>Tfw in the 2020s, the new generation of Sup Forumsirgins will be nostalgic for people like pewdiepie and markiplier.
>There will be pewdiepie nostalgia threads. Let that sink in...
>Tfw in the 2020s, the new generation of Sup Forumsirgins will be nostalgic for people like pewdiepie and markiplier.
>There will be pewdiepie nostalgia threads. Let that sink in...
Other urls found in this thread:
"Remember one or two years ago...when memes were good?"
>kids will construct entire sentences using twitch chat emoticons
>this will be socially acceptable
We've been saying that for years, memes are a constant race to the bottom and they get worse every time.
>the 2020s are less than 4 years away. let that sink in...
I couldn't care less about what people became nostalgic about.
This, this will be a fucking travesty.
Rage comics, the original "meme" has the occasional odd panel that's funny, almost all memes nowadays are shit though, except baneposting.
>Heh, remember that time Pewdiepie went "AUGHBLAAAAAAAAA IM A FAGGOT BLAAAAUGH!!!"
>Heh, yeah only 2010 kids will remember that"
Here you go
>all memes are shit except the one I like
already happened with halo there was a red vs blue thread on here not too long ago so I'd say I'm used to it at this point
>Another eceleb thread
Not sure if serious
I like to think Sup Forums will die during the 2020's so I can finally escape.
You're a big guy, huh?
eCeleb may have been the starter post, but you could contribute towards the actual thread subject to make it less about him.
Fuck off underage twat.
>e-cucks nostalgia threads
That makes me want to heroism right now
New generation will be reddit bound faggots. The real Sup Forums dies with us.
The only good memes are those that evolve from people coming together about a topic and have context.. Such as baneposting. Shit that just comes out of the blue for the sole purpose of being a meme are shit.
For example the normalfag memes like dat boi.
And i'll still remember when he streamed for Sup Forums first
>tfw none of the normies remember advice dog and how forced it was
>tfw they honestly thought advice animals are fun maymays
>tfw people think memes are just images with white impact font with black borders.
Yeah and I'm sure the people who were older than me in the 90's probably hated everything I liked and scoffed at the idea of me being nostalgic about it.
This is a never ending cycle. So why even care that people like what you don't?
Why are you speaking in future tense?
I still find it incredible that it's been over a decade since 2005
I wish people stopped calling all jokes and running gags as "memes"
Finally. someone get's it.
>I wish people stopped calling memes memes.
>This is a never ending cycle. So why even care that people like what you don't?
Because it actually is a geniune downward spiral with each generation.
I wish I would spend more time reading books instead of playing games.
I am 24 years old. I will be 28 years old in 2020.
I already plan to waste all the money I have on hookers and then kill myself.
Sup Forums can go to hell by then for all I care
I miss grafics cat
I'm ready for 2020
Then do it wuss. Take a week off from electronics. It's a great feeling if you're into books.
>Because it actually is a geniune downward spiral with each generation
Fuck off gramps
Go be nostalgic about all your shitty stuff that you only miss because you miss being a kid
who'll be president in 2020?
A woman. I guarantee it.
Who's this we?
Let me school some of neo-Sup Forums on some pointless Sup Forums history because I'm a fucking faggot.
memes were a rare breed on Sup Forums, they were pretty much the embodiment of Sup Forums and Sup Forumsirgins didn't want to be known for being Sup Forums2.0
Of course though, with all the anons these days you can't expect old values to uphold so let the memes come through.
There's a reason why you can't get doubles on Sup Forums
Seananners would probably be the only one, and his little motley crew of fools
Want nothing to do with "Pewds" or Markipliers insane ass.
24 here too bro. I wonder if the same underage-b& people that were on Sup Forums back in 2007 (I was 15) are still here. I feel like we're on the older side of the posters here :(
I'm afraid that this retard will move into the movie industry, make some cheap retarded horror movies based on videogames and people will cum over his work which will be crap.
As a future film director that wants to make some movies based on videogames, I absolutely despise this retard.
See, kiddo, you're the problem.
In the 2010's, there'll be entire posts consisting of nothing but pointless greentexting.