It's yet ANOTHER six enemy Torbjorn's on defense episode

>It's yet ANOTHER six enemy Torbjorn's on defense episode

It's actually fucking stupid how common this is now. It's pure anti-fun for the attackers, and unless you have a team of fiends or people who talk (Nobody talks, literally nobody!) you're completely fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

Was it on volskaya?

It was consecutively on Anubis and Route 66. Although I've seen i now on every nap that isn't KOTH. And while we're on the subject of broken balance; you can also use three Winston's on any KOTH map and win fairly easily.

Balance wise, the whole game is utter trash.

So, none of your team thought to take Lucio, Hanzo, or Widowmaker and fuck that shit up?

>Being useful ever

Widow would be broken if there was a TDM mode, but there isn't. For current modes she's totally useless. Even her wall hack is pointless most of the time, since most of the opposing team is stacked and will kill anybody stupid enough to try anything. Stop pretending you're useful, because you're not.

Every time I see a widow when I'm dead it's some faggot moving from side to side at the back of the map never shooting anything. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

Shh bro your console is showing

>Widow main detected

Protip: You're shit and reason your team loses 80% of the time. The other 20% could win without you even being on the team in the fist place.

Said the shitter being wiped to all-Torbjorn
get better user

Play shitty game get shitty results

Did I touch a nerve? You're shit, m8. You're the opposite of useful, since you're actually detrimental to the teams success.