I want to marry Chihiro!
I want to marry Chihiro!
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What is the appeal of drawing a girl and calling it a boy?
It's almost as if someone met with the creative team, pointed to one of their supporting girls and said, "can we make this one a guy?".
You don't question shit like this. You just shut up and fap because no one really understands it
Girls are hot.
Dicks and Balls are hot.
Combine the two and wa la.
No, I want to marry Chihiro!
I knew it was a guy because of the japanese VA
>wa la
> In order to escape bullying, Chihiro began to dress as a girl so that people wouldn't bully him as a weak boy.
u w0t m8
There's this guy on Sup Forums who keeps pushing this trap programmer meme.
Thankfully, he hasn't discovered chihiro yet to spam with.
>implying boys that look like girls don't exist in real life
he don't even look 100% like a girl
>wa la
Fuck off
Is it only one guy?
I don't go to Sup Forums, but it's hilarious
It used to be one guy, now I can't tell anymore.
Especially the hime guy, who seems to have lots of copycats.
Almost quints
I want to fuck chihiro so hard that by the time I finish with him his anus would've prolapsed 7 meters, his coaxial bones turned into dust, and every single thing on the room would be covered in a thick layer of semen, piss, sweat, blood, and pancake mix.
I would fuck him so hard that the only way he could feel again is to be sucking my dick 24/7
I would fuck him so much he would have to program an AI to speak for him, because he's too busy taking dick all the time
>i want to fuck chihiro to death
oh god
you don't bully a girl for being cute and helpless
if he'd been a killer instead of a victim, that's what his execution should have been
a bunch of manly men fucking him to death
I bet there's a doujin like this already
who doesn't?
Can't marry the dead dumbo
>Can't marry the dead.
What's wrong with marrying the corpse?
Chihiro was designed to be a boy that looks like a girl since the beta
>motive for that case is a deep dark secret they dont want revealed
>go to creative team
"hey, what if we made one of our supporting girls a guy? thats a good secret,right?"
And so Chihiro was born.
Doesnt sound like a bad idea now does it?
Uh that's not a boy. She even has a dress.
I haven't even played this game, but I bet it was telegraphed from a mile away just like the first murder was.
because some guys actually look like that like my friend for example.
It's called androgyny.
Good thing he's dead.
Because fetishes, or faggots who don't feel gay enough yet.
Does anyone have the picture of "Kazuichi Souda: Ultimate Cuck"?
It's only telegraphed if you do his FTE's.
Because it's like a forbidden fruit, you are straight and attracted to girls but you know this girl is actually a boy and having sex with him would make you gay.
Having sex with another male isn't gay. God, why don't people understand that things are only "gay" if you identify as a homosexual?
Nah, unless you only spoken to him specifically during free time.
And to be fair, the 1st case is pretty much the tutorial case. They aren't going to make it super complicated. Even in the very 1st case in phoenix wright, they show you the killer before the actual game starts.
except that's wrong you idiot. if it looks like a girl it's not gay.at all.
You can't be a cuck if you never land a girl.
I want to marry Chiaki!
My favorite meme, stay in denial faggot.
You can't marry lines of code that were also deleted.
I have a girlfriend so I'm not gay.
Checkmate faggots.
>that were also deleted
Both her and Usami were fine. Must have had backups.
Is this a false flag? What kind of a weird game is that that it has a character like that?
Is this the birth of an epic new copypasta?
Why are you bullying Chaiki?! She is a girl ;_;
Do you fuck him?
Did you play the game?
The whole point is that it was a surprise twist critical for obfuscating the suspects in the case. It has nothing to do with anything but confusing the audience. If fans turned it into fetish fuel, that's just what fans do.
He died wanting to be seen as a boy. You are the one doing the bullying here.
You mean Chihiro? Two different characters mang.
Chaiki was programmed by Chihiro. I'm sure he slipped in some strange "bugs".
fucks sake
so who else fell for it?
Trust me, that's the only time you get anything spelled out for you (not counting what said)