Why is it that most games die off so quickly these days?

Why is it that most games die off so quickly these days?

They come out, sell insanely well and a couple of months later nobody gives a shit about them.

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Because of shill marketing leading to a surge in players through false advertising, then all the charm wares off and they realize its shit.

Either the players get bored with it or something else new comes out. I don't play a game constantly personally, I do more of a rotation through my library.

because the thrill of getting a new game is quickly eroded away as you try to unlock basic shit

>tfw you bought a multiplayer game in the 00's and knew you would be playing it for years

This. Generic AAA trash is designed to only sell for 2 weeks.

too many entertainment choices now. everyone has ADHD

Assuming you aren't trolling.

The average consumer is an idiot with terrible taste. They buy into pre-orders, DLC and anything the promos tell them is cool to have.

But even a moron won't have fun with a game that simply isn't good. They will on the other hand, keep going back for seconds no matter how many times they're tricked out of their money.

Normally, I wouldn't care about idiots losing their money but the amount these fools put into the industry tells big companies what they do is 'ok'. And that means we get more shit games.

And that's not fair.

normies don't actually play games . and their playtime per week is alsmost unnoticeable

>Ubishit marketing leads to loads of sales
>Typical shit Ubisoft game leads to players leaving

Mindnumbing how faggots fall for it every time

People who actually care about videogames don't play these games. They are made for the lowest denominator scum, people who pick up dinner from Taco Bell and drop the last game they played after investing 5 hours at most to make way for the next full price AAA shitstain

It's a very competitive market

what's 93% of 1000 players?

Because games really have gotten worse and marketing has gotten a lot better to compensate

Shit gameplay?

Splatoon is just passed a year and is pretty active



>don't include engaging endgame
>surprised when people stop playing

what did you expect?

They don't have features that give it any longevity. Why else are CoD and Ass Cree instalments released annually?

It's weird. Devs have lowered everyone's standards, but people have slowly realised this and become less susceptible to marketing. As a result, devs now just go apeshit with marketing. They blow normies out the water with E3 reveals and build insane levels of hype. The games of course have no substance, but it doesn't matter. People will have figured out the game is a piece of shit around March-ish (allowing for people who receive games as Xmas gifts), but then, just a few months later...


It will never end.

A game does not have to be good to get amazing marketing.

People bought into the hype plus it's not profitable to keep updating a turd when you can hype the next year's release.
Why do you think Ubisoft shits a new game every year that's very similar to one they made previously and is falsely advertised.

Consumers are retarded and buy into the hype.

Players are different from before, a large amount of people will flock to the game at launch, then after some time that number will decrease, mostly because the people that stop playing it just don't care about it enough, have lives, and are normies. The people who do stay are dedicated to the game, but sometimes are not appreciated, and developers will often alienate their more loyal fanbase to pander to a larger crowd, whom will turn their backs on the game in the short term.

Until developers and producers understand that they have unrealistic expectations regarding the number of players, things will continue as they are.

This all applies to multiplayer games, of course.

Same here. I feel good for enjoying games that have been released 5 or more years ago, while some people spend all their money of the latest AAA games and only play them for 2 weeks.

10 buy game
20 get tricked
30 ubishit hype machine kicks into gear for next yearly turd
40 well maybe this time it will be different r-right?
50 goto 10

How many multiplayer-only-shooters am I supposed to be spending time with, honestly. It's not that these games "die", it's that it's utterly unrealistic to expect all of them to be "alive" at the same time. Devs saw TF2 do good and then suddenly there's a thousand games which expect to become the next millions-of-players-online-at-all-times allstar hits. And then people talk of them as "dead" when honestly, you wouldn't consider MGS5 "dead" because it doesn't have much people play it nowadays. You buy a game, you play it, you got your 30 hours out of it, and that's that. And unless everyone decides to waste thousands of hours on a game, it's dead? Bullshit. This whole multiplayer-only games with a focus on a strong online community is misguided as hell. That's not the experience all that many people are looking for, and the ones that are have already found their game and won't just "swap" from one day to the next.

>tfw when niche multiplayer games from the 00´s still have more players active than new games do

Games have always "Died off quickly", though. The only difference is, back when single player games were prioritized, it didn't matter so much.

Consumer buying habits haven't changed. The dev's approach to gameplay has.

>Games have always "Died off quickly", though.
Doom is still going strong after 22 and a half years

Doom 4 will be lucky if it is being played next year.

Warcraft 3 is making a comeback. A lot of people are playing again and the game breaks 10k viewers on twitch regularly.

because they're bad why else?

meanwhile Dota 2 and now OW will never die
maybe you should think about why that is rather than wondering why these diamond dozen games that only manage to stay on life support thanks to underhanded marketing tactics are dying off

>Games have always "Died off quickly", though.

only if you're memester who actually believes game age. people still playing bf42, ut99, quake, deus ex, wolf-et, deus ex, etc.

Good thing to, I was getting lonely on the war3arena ladder

Most games are shit nowadays. Good games retain players for years after their release.

This is what big publishers want. Everyone to waste $60 on the first week, buy the DLC and then got bored so they can churn out the "next big thing" and start the cycle over again.

>OW will never die
The game is less than a month old. Same shit was said about Rainbow Six Siege, possibly Evolve too. Only way a multiplayer-only game lives long is if it's competitive (Look at CS:GO, LoL and Dota 2). Overwatch is the opposite of competitive. It has low tick rate and ultimates. Saying OW will never die is just retarded.

I don't know if
>going strong
is the term I'd use.

And even then, Doom is the exception that proves the rule. It's one game out of hundreds that came out in 1993. People only care about the original Doom now because of it's lighting-in-a-bottle impact on the cultural zeitgeist, which is something the new Doom couldn't lay claim to, even if it was made by God himself.

Similar thing is happening with Brood War. The last season on ICC was the biggest since 2010.

>going strong
>handful of modders that create .wads and the turbonerds that follow said custom mods

Doom 4 will probably have the same amount of people playing it in a year as Doom has right now.


The normalfag bubble is real and devs know about it but they don't care.

I'll take "What is Unreal Tournament 2k4 for 500, Bob"

because the Division is a bad game

no endgame, to which the devs replied in the most insulting way possible to the few people who were actually trying to push their characters as much as possible

to add insult to injury, they never banned cheaters who ran rampant from like week 2 on PC, added more inane bullshit to slow legit players from progressing

final nail in the coffin they announced 'bans' without warning for cheaters... a few days ago

too late

Lots of people played them when they came out
Less people play them now.

Just because people still play them doesn't make that statement any less true.

I gaurantee you there will still be die-hard fanboys still playing The Division in ten years, or however long until they shut down the servers, whichever comes first. Won't make it any more relevant then.

How's Battleborn doing?

This. Companies have mastered the hype game to the point where people start believing they simply "need this game in their lives", then they realize the game they got and the ideal they were sold aren't even remotely similar and they lose interest.

The damnest thing is that people can actually get fooled time after time, even by a specific company, and the hype game still prevails and gets them to fork over cash, it's fairly odd to be honest.

I'm also convinced this is why season passes became a thing, the adaption rate for expansions and general post-release content is actually fairly low, even for solid games, only about 1/10th of so seems to buy into an expansion that arrives down the line and everyone else seems to be content to just have experienced the main game and then put it on the shelf, so companies decided to simply sell the expansion, the post-release content, while the hype game was strong and the interest was at its highest and it seems to work pretty well.

ask the division's players

hint they disappeared

One generation learn, the other falls for it.

When we finally got old and jaded enough to read between the lines, other 10 just left puberty and jump in to replace us as braindead consumers.

Because they are shit driven only due hype.

Games like The Division, Evolve, Destiny were complete shit, but had huge amount of hype and marketing.

People jump in, pay 60 dollars, then realize the game is shit but cant do nothing but let it die.

The current AAA scene is closer than Con artists than game devs.

I'd love to see wildlands sales be abysmal compared because of the shit games they've released recently, but because of marketing it'll end up suffering the same fate as the division.

its pretty funny to see how many people seem to agree AAA games are mostly shit on this thread, while I'm sure many of you bought either Uncharted 4, Overwatch, or both

I mean yeah sure OW will die eventually but it will be a long time before that happens and by that time they'll have OW2 in the pipeline ready to go

OW is gradually becoming Blizzard's preeminent game
everybody knows WoW has been slowly bleeding out for a while now
Hearthstone has made some waves admittedly but its still a card game which is a bit too niche
OW can probably overtake it within at least a years time I figure
the games got nowhere to go but up

It doesn't mean that some of them still aren't good at being what they are

Yeah but you can also bet your ass I turn down 90% of the AAA shit that comes out every year. I'm gonna buy the new Deus Ex, bought OW, but I don't see much else on the horizon i'm even interested in besides Civ VI which I wouldn't really say is AAA

>mfw I bought QIII and UT99 in 2000 and play it to this day

Nu-gamers' brains are just wired differently. Also Neo-games simply suck shitdick and are flawed by design.

Games marketed at casuals get casual players, casual players don't play games very long.

>The damnest thing is that people can actually get fooled time after time

They aren't getting fooled
You're either keeping up with the trend or people move on without you. People don't like being left behind. Now you know

People are delusional and completelly driven by herd mentality

I refuse to accept that anyone would defend the division after the open beta.

>PVP completelly broken
>No enemy / mission diversity
>Boring map and setting
>Blatant mobile game tier "restore your base from 0 to 100%
>Zero promises of endgame.

People were delusional saying "ubisoft will fix it, balance DZ, make it fun. to go Rogue"

How long would it take for someone who has never played an RTS to git gud at BW?

imo it's not gonna last long...the game gets old fast, ESPECIALLY in solo queue, and it's not that interesting to watch either...its gonna be like hots

In regards to the Division it was an insanely addicting and decently entertaining game that just did not get properly taken care of by the development team which in turn caused a mass exodus.

Because no demo or trial version is there. If ppl knew how shit games are they wont buy them.
Publishers have it to easy. Can realese shit and still have the money.

because theres a NEW BIGGEST THING EVAR every 60 days

They have almost nothing going for them these days.

>the games got nowhere to go but up
Pretty much what everyone hooked says about every flavour of the month.
But then that's the joy of anonimity, you can be wrong and don't have to worry about getting called out later for making the same mistake again and again.

I mean what was the last FotM that really held on to any good numbers and remained relevant? Splatoon?

>get super hyped about Splinter Cell Blacklist and the return of Mercs vs Spies
>mp is dead by the time I get it

>normies buy into the marketing
>realize it's a shit an empty game copy pasta after 2 hours

This is all avoided by waiting for games that interest you to go on sale.

Because they suck ass. Only games I have played regularly this gen are tlou factions and ESO (ik) which is a far cry from last gen.

Like 500-1000 hours of play/learning to go from D rank to C- and not be a complete shitter who loses to everything. In SC2 people need 10-15k games on average to make it to Grand Masters, which is roughly the skill equivalent of being ranked B- in BW. To get to A+ I'd say maybe 30-50k games.

>being surprised that a game is shit when 90% of its whole budget went to marketing and the remaining 10% is spent on graphics
>buying western games

You only have yourself to blame desu

Big companies only care about sales around release time. Ubisoft is probably pretty happy that they sold a shit load of copies but now don't have to pay for the servers to support a million players.

People fall for hype marketing but then the game itself is actually shit.
Every time.

Haven't most gamers already played like 3 billion hours of MMO shooters? To me they all just seem like map packs for the same game at this point.

The same is kind of true for a lot of games, but at least others have enough new features and a story to keep me going. And I don't need to sink 30 hours into getting good at a single player game to finish it.

For me things like Battlefield and TF2 kept me coming back because there was always something new to try. A lot of online shooters just ask you to run around on a race track trying to kill each other again and again.

I'm more curious about what it is that keeps people playing games like WoW and LoL. I quit the first after a year or two and the second after 3 weeks.

I always fall victim to the Ubisoft hype, and everytime I buy one of their games, I'm disappointed and 60 dollars poorer. I think I've given up on them honestly. Unless Michel Ancel pops out another gem, I'm done with those manipulative French fucks.

They're designed to. That is how the publisher optimizes money gain. Get everyone to buy it day 1 and then get bored a few months later in time to buy a new game

People have learned two big things about sustainability in games.

1. The ability to improve.
Game like MoBAs, RTS, competitive shooters, that have been dominating the sustained market are all games you grind out for a year and constantly improve at. You keep coming back to it because you can play the same content over and over without it just being old content like an MMO or Spectacle Fighter.

2. Unlockable content.
As much as you hate micro-transactions and time-gated content, the ability to reward your playerbase with time spent is huge. Giving incentives to come do your dailies and keep playing is a billion times more effective than trying to keep hype by just being "fun".

The problem is that the average person can't have too many of these games that require this much commitment, so they'll have a main one and cycle through the Flavor of the Month as a secondary.

Time and money invested. If you spend tons of dosh on something and spend ages to git gud you're unlikely to quit.

Never played any of the Uncharted games, and Overwatch didn't strike my fancy.

The whole point of marketing nowadays is to bait people in, no matter the costs (literally) - even if the game will be shallow, because most of the budget went into advertising.

Investors don't give a shit if your game sells 10 million copies over a year.
They'd rather have it sell 2 million copies in 2 months, even if it means rushing the game out and cutting content.

Oh shit seriously? I probably spent more time on BW than any other game.

I wouldnt go that far. Investors are happy with GTA5 and Skyrim, stuff which sells big at launch and keeps selling

They got BattleBored

>Uncharted 4
I don't own a console, because I'd rather buy a GTX 1070/1080.

I'm not paying 40€ for a F2P-type game, just because Blizzard.

For Honor could be the last game I get from them.

Check out this, bro:


shill marketing is just a buzzword and doesn't mean anything at this point
this fag is right.

right?? Indie games are the future!

>because I'd rather buy a GTX 1070/1080.
Why? All the best pc exclusives run well on ancient gpus

Watch injustice 2 will do this. Despite looking like shit tonnes of threads will be here daily.Then after a month no one will talk about it

>you don't like generic AAA shit?
>you must like generic indie shit!

I have a GTX 780. I can't run Witcher 3 with Nvidia Gameworks stuff on if I want 60 fps. Same thing with Ark: Survival Evoled (even though I'm pretty sure it's because it's in Early Access) - can't play it on maximum details. Oh and I'm not "VR ready", whatever the fuck that means, since there aren't any good games for the thing yet.

right?? Japanese games 4 ever bro!!

The thing is:
Why is it expected that you still play a game that you've finished?

gee what reason could you ever have for continuing to play a multiplayer game

If you hate Japanese games I think you're on the wrong website.


Sometimes, I feel like games are designed badly on purpose. But then I think, maybe the people in charge are just really stupid. I don't know.

AVP 2010. I really wanted that game. It was one of the first 5 games ever to use DX11, and I'm a huge AVP fan. But what happened? They fucked up multiplayer, and it took several months to fix it. But by that time, it was being priced at like $5 and given away with graphics cards. It was a flop.

AVP2000 was a great multiplayer game. The devs don't realize that, and so they shipped some single player game with broken multiplayer, and the whole thing died. There are very few populated servers, and the whole ranking system was shit.

It's happened to countless games. They just think 'oh we can shit out a multiplayer client in 1 week and it will be fine', and then they wonder why their playerbase shrinks. Then the investors probably blame piracy for poor sales and that's why companies like Ubisoft put their prices so high and put so much DRM in their games.

Anti-consumerism being too prevalent, and people who have no interest in video games working in the industry. Too many yes men, not enough people speaking out. It's all about money now. They don't care if you have fun, they just pretend to care.

Yeah, I buy an MP game and that means I'll have to play it until the end of times and not whenever I feel like it.
Also The Division is not a multiplayer game.
It's Singleplayer with Coop and PVP modes.