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Who cares

Captain Cold and Zoom are significantly better Flash rogues and aside from that Injustice 1 was mediocre at best. I doubt its sequel, with dumbass loot drops and armor mechanics, is going to be better.

So gorrila grodd and super girl?
Anyone else?

Where can I watch this shit?

Dream characters?

Atrocitus and Black Manta

>Overwatchcucks will start yelling rip-off of their monkey

Don't ever reply to my fucking thread again.

>why don't you like my psychic flesh-eating monkey character
No, eat a dick. You're probably one of those fags that wants Poison Ivy in the game too.


Manta is a stage interaction



Please tell me you are kidding...

Atrocitus is like 50% of the trailer

why are all DC characters fucking retarded?
outside of the ones that have actually developed, i.e Batman

A character, casual cuck

>being excited over another Warner Bros game

Thanks senpai

Those finishers are fucking awesome. But I dont know If Ill buy this, I always end up not playing fighting games much. Maybe Ill rent it for the story mode.

Justice League missing link between apes and niggers

>well developed
You mean the character's movies you've seen?

It wasn't sooo bad, especially for a fighting game.

I wish, judging from Supergirl's appearance I sincerely doubt that.

Relative to the absolute garbage-fire that was Arkham Knight, it was pretty good.

watch the gameplay trailer