Dragon Quest

How would you personally rate each of the Dragon Quest games?

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I've only played 4, 5, 6, and 8.

Of those:
5 > 4 > 8 > 6


havent played 7

Debora > Nera > Bianca

Prove me wrong.

only played 1-5


Only completed 1 and 2

2 strove to improve on many things like multiple party members and enemy encounters, a bigger world, more scripted events, but bit off more than it could chew thus throwing things like tile searches and shit like Rhone at you. Better music than 1 though.

I still can't decide what version of 3 I want to play. SFC looks beautiful, but at the same time I do like the GBC aesthetics and I'd have it better access to it on the go to play in my down time at work.

Give me Nera or give me nothing.

>5 that low

>actually liking those whores
>not marrying your childhood friend who actually loves you
>letting your childhood friend get cucked

7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else. I have never had an RPG last me as long as that game. Never got tired of it, either.

I played 1-4 when I was a kid so I love them more than 5.
it's personal rating after all

Just ask for faces, it seems to get people to comment better.

1 = 5/10
2 = 4/10
3 = 7/10
4 = 9/10
5 = 8/10
6 = 5/10
7 = 9/10
8 = 10/10
9 = 7/10

DQM 1&2 = 7/10
DQH = 6/10
Rocket Slime = 7/10

VIII > III = IV = V > I = II > VII > VI = IX

DQVII will probably be higher after I play the remake.


3, 5, and 8 are decent.
1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 are garbage.
I regret wasting time on this series.

All of them are good.
I, II and VII are great.
III, IV, V and VIII are godly.

As someone who only played ix, what makes some of the earlier ones, like iv and v great? I'm always looking for new lengthy RPGs.

Which version of 5 is the best? What are the main differences between them?

Plot and characters. V especially is great and it spans the protagonist's entire life from child to adulthood.

there's both PS2 version and DS version
PS2 version has 3d graphics and orchestra ost
DS version has best girl and is portable

For me, the flow of the game ends up being the most important. Games like III, IV, V and VIII are so well designed, you don't even think about it. At least I didn't. While a game like II, VI and VII, you hit random difficulty spikes and have to stop and level. Not really bad, but keeps the game from being on the top of my list.

And Dragon Quest III is still the only class/job based game I have played where I didn't have to stop and grind somewhere. While also not being a pushover.

>Which version of 5 is the best?
Depends on opinion. I think the DS one is the best.

>What are the main differences between them?
PS2 has orchestrated music and a full 3D engine. DS has the 3D engine with 2D sprites and textures, an extra girl to marry, extra end game content, a few extra monsters to recruit, a few extra items and faster combat.

Didn't the DS version add a lot of extra party dialogue as well?

Probably. I honestly don't remember if the PS2 game even had party chat. Or I just forgot to use it.

Am I the only one who really liked 6? Job system was cool, I liked the story was more a series of vignettes, Dual world meant more stuff to explore, the twists in the Murdaw arc was a great opening section, and the Dread Realm was a great final level

It did but its so slow it's not worth using unless you're stuck.

VI would have been better if that fortuneteller lady could point you to your next location better

most of the find yourself arc was going around aimlessly unless you had a walkthrough

I agree navigation was a bigger problem, but that's also been present in all the other games too

in other games you only had one big world to explore
in VI you had 2 equally big worlds and with parallel version towns

VI was still a good game. Just didn't have the things I liked in other DQ games. It felt like they threw too many roadblocks and modes of transport at you, stifling your exploration. The ability to go underwater really only had one point in the plot and otherwise led to two very well hidden extra areas. The characters were also not as developed or interesting as past games.

I still played the game twice. But I enjoyed it more the second time when I knew where to go. Which is a bad sign for a DQ game.

I really like dq, and played 4,5,8,9 but I never picked up 6 because it gets shit compared to the other dq games, but I guess it's a decent game still? Are there any references from 6 in Yuusha Yoshihiko

>but I guess it's a decent game still?
Yes. Even the 'worst' DQ game is still well above average for an RPG.

>Are there any references from 6 in Yuusha Yoshihiko
Not that I can remember. Except the girl I guess kind of has a personality like Barbara. Yoshihiko just uses general references to the series like monster appearances or spells. Except the main character obviously looking like the hero in DQV. But I didn't even notice anything specific about DQV. The most direct reference I noticed was the whole episode focused on changing classes and the 'TeenIdol' class from DQVI and VII.

if you want to watch a show with a bunch of direct DQ references, that would be Hanamaru Youchien. Since SquareEnix was a direct sponsor and producer for the show.

Yeah, I was thinking of the school, as they kind of hard it in 9(i think? Haven't played it since release), also thought it might have been from 3. Apropos 3,how lobby does it take to clear that ? I'm afraid I've been spoiled by the newer games. Thanks for the tip, I'll check out hanamaru

I only just played them last year, so I've only played them once, but:

- I (SFC): Alright. Nothing special now, and even for the time it came out it wasn't great when compared to CRPGs I imagine, but it was an alright for an early entry in console RPGs I guess. Would probably like it more now that I've played the other games.
- II (SFC): Better than the first in ways, but it was also a bit of a pain in the ass for reasons everyone already knows. Fuck Rhondarkia. One of my least liked of the series, but it's still good in ways too. I don't really hate any of the games.
- III (SFC): Really good. It's what got me into the series.
- IV (PSX): Also really good. I ended up liking the chapter system despite not expecting to.
- V (PS2): Another really good one. Being able to recruit monsters was cool, but not the method in which you have to recruit them. Would like to play the DS version for Debora at some point, but I don't know, I'll really miss the PS2 version's music.
- VI (DS): Really bored me. Had some food ideas, but it felt like a slog.
- VII (3DS): Really goddamn long, but it was also good. Surprisingly it didn't really feel dragged out.
- VIII (3DS): Really good. Enjoyed the world and the characters. Debating on playing the PS2 version eventually, but graphics and censorship aside, it'll be a step back in many ways.
- IX (DS, of course): Kinda bored me at times. Not sure why it's so highly rated. It's okay, but nothing really special.

Overall, really good games, I'm glad I finally played through them. Looking forward to XI, don't care about X because I'm not into MMOs.

>Kinda bored me at times. Not sure why it's so highly rated. It's okay, but nothing really special.
Just like DQVIII, it was the first DQ game for many people in the west.

1: 6/10
2: 5/10
3: 10/10
4: 9/10
5: 10/10
6: 7/10
7: 7/10
8: 8/10
9: 7/10

I - Simple, grindy, but charming. Its age is very obvious - it's like playing one of the early Ultima games or something. 7/10.
II - Better than the first in many ways, but very flawed. Grind required to finish the game is a little ridiculous. Plot-relevant items being hidden on unmarked tiles is unforgivable. Still enjoyed it, 6/10.
III - Adored it from beginning to end, what a fucking masterpiece. Completes the initial trilogy incredibly well. 10/10
IV - Expected to like it and honestly was underwhelmed. I think the chapter system is what really brought it down for me, to be honest. Still had fun with it, but was a big step down from 3. 7/10
V - D E B O R A H
Tons of fun. Heartwarming story. Great music. What a lovely game, everyone should play it. 10/10

Haven't played the rest, plan to eventually.

I can't play the DS games the accents kill it for me every fucking time.

VI was the first game where the mechanics came apart at the seams without requiring you to do shit like grind casinos/rare monsters for several hours. The job system looks like an improvement over III's class system, but in reality it allowed you to pull off some insanely abusive combos with no downsides - if you wanted to have your fighters/warriors throwing out heals in DQ3 to ease up your need to buy herbs, it took major investment. That's not the case in DQ6.

>IV worse than 1 and 2
You explained but I still don't understand.

Honestly, I think the translation is a big part of why I didn't like it as much as 1 or 2.
The dialogue was often so dry in comparison to the SFC fan translations, and the terrible forced accents sucked a lot of fun out of things.
Also, apparently party chat is about half the game's dialogue, and the DS version just doesn't have it because fuck Americans right?

I also couldn't stand starting over from level 1 at the beginning of each chapter.

1 is okay I can respect it for histroical reason at least.

2 is the only DQ game I don't really like.

3 was way better then both and still one of my games in the series.

4 was alright. I liked the chapter system.

5 is pretty good and is also one of my other favorite DQ games.

6 is okay too probably gets the least love from people.

7 is..7. I look forward to the 3DS remake.

8 is really good not a favorite but still.


There's a lot of things I can say about the DS localization of IV. That it's shit, for example, but "dry" is a word I'd never use.

Apparently the party chat was cut out because they wasted too much time making up accents and other shit like researching names so they could change character names, so they didn't have enough time to translate and accentize them.

I just know that Jessica ranks high on the "muh dick" scale

are the fool class worth using

In DQ3? Only if you wanna take the hard route to get a sage that that way.

The clown class in DQ3 is the only class in the game that can upgrade to Sage without the use of a sage book. Clowns are not useful by themselves though.

Here's another hot tip: Personality affects stat growth, and Sexy is by far the best one.

The game is pretty easy in the beginning. Putting one goofoff/fool in your party isn't going to make it that hard. I nfact, I had an easier time with one in my party instead of a mage, since a goofoff still does resonable physical damage. Its basically like have a Priest in your team that doesn't have healing spells.

Then you get to change classes 1/3 through the game, make them a sage and you're on easy street.

Bianca best girl.

I am about to start a playthrough of Dragon Warrior I-III for GBC.
Are there any tips i need to know so that I don't fuck myself over in any of these games?

I've only really played VIII so I'm not familiar with these earlier ones.

That she is.

Play the SNES remakes because they have larger resolution than the game boy color versions. Which helps exploring, especially in DQ2. Also, there is a quest in DQ2 which requires using the world leaf. And if you don't have the world leaf at the time that the quest appears, you can break the game. So once you get the world leaf, always keep it until after that quest is finished.

That's about it. Just play the games blind and have fun.


What makes her so best?c

What makes her so breast you ask?

Her pretty smile and beautiful figure.

I never played any Dragon Quest, but what I know is that for some reason, Japanese artist LOVE to make the girl on the left cheat on her husband, most of the time with a giant horse-man.

Don't know why.


even Horii hates what Kon has done and plans on removing horseman on next remake

but please explain.

Elaborate please

ok, so
Bianca is one of the possible brides in the game
Kon is that humanoid horse
Kon kidnaps your bride so he can lure you to his trap
doujin artists interpreted this so that Kon raped your wife to pass time, why is it only Bianca, I don't really know

You'd be a fool to turn her down.

Yes, what makes her so breast?

I know.

Very good genetics.

I see. Still, I've seen TONS of doujins depicting that specific part.

I wonder why.

I don't really understand the appeal of Dragon Quest.

Every game for me is just, "Alright."

japs love NTR for some damn reason

MC must have had the time of his life on his wedding night.

Oh. Yes he did.

I don't know why but this is my favorite picture of her

It's what makes her the perfect wife for mothering your children.

She has the tomboy charm and smoking hot body of Deborah, but with the sweet dere personality of Flora. She's basically the best of both girls in one character. Only thing that would make her better is if she was a brunette instead of blonde.

I want to play dq8. should i just play the ps2 copy i have, wait for the 3ds version or emulate it?

I will always envy him.
My thoughts exactly. Perfect woman will produce perfect children.

The monsters in the DQ games have the most personality of any monsters in an gaming series. Let's put it this way. As iconic as a Gooma is in Mario, they still don't have the charm and development of a slime in Dragon Quest games.

So doujin authors love taking these enemies, which have a lot of development and personality, and making bestiality porn of them. It would be paramount to having a game focused on ancient greece, and the Minotaur boss you fight was on equal footing to Theseus and Minos.

He had such a good time, he was able to impregnate Bianca so hard, she gave birth a week later.


And perfect breasts to have milk sucked from to have them grow up in perfect health.

He put a delayed baby in there when he was a kid

With twins none the less.

Up to you. If you can wait, wait. The 3DS version has worse graphics and some outfits of Jessica's are censored (plus a few other things involving tits and legs, as well as a couple things not related to sexual things), but it's really small, and all the other extra stuff makes it worth it.

let's not kid ourselves, this board also loves it

I like erinn

We're getting a release date for VII next week...right?

Probably because doujins started doing that stuff when Bianca was really the only choice.


She never was though

Ha ha ha..Maybe.


The new girl in Dragon Quest XI looks and acts a lot like her. I want to see more of her. I hope she's a companion character and not just someone in the starting town.

She basically was. Flora in the original was extremely underdeveloped, existing almost as a trap for them to make the player feel guilty for wanting quick riches.

got a pic

where is this from?

mosnster battle victory, I think

Watch the reveal trailer here:


>that crazy fluid animation for a 3DS game

I don't remember Dragon Quest IX looking like that.

Wow, that looks great.

I wonder what will be different between the 2 versions

that's not DQ9

best version to play dq 3?
i heard a lot this game have one of the best videogame endings ever