Reggie just arrived at E3

Reggie just arrived at E3.

>tfw he's alone

Other urls found in this thread:

>don't make me go Zelda on you
>shows Link's weapons

>Investors when they hear yakuza-chan is pretty much ignoring E3 and traditional gaming to focus 100% on mobile shit in the future

I mean Nintendo gives no shit at all about this E3. Wii U has like three games to fill nine months between now and the NX (Nintendo-branded phone) launch. Just last year they may not have sprung for a live presentation, but still did a direct stream and revived the NWC, now they don't care.

Looks like he's about to cry

Gaming. Gaming has changed.

>no more triforce

miyamoto's next

If he's alone, who took the picture?

Wipe this industry from the face of the earth


Don't get why Kimishima is so shy. The dude worked at NOA for years so should speak better english than Iwata could.

Does it make sense for it to be a phone? Why would anyone buy a Nintendo phone? Normies will just buy a Samsung/Apple phone. The only people who would buy a Nintendo phone are the same type of people die-hard enough to buy a Wii U.

hold me lads I dont know what to feel right now




A new Triforce will take its place
So far Kimishima is the Triforce of Power

Uh, you get to bring friends.

My problem with mobile games is battery life. I kind of need my phone to not die by the time I get home if I'm out for 6-8 hours at a time. I also don't want to have to carry a charger with me.

No more memes for Reggie until he gets his shit together as far as I'm concerned.



He's pretty
I wouldn't mind cuddling with him

But how will he make a good presentation without any developers that show off the great games coming to the WiiU.

>great games coming to the WiiU

I'll admit, I find that depressing.

Poor Reggie
He got his body ready for no one

To be fair that's just because Kotaku met him there, Miyamoto might be there, since they're not really at E3 this year for the whole company there's no reason for big man to be there, the only thing on the show floor is a massive zelda Demo so Miyamoto and/or Aonuma would make the most sense.

I wish this retard and the rest of NoA got executed and fired.

That fake smile trying to hide his sadness.

He's not alone. Shouldn't Iwata be with him already?

spotted the salty pedo

has eyes are a bit red.

did he cry?

Ashleyfag please

I used to have/wear that shirt when I was in my early teens.
just thought I'd share that

>we'll never see his smile and optimism again
Where did it all go so wrong, Sup Forums?

the industry got taken over by dudebros and there's no place for anything but CoD/sport machines now

i never thought of it that way

So glad hes dead. He cannot keep nintendo a zombie anymore. It can only die now.


"Don't make me guarantee Zelda on your mobile"

Fuck off Reggie. You and your dank memes were the symbol of the downfall of Nintendo.

"Don't make me gag Zelda on your cock"

>Where did it all go so wrong, Sup Forums?
You faggots got mad at the last E3 and Iwata died of the magnitude of disappointment he recived

>President of NOA
>probably can buy all sorts of cool Nintendo shirts.
>wears one that you can get from Walmart

am I still a Nintoddler if I kept my N3DS strictly for Pokemon games?


"Don't make me gape Zelda on Youtube"

please no



I really hope that is is all an elaborate ruse and they really have some great stuff planned for E3.

Like they're just saying that all they have is the new Zelda because they know that's enough to get people interested, but then they surprise everyone with a cool showing of just what the hell they're doing for the next year.

you can't post that picture without the song

Zelda is the only thing PLAYABLE ON THE FLOOR at E3. The Treehouse stream is showing off more titles.

End me.

Stop... I didn't come here for feels.

Not gonna happen. Nintendo are way too conservative.

Don't expect anything more, because you'll just be disappointed. This is Nintendo.



what did he mean by this
enough sad, lets dance


I came into this thread for memes and jokes like "reggie is not alone, reggie is the entire party"

not for pain

no one in this picture died though.

Me on the left

Probably because Iwata was always more of a game developer than a business man even after he became president. That what made him so special compare to other Japanese pres.

Nintendo was better when it was run by the Yakuza

Does anybody have that picture of Yakuza Kimishima flanked by Reggie, Bill and other Nintendo higher-ups, and they're all decked out in fancy fur coats and stuff, looking like an entourage straight out of a crime movie?

Gangster Kimishima always makes me laugh.



The Digital Event is only Zelda. The Treehouse streams will have footage of various known upcoming 3DS games, Rio Olympics, and #FE.

Expect nothing else.

Will Tak be there?

How are you?

why do you remind me?

user, they'll meet again, but when this time will happen, then we will never be able to meet them over again...

I'm alright.

Hang the fuck on.

Is the E3 tomorrow or Tuesday?



Prediction: beth confrence will announce doom single player DLC totaling 20 extra hours and will act like episodes in the original doom


why did you give me this sad

I would buy a Nintendo phone.

God I just want Nintendo to be good again.

he probably doesn't consider himself to be a good face for a western conference

That was a cool old dude.

>grey hairs
Literally JUSTed himself, I guess the stress of running Nintendo into the ground is getting to him

this is gonna be my second e3 with Sup Forums
is it always as hectic as it was last year?
>tfw I completely forgot about e3 since then, until today


E3 technically starts on Tuesday.

But the events begin on Sunday beginning with Bethesda, and Monday is when all the big companies reveal their press events to the world.

After that it's all public access.

lurk for 3 more years, E3 is christmas and penis inspection day rolled into one


He's 55. If he wasn't at least a little grey I'd have accused him of dying it.


Maybe they'll all be reincarnated in some future timeline and find each other again.

You made me feel and cry


DELWTE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He wasn't grey at all last E3

and not at the one before that