire prevention messages would be read out loud
p smart, too bad he didn't follow any of their advice

Most male streamers get money by manipulating men into donating by using memes and animals and females.

You realize that the top 100 streamers have like 3 girls in it? And that the most wealthy streamers are guys right? Sodapoppin makes over 160 K a year.



Why not just use MFC? jesus christ this is pathetic

I don't even care what they do, after AGDQ 2015 I swore never to watch another GDQ outside of like maybe 1-2 runners I like, and so far it seems like they never got better.

I watched some hearthstone streamer have a seizure during a stream

Still fun. I like satire.

What happened to that Nip who accidentally burned his house?

What would the Manulife Financial Corp do? The stocks are down 2.86% right now.

I don't think I ever heard from a non-sellout streamer say that the GDQs from the last few years were good outside of just hanging out with their friends.

Male streamers have an audience because they are either good at video games or are genuinely entertaining as gamers. Claiming their money comes from memes is just stupid.

But yes, most big streamers are guys because *shock* manipulating men sexually doesn't earn you a following. These women are just praying on the small percentage of lonely guys who want their attention.

>What would the Manulife Financial Corp do? The stocks are down 2.86% right now.
Jesus fucking Christ user

You could say that about any profession. Males are more successful because they put more work into shit. Sodapoppin has been streaming for years, he does 24 hour streams once a week and rarely streams less than 8 hours a day. Out of the top 100 streamers you have 75 guys that streamed 60 hours a week, 20 guys that had a large enough YouTube following to transition to the more profitable Twitch, and five girls that came to the party years after everyone else but became famous instantly because of their bodies.

saw some guy on tinychat slit his arms and throat.I thought he had a rope around his neck but it was really blood.

Then he stopped streaming, so who knows what happened to him.

He lost his house but was fine

You like satire that you can understand. Go watch a social experiment (TROLLING GONE WRONG!).

Same, Lothar is a cool Russian guy.

I used to watch them for fun, then I watched them for a couple streamers, now I watch a few just for the drama and to shitpost on /srg/
I'm addicted to those sweet sweet (You)s.

>genuinely entertaining

Have you watched these people? They are some of the most fake, insufferably shitters I ever seen.

That was confirmed to be a different fire

As much as I like /srg/ and the speedrunners who post there, it can be super annoying when you ask serious speedrunning questions and you just get shitposted at, but what can you do.

Not all of them. There's a significant percentage that have a cult following because they echo their opinions so well.