Overwatch maymays

Overwatch maymays




Shit like this is when fanbases reach critical cancer mass


That's my new favorite Genji pic, thanks op

This is my OC Gunji


more like this please











>This thread

so funny






Oh fuck havent seen this one, post the original for those who dont know it.






What's the original?



>for those who dont know it
fuck off




is that proper japanese that he's saying or japglish, it sounds so fucking weeaboo when you read it off, jarring and clunky etc



That's the most accurate summation of how to play Genji I have seen.




Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to this thread.


That's what Hanzo says when he (and is on the other team)



>it just redrawns

I've got some.


It's correct. It's just a weird thing to say. It's approximately "The dragon consumes my/our enemies"



>Whenever someone posts McRee instead of McCree


Why does meme mean funny picture nowadays?





Male Mercy is best Mercy



>the underage little shits of Sup Forums will continue to polute the site with 30 overmeme threads a day



Image macros are called memes since the birth of reddit and them going to facebook.
Normies did this. Taking a picture and slapping some text in it is a meme too now.



Some of these are really fucking bad


is this 9gag

stay mad

> overwatch memes
> its just random overwatch pictures


Inb4 the other one

There should be a version with Torbjorn and Widowmaker, theres a webm of a Torbjorn getting POTG and looking up Widows skirt.


So...Will there ba actual plot or just baiting fucking fanfics and headcanons? Making all the characters and the videos without any campaign, story or at least fucking character bios in the game is really weird.





>copying LoL memes

Holy shit you guys are absolute cancer.
Kill yourselves asap.

t b h i fucking live for overwatch memes

What I like about these D.Vas is the way her headphones keep changing

was that a penis

There is going to be plot, but it's going to be dolled out in a TF2 style, where the plot is only hinted at in game with updates and new characters, while the trailers and comics and such will move the story forward. But instead of how TF2 does it (years between any real change), Overwatch is going to have these kinds of things every month or every season, not sure which.

I'm trying to collect all the overwatch pepes, do you have any more fampai?

What do expect when something has 7 million players?


>7 million players
>sales = players


Not complaining. Just explaining.

Fuck user, didn't expect to actually laugh in this thread. Five stars.

>that single frame of dorito