343 is adding split screen to coop campaign....heres the catch
>Itll cost 60$
You ready for 343 shits to defend this
343 is adding split screen to coop campaign....heres the catch
>Itll cost 60$
You ready for 343 shits to defend this
Nobody defends 343.
Not even 343 shits.
Because there is no such thing.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
is shilling a new way of trolling? srs
You mean the company that gives free DLC every month when 90% of others would have made each one 10 bucks
Or who gave you MCC and despite being a crap launch was still a good price for 4 games and MP. Again most devs would have made ONE game 60 bucks
343 is dumb. They are flawed. But they are anything but cheap
I'd rather play HALO WARS 2 honestly m8
I'm glad to see Halo 5 is finally getting score attack
They gave 3m to 1 kid for beating a championship instead of making real BTB maps with it you're right, they aren't cheap.
>But they are anything but cheap
Good source
who defends 343
some people say "its fun" but everyone can acknowledge how colossally fucked they've made halo
I like it because I value multiplayer and gameplay over campaign and aesthetics.
I never liked more than 2 or 3 helmets in any Halo game.
Its undisputable that halo 3 has the best spartan armor in the series
though ill admit halo 5's isnt as bad as 4
I don't like the Mark VI helmet
you're really gonna praise a hd remaster collection when other systems have a wider variety of them?
>halo 3 has the best spartan armor in the series
>a game that features master chief for a 2 second cameo has the best version of his armor
jesus christ
>You mean the company that gives free DLC every month when 90% of others would have made each one 10 bucks
Halo 5 was an early access game, plain and simple, one flag isnt even possible ffs.
>Or who gave you MCC and despite being a crap launch was still a good price for 4 games and MP. Again most devs would have made ONE game 60 bucks
The Master Chief collection is still very much broken and has still not reviewed nearly the sort of QoL improvements it should have.
>343 is dumb. They are flawed. They are cheap
are they going to add maps? because so far they added remixs and feels like the smallest map roster in a halo game
Again prove to me 343 is actually evil. SEEMS more like they mean well but cant see the more simple way of being good.
I find it funny you guys would pay full price for Halo3, and probably drop it in a month when you realize its not as fun as you thought. But MCC was horrid because of only 343. Not the rushed deadline for a 4in1 game bundle.
And Halo5 was an early access fine. But any other game today would have still made those DLCs cost money. They could have charged cash for Forge and maps and modes. But yet they don't. Bungie charged for maps, full or not the fact is waiting for free is still better than paying
And hell I already said they have problems. They make some facepalm moves. But they in no way are evil. Just too dumb or too naive to understand the basic problems
do you mean buy halo 3 now? because i sure as fuck didnt drop halo 3 in a month, that was some of if not the most fun ive had in videogames
H5 is gr8 m8
Don't judge a dev by the price of thier shit, unless they are indie it's not really thier desiscion how much DLC costs, it's Microsofts call in the end.
>tfw I bought ODST plus the multi-player disc for 3 dollars today
I played Halo 3 constantly for 4 years. If the population and community were back I have no idea how long I could keep playing it. Same for Halo 2