that feel when you realize this is your first E3 without Iwata
That feel when you realize this is your first E3 without Iwata
the super mario guy??
did he die?
Im glad he died.
Nintendo is in much better now.
Miyamoto cant die soon enough.
It's kinda impressive how fast NoA went to shit once he died.
I mean admittedly a lot of those things were in motion already before his death but still.
>Nintendo is in much better now.
Its not better at all.
NX is going to be another gimmicky shit console.
>no Alison Rapp in the Treehouse Event
I finally understand.
thank xenu that finally happened
Who cares about some jap in a suit?
>Im glad he died.
i kno right?? haha ebin edgy post!
Nintendo has repeatedly said "it will be a new way to play video games". They said the same shit with the Wii and WiiU
It was conceived during Iwata's tenure. Ergo, it'll be a gimmick console.
Once the NX is kill and its time to replace it, that's when we'll see what Kimishima really wants to do with the company. NX is a transition console.
He was a great president when it comes to the Wii and the DS.
Besides those, it's all the good he's done as president. I respect him and his work, but he's nowhere near as incredible as Hiroshi Yamauchi was.
Not just Nintendo.
It's like the entire videogame industry is lost without his guidance.
You mean the guy who literally wanted and let Sony cuck them out of the market?
>Wii and DS
From a business angle, maybe. But Wii was just a reskinned Gamecube with less games making Nintendo irrelevant that gen, and DS scared away lots of devs to the PSP by being too strange.
I don't think so. The Wii was Nintendo's best selling console, and are still bought and sold very much even today. Not just that, it opened w games to many generations, not just the young adult/teen/kid market.
>Nintendo is in much better now.
the increase of censorship is a direct result of his departure and the old enemies taking back their power in the company.