Start skyrim

>start skyrim
>go to riverrun
>get a mission to go to the jarl
>try to kill him
>he's immortal

>play morrowind
>go to balmora
>assigned to kill some rats
>after 20 hits I finally hit one

>play oblivion
>comfy setting without 100% snow or jungle
>balanced gameplay
>perfect story with great characters

>oblivion has the most menacing antagonist that's a literal god
>skyrim has a dragon that dies to some ghosts
>morrowind has some ash nigger

Why is the middle game always the best one Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

oh look it's this thread again

can't wait for morrowmiss shills

>thinly veiled morrowind bait thread that will inevitably attract the morrowind combat webm

I just saved us 500 responses. Let this thread fucking die.

Oblivion is my favourite but fuck off r*tard

how much does bethesda pay you?

I hate every single last one of you and long for the day when we are all dead.

>>skyrim has a dragon that dies to some ghosts
Skyrim has a fragment of Akatosh, who is part of Lorkhan, who is killed by another avatar of Lorkhan.

Thanks for censoring. That would have triggered my frogposting.

I am now a #Morrowmissle

how much does moot pay you to shitpost?

Stop making this thread faggot. Oblivion is objectively shit and the worst game in the series.

Yeah they paid him to say he likes the 4th game in the series the best

hello shills, go back to playing with your dragons and ash niggers pls

>tfw oblivion was the best in the series
>tfw skyrim remaster is about to be announced
>tfw you will likely never see an oblivion remaster

>start oblivion
>go to Chorrol
>try to kill head of priory
>he's immortal
>everyone in a 5 cell radius has seen and reported your crime
>run into the middle of the forest to escape
>guard suddenly appears out of nowhere running a lightspeed

Oblivion is literally the worst of the three. Bait elsewhere.

Post yfw oblivion fags get btfo

Dagon's a shit, and nowhere near as menacing as Dagoth Ur and his underground conspiracy or mer driven to the point of psychotic madness by the poison song.

>Gets upset when certain characters can't be killed
>forgets any character with a crown symbol is immortal.



They need to unlock their full potential.

I'd make another TES game and make fans work for it.
>Make an even more moddable engine
>Very basic on itself, but once you look at the code you see it has plenty of placeholders for animations, regions, mechanics... you name it.
>Import Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim quests and characters so that players
>Make it so you can easily delete, modify or add quests.
>Nothing is forced, pretty much everything can be changed and chiselled into perfection
>Add a comfy mapmaker like Bannerlord did.

I'd pay 100$ for a game like this.

I like oblivion too, but why do you post this thread every day? All that's going to do is make Sup Forums hate it more in retaliation

Fuck off Morroweenie your game is outdated unplayable trash.

morrowkids out pls

Obvious bait. I love Oblivion more than any of the other games, but Morrowind is unique as fuck and Skyrim can become a 10/10 vampire/bounty hunter/hunter/Conanthebarbarian simulator

These threads are shit and they only start shit. If you want a good thread make one that actually fishes for mods.

Fuck off.

>start oblivion
>go through the tutorial dungeon
>get a mission to seek Jauffre
>try to kill him
>he's immortal

>play oblivion
>level up non combat skills and advance to level 20
>assigned to kill wilderness beasts
>they have one gorillion health versus my 16 damage longsword

This would be great.

Since Oblivion and Skyrim came out we realised Devs are limited in manpower, creativity and budget.

So instead if you provide the right tools for everyone to add stuff and reduce crashes to the minimum you can highly complex mechanics in every single aspect with quality graphics.

How do I know that will happen? Skyrim has a fucking mod that makes beast run away from torches at night, then slowly get closer and closer as they get used to the fire until they finally attack. That's one 10/10 feature and just one of the mods out there.
In Oblivion you can have 3 other provinces + the whole of Morrowind and its quests thanks to modders. Just imagine how big and interesting everything would get with the right mods, with so many regions and quests and actual fun.

Problem is that it would take some years

RPG Maker for WRPGs. Excellent.

Oblivion had the best side quests desu

Loved me some Shivering Isles.

You don't even need to go there. Even the vanilla game has a lot of interesting side quests.

Yeah I wasn't even talking about SI, although that was a GOAT expansion. And not just the side quests but the factions quests as well, specifically the Dark Brotherhood.

Oblivion was objectively the worst of the three. It had Morrowind's skill system, but without the stuff that made it fun. Skyrim's system was an improvement, despite its flaws.

The only thing Oblivion did well was having a few good quests and expansion. Otherwise it was a complete turd.

What a fucking nerd.

>but without the stuff that made it fun

nah. even though the levelling system is broken, the quest writing, dungeon traps, enemy progression, and epic mage battles were far superior to skyrim. skyrim actually has a worse level progression than oblivion. the enemies stay the same and just get more hp, every character build becomes OP by level 20. really levels 1-10/15 are the only parts of skyrim that are worth a shit.

>Why is the middle game always the best one Sup Forums?

You're right, Daggerfall was the best of the trilogy.

fuck off nigger

oblivion has the worst dungeons and level scaling in evry game I've seen

can't wait for your next copypasta thread oblivifag

The problem with oblivion's dungeons I think comes more from the memory limitations of the time. Higher quality assets coupled with the fact that they didn't use occlusion culling until fo3 meant they had some real constraints with the size and how much clutter could be put in.

>balanced gameplay

I remember the level scaling in this game being all out of whack.

oh hey it's this thread again. cool.

almost as interesting as the everyday morrowind shill thread. you cucks sure keep yourselves busy.

The oblivion portal things were boring as fuck though.

>tfw just started Shivering Isles
>tfw I have wanted to play it for years but just never got around to it
These feels

Would probably be very doable of Bethesda opened up the Creation Engine to the public. It's incredible at fast iterative development.

Hopefully the next game doesnt tell you where the thieves guild is.

Nothing pissed me off in skyrim more than that. It gave you a fucking waypoint iirc.

This shit kinda makes me wonder whether some sound variation would be possible.

Although if this engine was ever made I'd keep the speeches text and the grunts and emotions voiced and with plenty of variation.
Kinda like that early access game, Exanima did.

At least the dungeons didn't have secret paths that conveniently led right back to the entrance. In Oblivion you actually had to navigate throughout the dungeon and could even lose your way in them.

I have Skyrim but I have played Oblivion (not finished) on console. Do I play though Skyrim's base game and yoho or buy the DLC during the summer sale or get Oblivion during the summer sale.

cheese for everyone XD

>and could even lose your way in them

Maybe if you have some major brain damage. Then again, you like Oblivion so that's probably the case.

If you're debating over whether to buy Oblivion or Skyrim, buy Oblivion.

I'm not saying Oblivion had god tier dungeons or anything, Morrowind had pretty good ones too. I'm just saying how shit the "dungeons" in Skyrim are.

It's Bethesda shills preparing for a big reveal at E3. There are 10 TES threads up at all times now.

Say what you will about fallout 3, but you can kill pretty much anyone who isn't a major plot point. Between that and a few other things like toning down the character creator, it feels like every new bethesda game has less freedom than the last.
Hell i literally stumbled into the VR vault with your dad in FO3 by accident and skipped the part of the quest were you have to find that out.

Git gud