This is Japan's interpretation of one of the Peers of Charlemagne

This is Japan's interpretation of one of the Peers of Charlemagne.

Why is he so feminine?

and this are japanese monster girls

This is Japan's interpretation of Australia.

>This is Japan's interpretation of a French Saint
The saints are best.

This is the Japanese son of Japanese King Arthur

What is the appeal of drawing a girl and calling it a boy?

It's almost as if someone met with the creative team, pointed to one of their background girls and said, "can we make this one a guy?".

Well he was said to be extremely beautiful.


Technically correct, it's also Japan's interpretation of French boarding catholic school students.

>Not metal tiara
Thats the girl Jeanne posesses, not actual Jeanne

fetish appeal

Because the knight he's based off dressed up as a girl to get another knight laid in real life

I want to suck Astolfo's feminine penis

And according to them its entirely possible to be a Paladin and be chaotic neutral at the same time.

what the fuck is this game?

it's eiyuu senki, isn't it?

Was he a pretty girl?

How much of that was lore, and how much of that was mental gymnastics to come up with an excuse to draw a trap?

Thats because he is a historical paladin, not the D&D version.

This is a Lawful Good servant


I assume most things nasu does is mental gymnastics to make a character look like how he/takeuchi wants them to look

>Celtic warriors fought naked and painted themselves blue
>Okay Cu Chulainn gets a blue bodysuit
>King arthur, in some versions, appeared feminine and didn't really like guinevere
>Okay he was actually a girl

and so on

>Cu Chulainn is said to have fierce RED hair
>Has blue hair

>El Drake is actually Queen Elizabeth
>Was recorded as male because "the crew didnt see her as a woman

>Jack The Ripper is a teenage loli with a big ass
At least one Jack

>Okita is female and just happens to look like King Arthur by pure coincidence
>Also Nobunaga is a girl

>Shuten is also a drunk loli

Thomas Edison is a lion

>Kiritsugu is a servant now because reasons
>Nero is a saberface and a didun nuthing
>Julius Caesar is fat
>Romulus wears a speedo and makes the praise the sun pose because Nasu is fucking addicted to Dark Souls
>Angry Manjew is literally a saiyan still shit in combat

There is a lot more forgot

>Jack The Ripper is a teenage loli with a big ass

Yeah, Jack never getting caught and confirmed his identity did some WEIRD things to him whenever you try summoning him, he has two different summons, both incredibly different from each other, while still being in the Assassin class

One of them is

Because nobody knew the identity of jack the ripper, summoning jack will result in strange shit appearing.

Haha the Spanish Armada got beaten by a woman. I don't know about you but if I would've rubbed that in their faces

What's next for Type-Moon?

Tsukihime remake and sequel

At least he isn't blonde with an ahoge.

I'll believe the sequel when I see it in store shelves
Metaphorically speaking,

w-w-w-w-weebcuck detected

off yourself promptly nip luster

>thomas edison is a lion

like it should be

We're getting 3rei next season, so that's something.
Then we get Heaven's Feel
Then they can finally let the series die on a hill of swords.
Who the hell am I kidding? They'll milk this shit til the end of time

This is Jack the Ripper (assassin)
There is another Jack The Ripper (Berseker) who is chill as fuck and can change forms at will

Also Attila the Hun is an autistic brown girl or some sort of Atlantian automaton

The entire nation of Japan came together to design that? That's pretty cool, nice to know a whole country can co-exist and pull of a likeable character design.

>Jeanne was a brown haired peasant woman with short brown hair
>Suddenly now has long blonde hair to the point it can be braid, and a 85 bustline

After Heaven's Feel is probably Apo

Nope. Saber/Saver was supposed to be a guy, but Takeuchi said he likes drawing women in armor, so that's what we got.

I thought it was because they wanted to switch from female protag to male to increase sales and changed Saver to a woman.

>Her wish is to be force her way into her Master's abdomen
what the fuck japan

Could be part of that too. Japan loves that blonde foreign girl shtick, as Tsukihime proved.

Why the fuck does FGO give me so many performance issues? I mean, it can't possibly be a resource intensive game

>>Okita is female and just happens to look like King Arthur by pure coincidence
She's from Koha-Ace and she was made to look like Saber because Takeuchi felt like mocking the fanbase.

>>Also Nobunaga is a girl
Nobu is elder god-tier though.

>>Kiritsugu is a servant now because reasons
It's literally fanservice, in his profile you can read "can only exist in grand order"

Wasn't the body suppose to be Laeticia's body and Jeanne just possesing her?

I fucking wish Fate was still about swords.

I'm starting to hate the Fate series simply because of the mental gymnastics the Japanese go through just for fanservice.

It was, but the catch was Laeticia's body and mind set had to be effective 1:1 for the possession to work, and seeing how we see this depiction of Jeanne everywhere, including Googely Eyes' flashback, its safe to assume that Type-Moon's Jeanne was ALWAYS a busty blonde haired woman with purple/blue/for fuck's sake just pick one of the two goddammit eyes.

I hope that either Nasu or Takeuchi, if possible both, suddenly die.

But I'm fairly sure not even that would lift the curse upon the world that Fateshit is.

Bring back Kara no Kyoukai

It's like she stopped growing from the waist up.

>wanting boring cat-in-human-form girl back

She's fake.

Assassin Jack is basically an amalgamation of unborn fetuses or some shit like that.

The real Jack is in Fate/Strange Fake

It's actually that. They made her a female so that the game could sell as a eroge. Arthur still exists, pic related, he's strong as shit.

Nasu is a literal faggot/woman so he/she wanted to make basically an otome game.

It's terribly optimized

This is Lucius Tiberius fighting Arthur.

>The real Jack is in Fate/Strange Fake
I was under the impresion the Jack in SF is also NOT the real Jack, and thats why he doesn't remember who he was.

He likes maids, not women in armor.

Why do you think Saber is literally Hisui? In fact he was the one that made Nasu write the maids into the story, something like:

>We need maids
>Ok one of the heroines will be a maid
>We need TWO maids

This is a Japanese Blackbeard
TL note: リア充爆発しろ means NORMIES EXPLODE

Damn, she's pretty cute.

>Goddammit stop shoving maids everywhere!

That's only because Shirou was about swords.
Because that was his thing: swords.

>otome Fate
Why would this have been bad again? We'd have had a route where Lancer could've gotten lucky. Plus the fem-protag was cute.



It probably wouldn't, necessarily, but it would sale less, which they need.

Jack the ripper doesn't have an "identity" that's why he doesn't know.


>draw a girl call it a boy

>Red hair


Because takeuchi wanted type moon to actually be successful and as a fairly new company making VNs at that time you had to have a male protagonist fuck some girls

Seems like a real bro would lurk Sup Forums with

if it looks like a girl, then i'm calling it a girl.

This is a Japanese Saint George
they literally have to nerfed him or he will be overpowered
He is also a saint in every single sense of the word and enjoys photography

Was he wrong though?
Leysritt being playable in Unlimited Codes and not Avenger or True Assassin was amusing.

Boys can be cute girls too.

>Why would this have been bad again?
Have you read Prototype? It's basically every servant including Gilgamesh fights over Ayaka the "plain" looking bespectacled girl that has beautiful eyes when she takes her glasses off.

It's literally hunk vs hunk fight for self insert the story.

>Plus the fem-protag was cute.
She's an awful character, the only good Ayaka is in Strange Fake.

We'd have had a route where Lancer could've gotten lucky. Plus the fem-protag was cute.

Disgusting trapshit.

>tfw nasu listens to memes and sasaki is now an official dragonslayer

>Sexualizing the hired help

>the only good Ayaka is in Strange Fake.
Aren't there implications of SF Ayaka being older Manaka?
I hope is true because Manaka without her marysue shit sounds why better

He's great though. And he's still incredibly overpowered, he can one-shot dragons and he can turn people into dragons by believing they are dragons.

Also has unlimited defense as long as people count on him.

He's basically a shonen MC with the power of friendship, except older.

Makes sense.

So I kept holding back on getting onto the F/SN train but I have a lot of free time in my hands now. Where does one even begin with this mess?

This is Enkidu, wild beastman made of clay, and best friend of Gilgamesh

>Aren't there implications of SF Ayaka being older Manaka?
No, why would you think that?


And Shirou didn't end up with a harem himself?
Even managed to bang Rider in F/HA. The only reason he didn't have sex with Caster was because she was too busy being obsessed with Soichiro/Saber or Ilya because LOLNOILYAROUTE.

You could just google it.

There are in fact guides to find and you only have to take the initiative yourself!

>Also has unlimited defense as long as people count on him.
Or they need protection, and he has like 7 or 8 other Noble Phantasm
Then again, Martha punched a dragon into submision

>And Shirou didn't end up with a harem himself?
Shirou ends with 1 girl in every route

>Even managed to bang Rider in F/HA
He didn't and F/HA is a dream made by avenger.

everything type moon has made since unlimited codes was a big fat mistake. the cellphone shit makes me so mad that I have to pretend it doesn't exist just so it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the original material.

Why are the French servants so god-tier?

Mahoyo is good though

F/GO is part of the main timeline alongside SN and HA.
The story nodes are canon.

>you will never get Apocyphra Prototype George as your servant
>you will never have an iron wall of faith to protect you

The main story is, the events are joke non canon stuff

Why not?

Because they are French, French are not allowed to be god-tier anything, except in being annoying to deal with.

What's the difference between red and blue slimes?

The Drake one actually makes sense, considering it's highly likely he was bedding her (and rumor has it she went on some of the voyages herself under his name).

Haven't you played any games?

The red slimes are higher level

This is an edgy poo in loo

Sir Francis Drake: Explorer, Fleet Admiral, Queen Fucker.
Quite a resume

>person on Sup Forums
>playing video games
Good one

This is Japanese Donald Trump

The French have been bulled since forever. I almost feel bad.