Has gamer culture ruined gaming?

Has gamer culture ruined gaming?

you are ruining this board right now




probably hasn't done it any favours

the term 'gamer' didn't really have any sway until the millennial snowflakes went looking for a new identity/clique to be a part of and latched onto the term
and upon realising that games had evolved from blue hedgehogs and plumbers, they decided it was in need of reform and brought along the PC brigade

>Nerds want more people play video games so they don't fee like lonely wastes of meat
>More people enter gamer culture and play games
>Gamers sperg out so hard because games no longer pander to just them
>Labeled as losers and degenerates by society

>Nerds want more people play video games
Stopped reading there. Lieing is wrong.

Net society ruined everything.

>Nerds video games so they don't fee like lonely wastes of meat
>can't fight the pain away so they assume it must be playing games that made them lonely wastes of meat
>More people enter gamer culture and play games
>Gamers sperg out so hard because they have to face reality that games are just entertainment and anyone can enjoy them and they don't effect your life, you do.
>Labeled anyone that isn't them in gaming culture as casuals and degenerates to cope with the failings they have

Boom! There it is.

Has shitty threads made by you ruined Sup Forums?

We were doing fine before it became "in" to be a gamer and a bunch of faggots got involved an shit everything up.

Got another.
>Gamers seeing their glaring flaws stare back at them as if they were looking at a mirror.
>Gamers refuse to change and deem that it's society and "casuals who are the problem.
>Gamers proceed to further ostracize themselves by becoming one of the most foul mouthed, racist, bigoted cultures. They basically become Florida but full of nerds.
>They willingly stay this way.

Anybody who identify themselves strongly with a hobby inevitably ruin that hobby. This is because normal, socially well-adjusted people aren't autistic enough to base their identity over their interests.

This ruined gaming.

Obviously the only way out of this nightmare is to kill all normalfags, right.

I know you're being sarcastic but they are literally the problem with modern games.

OP started the thread, don't be upset when the truth comes out.

You three dollar and fifty cents shortbus beard bitches couldn't kill a fly

I love fat chicks

define 'ruined'
I'm using it to make money tee hee donations accepted you silly boys~

No. Feminists ruined gaming.

Come out from under your rock more often.

If the opposite of more is less then the opposite of moron is lesson. What did you learn op?

>gamer culture
is this the thing where you extrapolate from your own life experiences, user, and then tell everyone else how it do

Big Business will always be responsible for the most damage
>call of duty sells, make your game like call of duty
>kids like the multiplayer these days, jam a multiplayer in there
>this game sold well, but not good enough, we're shutting down the division
>they didn't like the game? Call them a bigot

This, gamers are so problematic, and it has nothing to do with the hundreds of outsiders who came in and immediately demanded that games change for them. It's clearly the gamers that have to change to fit the outsiders.

So progressive!

>More people enter gamer culture and play games
There's the problem. They don't enter and play games, they sit on the sidelines and demand all games change for them. Despite the fact that the most any of them do is play farmville on their phones.

Why do we have to call everything "x Culture" now.
What the fuck does that even mean?
It's not an exclusive thing.

It has for me. That's why I'm only here because e3 is soon.

Kikes ruined it, as usual.

>I'm on a video game board complaining about video games and people that play video games

Games are alright.
>take any activity and slap the world "culture" to it to make it sound important

no, Internet business model did that. It enabled the enablers to enable negative trends like facecam people, thinly veiled gambling schemes ('loot drops') and by being centered around the maxim that

attention = cash

the creative element itself fell out of vogue.

Your sarcasm needs more salt. That aside, you can't deny that gamer culture consists primarily dickish asshole who discourage and despise newcomers.

Why do you fucks have to be so cancerous?


I truly hate the fact that overwatch is the most hyped up and played shit right now because blizz put zero as fuck effort into making it and it's so overpriced with a cash shop. Also hate the fact that normalfags buy into whatever is being HYPED up so much too. Why can't shitties and normalfags git gud and play real games ;__;

I cry