Last played game

>last played game
>most recent dream

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Total War: Warhammer
I don't remember my most recent dream, but I do remember being trapped on a ratty spacecraft somewhere in the 2120s in deep space without any fuel or any way to contact someone.

Ray Man 2

I saw Spike from Ape Escape walking around trying to catch some apes only to accidently fall into me and then i took off his pants and it revealed him to have such a nice ass and feminine legs, which led to me fuck him in the ass.

Super PKMN Dungeon
Dunno, but I remember exploring some SM64 level while lucid dreaming.

WWE 2k14
I saw Chris Jericho and Zhou yu trying to restrain a baby from moving on my yard, they didn't let him move. It seems they were trying to get the baby aroused thru violence and the dicks were getting hard. I stormed the place and rescued the baby, who transformed into a small hungry African, sized like a grenade. Then I brought him to a warmer place, and it said thanks


I dreamt that my dog who died 7 years ago was actually not dead, he had just been forgotten in my closet until I happened to find him when looking for something and apart from being pretty hungry and a bit shaky he seemed just fine and I was very happy he was alive.

Dark Souls
I had a dream I was playing some weird as hell combination of Jagged Alliance 2, Yoshi's Story, Worms, and 100% Orange Juice.

I don't remember which was my most recent, but either
>Beating a woman to death while the surrounding room constantly changed(yes I know it sounds edgy, cuz it is)
>On a spaceship fighting Bill Gates
>Eventually beat him, opening his big ol vault of gold and money
>Pocket as much gold as I possibly can
>See a table with a gaming computer on it
>Try and still it
>Space ship crashes on earth, I lose all my shit
>Wake up in the parking lot of my campus, and am met with Ryuko and Gamagori from KLK
I know, I don't get it either

>tfw always see people brag about people having dreams of their waifus when all of my dreams are just 2deep4u walking simulators
Its not fair.

>Ace Combat 2

>dream about sitting on a chair loading a revolver

nothing wrong with that

Half-Life 2

You aren't going to get any actual real dream descriptions Mado, they're too personal

Nuclear throne
I can't really remember, I can only remember I was betrayed twice


I had a dream where I was drinking and I broke my front teeth (which I have broken three times already) on a beer bottle.

>Had to play some game where you had to play as this robot and killed people that looked like your family members
it was fucking stupid

>Fallout 4
I don't remember exactly what happened but there was something around my house I don't know what it was I think it was bug like in nature
I opened my safe and grabbed a 10ga double barrel shotgun (which I don't have) and alucards .454 casull pistol from Hellsing ultimate (...I have no fucking clue)
Then I went outside to fight it
And that's as far as I can remember

Yume Nishi.
I dreamt that my dog died.

best girl

>Super Smash Bros. Melee
>I was waiting for the right time to tranq my gf but she was always really suspicious about it.
Probably was cause I was playing MGSV before I went to sleep. Also weird because I never dream or fantasise about my gf.

Planet Robobot
I dreamt that I guided my mother's soul into the afterlife with some video game gizmo, I'm not quite sure what

>Fallout: New Vegas

>Driving peugeot 106
>Having a car crash
>peugeot basically got squashed and car roof got tear off
>Doing some sick barrel rolls
>Car stopped on trees
>completely fucked

Dark Souls 2

I had one of those dreams where everything's good until you make a conscious effort to move. Suddenly walking is incredibly sluggish and attempting to run makes you fall on your face. It's not so bad because you can just glide over the ground anyway, but it's still really frustrating to be unable to move.

Cave Story
>in a completely white house
>step outside
>single pathway leading straight to a beach
>theres a controller on the path leading to it
>menu logo appears from thin air for some sort of new spyro game
>look beyond that a bit
>there the fucker was, sitting on a beach chair
>only one thing to do
>grab controller
>about to press start
>hear someone yelling at at me
>it's spyro
>tells me to come over to him
>do so
>"hey, I know your pretty egar to get to playing this, but hear me out. Instead of going on some butt-fucking crazy adventure to save the world only to have every single tiny error criticized by a bunch of faggots, what do you say we just sit here and relax?"
>pulls up another beach chair
>motions me to sit
>do so, we start talking
>spend hours talking with this guy
>sun sets
>he tells me I can spend the night at his place
>nice little beach house on top of a small hill
>dim lit interior, lot's of red furniture
>step in his bedroom
>ask him if he wants me to sleep on the floor
>hear him lock the door
>"that won't be necessary"
>charges me straight into the fucking wall
>unable to push him away
>tell him I'm not going to fuck him, call him a gay faggot
>"well, we'll just have to fix that then"
>pulls out some pinkish bottle of liquid
>drinks it down in one go
>few moment's later he's now a she
>get's down on all fours, her ass right in my face
>says "come on big boy, you know you need to" in a sing-song voice
>eventually subdue to her
>start fucking her as hard as i can
>get into this furious sex
>goes on for hours
>can't hold it any longer
>shut my eyes tight and scream at the top of my lungs as I cum inside her
>eventually open my eyes
>entire room is completely white, drenched in my own semen
>look down at her, wanting to give her another kiss
>it's not her
>it's my fucking pet snake
>we just stare at each other for a solid 10 miniutes
>wake up in a cold sweat
>look over at my cage
>my snake is staring me right in the face

Diablo 3
hot lesbian sex

>last played game
>most recent dream
I want to run a fish and chip shop

Magical Vacation.

Dreamt about UFO's, as usual.

Uncharted 4
Ben Affleck headbutting my ex then I tried fight him and he said "you don't want to do this" thats all I remember but i know it was more

Dragons crown

Had to fight drug dealers only to find out john lovitz was corrupt too. I thought i could trust him at least

Might be best thing I read today

>Euro Truck Simulator 2

>A dream of my wife back when she was still alive

Long story short I passed out at school wake up to everyone murdered, escape alive while hearing spooky stuff for whatever fucking reason find a gun and go back, find a survivor, as we near the exit big scary mouth monster slams through a wall and kills us


holy shit

he knows

Thankfully my waifu is from a 2deep4u walking simulator.

Dragon Quest Heroes

a fairground with penises everywhere. I went on the rollercoaster and my penis came off in my hand

Fallout: New Vegas. I guess all the NV threads lately have sparked my will to try and finish all the damn DLCs for that game in one playthrough. House Always Wins baby, Independence fags can suck my House's mummified willy.

>Regularly suffer from EHS ( since nine months ago
>Afraid to dream
>Nightmares are pretty much an assured trigger

Thankfully I'm not a heavy sleeper so I don't dream that often. Last night was pretty bad since I became lucid in a nightmare, nothing worse than not only experiencing the fear of a nightmare but also knowing you'll wake up to excruciating noise. Lost a good three hours of sleep.

Is .flow the best Yume Nikki fangame?

>Dota 2

nothing, i havent been able to dream since i was 9... whenever i fall asleep, its just pitch black for like 5 minutes then i wake up satisfied from sleep

send help

Dragon Warrior

I had a dream I was at a hospital out in the sticks, and all the friends I came eith were leaving and I was worried I couldn't get a ride home.

Vector Thrust
I couldn't remember this girls name and I forgot the rest

Surfed in csgo
I can't remember the last time I dreamed. I know I did when I was a child but I can't remember dreaming in the last 3 years at least.

I don't know how to dream.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

It's certainly the most well polished. Even 2kki feels a little slapdash at times in comparison.
Sabi is also the only tsuki I'd say comes close to rivaling Mado herself as best girl.

resident evil 5
marcy darcy suddenly starts making out with me while i have a mouth full of chocolate chip cookies

Dead by Daylight

I had a dream that I had shot these two angel women with a crossbow in a boss fight, and then they merged together into one big lion monster thing that scurried all around the room. The room being extremely dark except a candle in the middle of the table. It was a big room, but it seemed small cause everything was decorated to scale--like being a regular sized person in a bedroom for a giant, y'know? On the same table was a lever, and whenever the monster would scurry to the floor, it had to be pulled. Pulling the lever would have a guillotine effect where a massive blade would shoot out of where the baseboards were. Everything in the room would get chopped down at about the ankle, including the chairs, the table, the bed, the monster, everything. The lever had to be pulled three times in order to get the monster dead.

Once the monster died there was this weird, smooth pixel animation of the two women (who spoke like valley girls?) saying goodbye to each other and getting progressively more sucked into a void in the middle of a black screen.