Freakin' out a bit. Nothing from Injustice 2 has shown any sign of Wondy so far. Not a single thing I've seen...

Freakin' out a bit. Nothing from Injustice 2 has shown any sign of Wondy so far. Not a single thing I've seen. Even that leaked shirt that revealed a bunch of symbols didn't have anything for her. Teaser cinematic showed Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash, Supergirl, some version of Robin I don't care about... no Wondy.

The fuck, man. They couldn't have cut her. They fuckin' couldn't have.

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>Black Manta was deconfirmed
Also trailer

WHAT!? Black Manta? You're shitting me, right?

He might be a stage transition character

What deconfirms Manta? I saw him in the trailer but it didn't look like he wasn't a playable specifically. And I'm still not seeing Wondy. Did I overlook her or is she just not there?

Leave Joker to me.

God she looks like shit. Not as shitty as Aquaman, but holy fuck how do they screw up faces this bad?





Why not? Wonder Woman is literally the type of character that people would add lastly when talking about people in a sort of annoyed, dismissive tone and inflation, as if only adding them because they're contractually obligated to do so. Wonder Woman is nothing, she has nothing going for her, she's this weird THING awkwardly shoehorned made by a fetishist pseudo feminist that a bunch of execs decided to turn the DC's Duo into a trio. No one actually gives a shit about her, she's just there, and no one says it because they fear being labeled a misogynist which apparently is now a more damning, career destroying accusation than "I worked in the Waffen SS during the War"

The graphics look terrible honestly, but there seems to be far more interaction with the stages than in the previous game, so that'll be fun, but it will make the game very casual, i don't have much hopes for this game competitively.

>that supergirl face
>that Aquaman face

and this is coming from someone who's pratically never had a problem with Netherrealm Studios faces before, mind you

hell, the girl looks like that disgusting elf from DA: Inquisition

NRS still can't into models especially faces, sfv models is bad but tolerable but this shit my niggas.

dgaf anyway cuz injustass 2: scrubs and frauds among us or whatever shitty title they are using is still a bad game

>let's give SUPERMAN an armor

really? what's next, a car for Flash?

The Leaked Shirt did. Look at it again. The folded icon on the top right, it's Wonder Woman's shield. The Eagle in the Middle of that circle and going in a circular fashion are the stars, hard to make out over the lines but its her shield

competitive focus just made the whole industry a lot shittier

Honestly I can't tell WHAT the hell that thing is, but I'm not seeing what clearly looks like an Eagle or stars. I could just be blind as shit, though.

Wonder Woman has some of the best storylines and is among the deepest and most interesting characters in all of DC. Hell, of everyone in the New 52 she's like one of only two characters who's run was not only not shit but actually good.

You are legitimately retarded if you think Wonder Woman was cut when she has a fucking movie coming out next year and all the marketing material of BvS had Skeletor on it despite her 7 minutes of screentime.

She's also by far the most famous female superhero despite not many actually knowing her backstory.

She has literally zero chance of not being in any DC fighting game.

The game isn't due until 2017, look at MKX circa E3 2014 if you wanna see some shitty models.

here is one

Then where is she? Ed Boon left Scorpion out of a Mortal Kombat game once for fuck's sake. And he jacks it to Scorpion every chance he gets.

As shocking as it would initially sound, I wouldn't be too surprised if NR would be dumb enough to replace Wondy with Girl Superman.

Jesus christ, watching the JL version of Wonder Woman fighting like a fucking beast makes my dick diamonds


Well I will admit that's a good sign, but the way it's designed on the shirt still throws me off a bit. So hopefully that is confirmation. But if it is... where the hell is she? Why haven't we seen her? Is she somehow MORE manfaced than Supergirl? Are they ashamed?

We haven't seen Harley, Cold or Fate yet. Those are just icons of the of the gear you'll swap, like Batman's Cowl

Is Wonderwoman a dyke?

I hope we get Fate and Scarecrow. If we get Wondy and Scarecrow in there I'll be fine even if Black Manta IS confirmed non-playable (as retarded and disappointing as that'd be...)

Also, Nekron might be cool.

Supergirl isn't manfaced

The game doesn't have any keylights or backlights for some reason.

Still cutest kryptonian.

Sorry, boyfaced. Her face looks like a chubby 12 year old boy's.

Why wouldn't they just do Powergirl? Same character, but quite a bit less "Girl Superman" and more her own thing. You could always just give her a Supergirl costume.


The model is fine

Its lighting

Where the light hits the face determines what it looks like

Depends on who's writing her, but the creator's intention is no

>watch trailer
>the animations still look like complete garbage

Animations improved a bit on MKX but they dialed it back hard with Injustice 2, damn

Not that MKX looked good, but it was a bit better

God I hope that's all it is and that gets fixed. That what's wrong with Aquaman, too? Because DAMN.

Based on her numerous sexual relationships with men? Generally not. Bisexual? Maybe.

this is how retarded you sound

It's not based on the first trailer, though. It's based on two, and seeing as she's one of the big three it's very strange she hasn't been advertised in the slightest, especially given she's getting a movie next year and was just in one.

If you were making a Marvel fighting game would you leave out Wolverine or Cap?

That's too bad, didn't realize she was a slut.

Spider-man wasn't shown until like 6 months after MvC3 was announced.

You are an unbearable faggot.

God damn this art style they use is atrocious. What dumb fucks thought it was a good idea to use MKs art style instead of an actual comic book artists style?