It's that time of day and we don't have a Sonic 25th/Sonic Adventure 3 thread. What's going on lads?
It's that time of day and we don't have a Sonic 25th/Sonic Adventure 3 thread. What's going on lads?
Not hyping myself up for something that's going to be shit. What's the point?
Because the speculation train and the shitposting that comes with it are 10x more fun than any Sonic game has been since 1994
Okay you aren't wrong.
No, fuck off "leaker".
>Shadow is the face of the second disc of the 25th anniversary music selection
Shadow playable confirmed?
Sonic game with Love Live music when
Can you tell us more about this?
>instrumental of loveless world in a sonic stage
I would cum buckets.
Genesis games + Game Gear games + Sanic CD + Sanic Adventure 1 & 2 + Sanic Shuffle + gallery with an actual Sanic pic.
SA2 remake confirmed
Dumb and fake but I must admit I'd play the tits off of this game. There's plenty of content for them to choose from, too
>Any of the Sonic 1 concept art levels
>Dust Hill Zone
>Hidden Palace
>Wood Zone
>Genocide City
>Sonic CD's R2 ruins/desert
>The entirety of Sonic X-Treme
>Sonic Adventure's Beta Windy Valley
And so on. The odds of SEGA ever acknowledging such cut content is slim as fuck though, we were lucky to get Hidden Palace in Taxman's Sonic 2
Sonic CD 2 when?
Considering how Sonic 4 went, hopefully never
I don't even know what would SA3 be about
Because I only just recently found out that that 25th Anniversary party where they'll be revealing the game won't be until July 22nd. All this time I was sure that it was going to be on JUNE 22nd: the day before Sonic's actual birthday. I'm too angry to be hyped right now.
Eggman releases an ancient evil in the hopes that it'll help him take over and build Eggmanland. Sonic, along with a couple other playable characters have to stop him in an intertwining story that can be played from different perspectives, depending on the character. There will inevitably be one character that everyone hates playing. Then the monster becomes too powerful, betrays Eggman and Sonic has to go Super to stop it. Throw in some Crush 40 tracks and some kickass level designs and you've got yourself Sonic Adventure 3.
What, exactly, would make "Sonic Adventure 3" different from any other potential 3D sonic?
Idk, adventure, adventure 2, heroes, advance 1-3, rush 1-2, unleashed, and generations are a lot better than you give them credit for. Not counting the fact that sonic 1, sonic cd, and sonic 3 suck ass, leaving a grand total of sonic 2 and sonic and knuckles being the only old ones worth playing. Sad!
>sonic 1, sonic cd, and sonic 3 suck ass
I respect your right to an opinion but your opinion happens to be fucking terrible.
>Sonic and Knuckles is good
>Sonic 3 is shit
eggman does something EEEEEVIL
sanic and his bitches go fix shit
cue adventures around the world with more interactive hub worlds and extra playable characters that plays mainly similar to sonic but aren't mandatory to the story.
sega trying to tie a bit more the nonexistant canonand failing miserably
There is no good levels in sonic 1/3 after the first. They are shit. all of them. The only good thing about sonic cd is the aesthetic and dual music tracks. The levels themselves are a clusterfuck of garbage that require you to explore them otherwise the levels are 45 seconds long and the game is done in 25 minutes.
There is no level in sonic 3 thats good after angel island. The only bad levels in sk are sandopolis 2 and death egg.
>sonic 1, sonic cd, and sonic 3 suck ass
I never played Sonic CD, but if you meant Sonic 3 by itself, than yes, you're right. 2 and 3&K is the only Sonic games that have standard quality for themselves. Sonic 1 was a decent start, but got the improvement later on that it needed.
This is what SA1/2 fans think when they talk about them:
Multiple playable characters with different gameplay
Useful spindash
Every story is a different point of view
Crush 40 music
Villain of the week that takes over the plot
Chao Garden
No 2d sections
A true ending
Rank grades
Maybe hub worlds
And some other stuff
>the game is done in 25 minutes
literally every classic Sonic unless you lock-on S3K
No. Not 3K. Just SK. 3 is junk
heard u shittalking my levelfu like i wouldnt find out
Also, it's not a true SA3 without an Emerald shrine and a "servers are the seven Chaos" speech
Sonic power rankings
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic 2
>Sonic CD
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic Advance
>Sonic and Knuckles
>Sonic Advance 3
>Sonic Rush
>Sonic 3
>Sonic Colors
>Sonic 1
>Lost World
Spin off tier
>All Stars Racing
>ASR Transformed
>Superstars Tennis
>Boom 3DS
>Knuckles Chaotix
r8 h8 masturb8
>shitting on Ice cap zone
mother fucker you need to reevaluate you life
Reminder that if Sega makes SA3, the writers are probably going to be Pontac and Graff
Do you really want this?
T-They'll be fired... R-Right?
>tfw theyre never gonna get fired because the overall reception of the writing has gone up amongst every group but fans since they started writing
I don't get it, their work on MadWorld was fantastic, why is their Sonic work so EHHHHHHHH?
>We will never get a Sonic game that has the OVA aesthetic
why even live tbqh lads
Man, i just want something like SA2 again
Say what you will about the contents of the story, but it's the closest we ever got to a 3&K, most of the cutscenes were short, to the point and mostly a justification how you get to a certain level
Lack of freedom and they don't know much about the franchise.
The writers in the Adventure era were more involved in the game creation (the SA2 writer even was involved in the creation of the stages)
>Talking shit on Carnival Night Zone
How can one man be so mislead?
>all that unexplored lore
>what is the meaning of pic related
>why is the land of darkness the ruins of a modern city
We will probably never know
>Colors in 2d section
Good one
>Long ago, the residents of Planet Freedom lived on the surface, but their home city was destroyed by a disaster and the inhabitants were forced away. Finding the mountains of Planet Freedom high enough to reach the planet's atmosphere, the people relocated to the mountains, while the surface became increasingly polluted and dark. In this time, Robotnik took control of a large portion of the destroyed planet, building his city. Because its skies were shrouded by a blanket of smog and the cities were destroyed and decaying, the people of Planet Freedom gave the area its name.
Well, that makes sense.
Time to watch the OVA again. It has been a while.
Its a 2D game
Worse than classicfags, adventurefags, chaofags, boostfags. Are the idiots who call colors their favorite '3D' game when its a 2D game at the end of the day.
>had this ova got more episodes, they could have implemented the chaos emeralds into the plot and stated that the disaster could have been related to its misuse in the past
it fits perfectly
>some Crush 40 tracks
really the only requirement
I guess they could steal db super
sa1=dragon bal
Yeah wow that's fucking random you're probably right
It got Shadow 'cause Jun Senoue supervised this soundtrack and he's a cool guy
What about that "Sonic Compilation" rumor?
What rumor now?
The only time im ever buying a compilation again is if its all major main sonic games. No more of this 1-3 shit. Played them to death and am bored of them
Are you talking about the Humble Bundle?
when is this going up? I want lost world and the racers for cheap
They need to port the games we haven't gotten for PC already. This is squeezing blood from a stone.
>They will never port Shadow The Hedghog to PC or another console
The only thing left thats worthwhile to port is unleashed. And a remaster/modern steam port of heroes.
People speak highly of Colors.
I still need to play it. I guess I could dig out my Gamecube and pay some unreasonable markup for it.
I completely forgot about colors. What a forgettable shitty game that was. I remember being just appalled when people called it the sonic ever in 2010, especially after coming off the heels of unleashed. Anyone who wants to play it can emulate it though
And the Advance trilogy.
And Zero Gravity.
And 06.
>I completely forgot about colors.
I don't know how, the way Sonic Team keeps shoving wisps down our fucking throats.
Advance and ZG seem really random yet possible....those are really low priority id bet. 06 is never leaving 360 and PS3. This is crossing into fantasy territory m8
It was just a super flat game to me. It promised to be only unleashed day levels and a majority of it wasnt even as good as the bonus acts, let alone the main acts. Only remember starlight carnival and the rollercoaster level
Sega can't level design for shit these days. I think their talent keeps getting sniped after every halfway decent game, or something.
That sounds most likely. I miss the 3D heavy games man
A lot of people seem to agree that S3/K is the best Sonic game, but what if I were to tell you that the best Sonic game is actually 2?
Your kind is not new
Yeah, there's also people that think Sonic CD is the best Sonic game.
I live right next to such a person, i can 100% safely say it's all because of nostalgia since he did have a original copy of the PC port for as long as i can remember
I found a copy for Xbox at the game shop, but it ended up glitching out after the first level due to scratches so I had to return it.
Or you could play it on an emulator.
So 25th game will have no presence at E3? We have to wait for SEGA's event?
By the way, does anyone know where to find the ISO of the Game Cube version of Shadow The Hedgehog (J)? I want japanese voices.
It's confirmed that it won't be the focus. The focus will be Fire & Ice.
I could take this as a sign they're doubling down on quality control, but given their track record, seeing is believing, and I ain't seeing.
Sorry, i did manage to find it quite easily on google some time ago but can't find it again
Didn't serve me any purpose though since the gamecube emulation for Shadow was pretty shitty (Don't know how it is nowdays) and stuck with the PS2 version in japanese anyway
>why is the land of darkness the ruins of a modern city
I don't want Adventure 3.
This was the best sonic setting and it was over way too fast.
>The focus will be Fire & Ice.
Yikes. Might as well have no E3 presence whatsoever.
Oh well. I can wait for July I guess.
If you don't want a Sonic game at all, your opinion is pretty irrelevant.
ikr we should get Sonic CD 2 with muh japanese sonic like in this picture amirite
Or maybe one based on the archie comics with my flavor of the month waifus
Or Sonic R 2 because that game was good
S3K > SCD > S2 > S1
>download sonic for 3ds
>load it up
>don't think it will actually SEEE-GAAAA at the beginning
>it do
>start feeling bad knowing sega is now nintendo's bitch
new sega console when?
S3K > Green Hill > S2 > SCD > S1
>Sonic CD 2
>time travel tedium to get to the right "level"
>speed-building cockblocks everywhere
How about just a real Sonic 4?
>sonic 3 and cd above anything else
>adventure, advance 1-3 (and colours, which you didn't mention for some reason)
>adventure 2, heroes, rush 1-2
>unleashed, generations
i don't know about lost world, but from what i've seen it doesn't seem to be bad.
all of the classics are good.
Yeah, just look at this fucking shit game:
How could anyone POSSIBLY enjoy this even remotely?
Only on the condition Sega starts paying attention to its other franchises again.
>it is le bait if i le disagree!
Go to reddit kid, your downvote system that youre trying to force already works perfectly fine there
Well, would you actually say Black Knight is SA3?
Apply yourself.
What did he mean by this?
>i want le "press le button and thats it" le game like le unleashed le day le was le xD le this is what le sonic should be le like not le platforming shit they le forced in le colors