Who do you want
Who will be in combat packs
im confirming noob saibot will make an appreance
Who do you want
Who will be in combat packs
im confirming noob saibot will make an appreance
Blue beetle.
Plastic Man
Black Manta
i want young justice cast
probably gonna have atleast 1 mk character in a pack , guest characters would be from lesser know comics ??
Please not too many Batman characters
Beast Boy would be neat, but I doubt it'll ever happen since it's all armor based
Also where is the reveal happening?
Netherrealm's Twitch
Scarecrow would be nice, otherwise the atom?
only want joker , killer croc , that mud guy
Scarecrow would be a fantastic addition. Imagine all the shit you could do with mindgames if they tackled him right.
The Blue and the Gold.
Power Rangers cofirmed
Booster would be perfect for banter intros
30 seconds
Boon looks like his soul is dead
Link for stream?
injustass 2: scrubs and frauds resumed
game is still shit
netherrealm on twitch
my nigga made it
He's a stage hazzard
Scare crow would be forced to have one of those Input mixing attacks so people can't perform their shit correctly.
looks completely ok at best
when you include the fact that its a loot based fighting game its complete shit
>Beast Boy
>Blue Beetle
>Booster Gold
>Plastic Man
>Mirror Master
New characters:
>Gorilla Grodd
>Bulky AF Green lantern villain with red ring beam
>Black Manta
>New ults for old characters
Looks pretty fun, basically seems like a a straight up sequel with no bullshit to make it too different besides the loot shit.
Manta is just a stage transition character
Game looks gorgeous. So much color compared to the washed out look of the first game. I'm hoping the game ain't too casual, though.
>No health bars
Game over man
No fucking Blue beetle?
>Bulky AF Green lantern villain with red ring beam
He's alright.
We don't know all the new characters yet, those were the only ones shown in the gameplay video.
Also the Green Lantern villain is Atrocitus.
Booster Gold =)
This guy doesn't ever really seem angry. He looks quite happy
Mfw i fount out the point of that character is being underrated
Is there any evidence of a Battle Frontier-like thing in Pokemon Sun and Moon?
I was waiting years for a remake of Ruby & Sapphire with BF and it didn't have it.
Doctor fate mutha fuckas
You do know they didn't add a Battle Frontier because casuals wouldn't appreciate it?
>this is a hot western designed girl
theres a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean that looks like high rises. I would hope after the outrage from the 3rd gen remakes gamefreak would do shit this time
They were hyping it for the Sinnoh remakes
So I guess to add to the list, the playable characters are possibly
>The Flash
>Wonder Woman
>Gorilla Grodd
>Harley Quinn
>Black Manta
>Doctor Fate
>Captain Cold
Watch that be half the fucking roster right there.
Yes i hope you dont have a problem with that
That isn't her final form
is that Orion's helmet on the top center?
black adam
killer frost
Grundy (we already have 3 big bad guys assuming bane is back)
Nightwing (Damian) into robin with Tanya's moveset
Catwoman into cheetah
Mr Freeze, not that captain faggot shit
blue beetle
Dr Fate
vandal savage
booster gold
Emiko Queen or Artemis
plastic man
Star Sapphire
Black Canary
Vixen or beast boy
Nah, it's clearly batman's cowl. You can see it in the trailer when they flash the symbols at the beginning.
Manta too big for injustice
Bamham most likely
There will be one Watchmen chracter in the base game (unlockable)
Another will be DLC
the model looks fine
the fighting is poor
For you. Bane when?
The only Watchmen characters I can see being added are either Rorschach, Doctor Manhattan, Night Owl, or Ozymandias. The Comedian and his daughter are a maybe.
I'm more concerned that Superman looks fat and from a distance Atrocitus has a doofy looking face.
Aren't they trying to reboot the DC universe again to add the Watchmen into the fold?
it's probably early models
better than their last try
Boob window Power girl or no buy
But if the last injustice is anything to go by... the female models will look absolutely disgusting.
Am I the only one who thought of this the moment I saw Supergirl?
cassie was ruff at first calm down
This. I'm expecting some kind of improvement nearing release
> 0:33
For God sake last thing they need to take cues from is the Supergirl show.
Did you even watch the trailer? There no health bars period, dumbass.
Red Tornado did nothing wrong
Wait, why didn't you use one of the Superman/Batman Sun/Moon edits for an Injustice OP?
But will she have SFM Porn?
it's being made already i guarantee
better sun version
eh ,couldnt be bothered