Without crying about censorship, does anyone know why this flopped so hard in Japan? Looking at gameplay videos it seems very similar to Persona in terms of gameplay and presentation. I know it's not the SMT x FE we all wanted but it seems decent enough.
Without crying about censorship, does anyone know why this flopped so hard in Japan...
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it was on wii u
it's shit, plain and simple
There's no SMT and there's no FE
people don't give a shit when persona is coming out soon
because it's idol shit
most idolshit fanbase are on PS and they only care about idolmaster, lovelive, etc.
Wii U has no large install base for RPG fans
The game was censored in Japan too
A towel in the special edition was also changed because of censorship
Combine them all and you should know the outcome
It's a shit game released on a shit system for a target demographic that doesn't own said shit system. It is not hard to realize why it failed.
Is fault of the first teaser, the gave everyone the idea of that would be a PxZ with FE and SMT, when it was revealed that wasn't the case, people felt betrayed.
Why is flopped in Japan?
>On console
>Lite version of Persona's battle system
>Pretty much the entire game is Persona Lite
>Very little to do with Fire Emblem
>Lots of unrewarding grind
>IDOL IDOL IDOLS LOOK IDOLS shit dying down in Japan
It's the worst kind of kitsch. You can tell just by looking at the designs, the models, everything. The story is probably total garbage.
>The game was censored in Japan too
>A towel in the special edition was also changed because of censorship
Since when is sex censored in Japan?
>shit game on shit console
>platform with a small install base, in a market that prefers handhelds anyway
>initial reveal/marketing alienated the SMT and FE fanbases
>launched the day after Christmas, a time when many people have little in the way of disposable income
>idolfags were busy spending their money on the Love Live movie, which launched on BD like a week beforehand (and with it a bunch of merchandise)
>Idols dying down in Japan
That part isn't true
>Without crying about censorship,
buttmad nintenbabby spotted
Idols have become CoD in Japan, basically only specific "big" idol things that are established will sell. If you try to make an idol rip off show or game it won't sell.
Because the Japanese were just as bewildered as us that this is what a SMTxFE crossover turned out to be.
How do they keep getting away with this?
Censored even in Japan.
A pure version of this game doesn't exist, at best, only one with the least amount of damage done to it.
AKB and Momokuro almost dying
Nogizaka and Babymetal are only relevant now.
They aren't Nintendo's got one foot in the fucking grave.
>Make an SMTxFE game
>Everyone thought it was gonna be some GOAT shit
>garbage anime shit with idols
>battle system is awful
It's nice to see a bad game sell bad.
That's always been the case, though. People talk about it as this huge trend, but iDOLM@STER, Love Live, and Aikatsu are the only ones that people actually give a shit about. Granted, those three are all stupidly successful, but Atlus/Nintendo should've looked at all the copycats that flopped before deciding to retool an unrelated project in the hopes of getting a piece of that pie.
Because you don't stop them. Someone is still buying this garbage. Who knows who.
It's just not fucking fair bros
>It could of been a SRPG about raising demons and heroes to take back the world of man from the angels and demons alike.
>Instead it was some Persona-ish idol shit
just why
>covering her armpits
Now they've gone too far.
>battle system is awful
not really
it's better than P4 or SJ
That's not a high bar
>all those paper toads
i don't know why i laughed
Maybe if Tsubasa wasn't so lewd...
>wasn't censored
>wasn't meme'd
>wasn't off-turning weeb idolshit
>wasn't on Wii U
>voice cast not literally who anime dub VAs but western animation VAs
>was before the 3DS was widespread cracked open
>new IP which is what people wanted
>>>still flopped
Yeah because those battle systems were good huh?
it's good for atlus game
because it was shit.
>K O W A S H I T A I
#FE is a masterclass on getting absolutely no-one to buy your game. Normies won't buy it, the diehard fans of the franchises hate it, even the fanservice people are pissed off at it. Who could possibly love this abortion? Only the most oblivious and obnoxious surface level weeb-lite will purchase this thing. It's a complete insult.
it's not idolmaster, and you can't even have a relationship
Why won't you understand!!! Nintendo only hurts you because it loves you. Why won't you fucking understand!!!
Nintendo was never serious about a crossover game, from the start they just wanted Atlus to make a Fire Emblem game. Announcing it as SMT x FE was a mistake; it should have been FE x Atlus.
Everyone who bought it said it straight up wasn't fun
This, and I'm a smt, idol loving weeb and I still hate this shit.
Because the SMT name that was attached to it originally held it back.
If they dropped atlus from the project it would have sold.
Drones are stupid enough to buy it to support Nintendo.
Actually, I bet this shit does better than expected. People will buy it because of the ATLUS name and the shitty CE and then defend the changes, saying they made the game better.
If they dropped Atlus there would be no game as it was developed and designed by them.
The only reason I'm even considering buying this game is as an investment. Poor selling nintendo-published games have a habit of always being able to recoup their value a decade after the fact.
Funny thing
They were actually going to make it more of a traditional setting before two people, one ATLUS and one Nintendo personale, gave the idea about doing it on the entertainment industry
The problem?
They went overboard, getting an idol producing company to do the music and songs which pretty much was a chain for the game and limited it on what it could do with the characters.
>Since when is sex censored in Japan?
>it was on wii u
Because Atlus decided to develop it
Weird. I bought and loved it. Never say that stupid statement ever again retard.
If I wanted an idolshit or RPG game I'd pick one of the many that existed
Name 1 (ONE) game
>seems very similar to Persona in terms of gameplay and presentation
>and presentation
Not with those C-team tier animations, no it doesn't.
> but it seems decent enough.
Who cares? StarOcean5, OdinSphere, GrandKingdom all release this month, all of which are better games. SO5 is at least more entertaining with its cheesy presentation, not the accidentally-bad "we did our best and this is the result" type that #FE has.
It eventually sold through its initial shipment and was well-received by most who played it
But it's on Wii U and burned two of the target audiences with the initial pitch not what was done
>It's nice to see a bad game sell bad.
and yet garbage games like Watch Dogs 2 still sell 10 million
Xenoblade X sold more than it
That is saying something since Takahashi games are usually only bought by die hard fans.
>>voice cast not literally who anime dub VAs but western animation VAs
As if that's any better. They had that faggot Wil Wheaton ffs
Pretty much this. They wanted to cash in on the Idol craze since Lovelive and IdolMaster are extremely popular over there. Turns out most of those fanboys buy those games on their PS Vita or their Cell phone.
Reminder that NoA had the Jap VA's re-record some lines to be accurate with the censored english dialogue.
>since Lovelive and IdolMaster are extremely popular over there
>love live
yes it's fucking huge
nah m8
It had a smaller shipment in the first place, being a spin-off anyways.
i did, shitty xcom or valkyria chronicles
fuck off
Because the gameplay system is just demon coop which is stupid as fuck.
Point is, they tried to cash in on the Idol game craze and it backfired in their faces
It didn't even do that very well. Not very many grills, and you can't do much with them outside of just having them in your party.
It's the look of an idol game, without much of the appeal. Which leaves it nowhere.
Probably because it's total trash
No squids.
>was well-received by most who played it
No it wasn't you delusional faggot.
The nips shitted on it and fags here don't like it either.
yeah, it's a failed RPG and failed idol game.
If they want to sell idolfags seriously, they should've add 50+ girls and remove guys except MC.
Reminder that this game is fantastic
I want to shoot whoever did that texture work.
Its fucking awful.
>bastardize fe and persona into idol shit
>japan doesn't give a fuck because it's watered down idolshit and watered down purse owner
>censor it in the west, killing the only appeal idolshit would have for a market that might MIGHT be more receptive to it since we're not as saturated in an attempt to appeal to... someone?
they're so delusionally out of touch with their censorshit obsession it's looped around from sad to hilarious. how much longer till bill and reggie are forced to commit harakiri by their nip overlords for how badly they run shit over here
I hate this game's 3D models are fucking ugly
So, are these ratings fake?
Literaly porn is censored in Japan
Don't look at the ratings
Look at the price cuts
only dumb nintendrones put reviews
it's circle jerking
niche game fanbase tend to overrate their niche shit
Every single fucking game that isn't overtly broken garbage is at least 4 stars
>announce a crossover between Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem
>has very little to do with both of them
How do you go from a game like Nocturne where one of the endings is becoming Lucifer's greatest general and waging war on God to a game about fucking idolshit?
At least #FE's translation effort didn't detract too much from Final
It's not SMT. I don't just mean it looks nothing like SMT, the crossover idea Nintendo announced was dropped. It's a Fire Emblem spinoff.
Didn't its concerts (the only part that actually matters thanks to idols) do well?
Good question. All reports seem to say the gameplay is actually really good. And japs love them idols so I don't really see why it's not doing at least as well as persona.
Isn't the wiiu doing alright in japan?
Dragon Quest IX certainly wasn't, amazon was bombarded with one star reviews.
If they had gone all out with a comprehensive dating system it could've picked up the slack, especially since a lot of the advertising was almost entirely focused on the characters.
Face it, nobody's buying Persona for the "gameplay."
I do like the idea of support missions but really it just feels like a cocktease to that segment of the fanbase which has become very lucrative.
They should've also done more gameplay trailers.
Me, personally I just like the designs and soundtrack.
That said, console title like this is more likely to do better in the west, as console JRPGs and idol-themed RPGs tend to do, for whatever bizarre reason.
Not even a spinoff
It's a basterization of one or two FE concepts and some bizarre fanart of old characters
Yeah, that's pretty much what might be keeping them in the black is that all the merchandise and shit is doing well. Kind of like how the Pikmin theme song sold better than the game.
Because those characters are not their idol?
>Face it, nobody's buying Persona for the "gameplay."
I do
>Face it, nobody's buying Persona for the "gameplay."
Why not? It may be a watered-down Press Turn system (though P5 looks to be adding some cool additions), but Press Turn is awesome.
Dunno, how do you go from Nocturne to Shin Megami Tensei: We EO Killer now
You might find this video enlightening.
Why don't they just put her in a sack, for fuck sake.