I picked this up from a friend and I'm not enjoying it at all. I beat the blood-starving beast and it's just a grating experience so far.
I have to grind to fill up the not-estus flask A door opened up after killing that boss that the game didn't indicate would Finding my souls in a boss room is fucking impossible since the tiny bloodstain is invisible. It's neon green typically but not here lol And then the fucking snatcher enemies with a shit load of hp. In fact everything seems to have too much hp in this fucking game. The gun is fucking stupid and not intuitive in the least.
Keep in mind I beat dark souls 1-3 and enjoyed them. Why does this game suck so much in comparison?
Robert Rivera
Roll roll attack
Oliver Gray
I do that in every DS game
and it doesn't address the unique shortcomings of this game compared to the others.
Caleb Jones
It has no unique shortcomings...Enemies are tougher with higher HP pools which is mitigated by the gameplay being far more aggressive with limited health regen. The gun couldn't be any simpler either, its literally just for parrying like the game explains its for, but I'm guessing you just rushed in expecting DaS... Meh why am I even replying to this bait...Sigh
Jaxson Miller
What exactly is your problem with the gun?
Andrew Long
lol fell for the meme. enjoy 20 fps chump
Jeremiah Cox
I'm playing bb, already beat rom the spider and I'm enjoying the game and how it challenges you as a player... being a ds virgin, what should I enjoy next in the series? I know bb is not part of them, but I assume they are all similar games
Isaac Hall
Dark Souls 1 or Demon Souls.
Nolan Wilson
Git gud you scrub
Easton Campbell
No one's going to take your bait seriously if you say yoi enjoy das2 over BB, try again in the morning
Jackson White
Dark Souls 1, 2, 3
You can also play Demon's Souls if you want to but it requires a PS3.
Jackson Nelson
You're a year too late for shitposting about this game.
Wyatt Gutierrez
dont take this thread seriously guys, he either has a shit taste or is just baiting. before you go "cant have my own opinion" meme, its pretty obvious from an intelligent persons stand point that ds1 and bb are best in the series, it doesnt matter which games in the series random people enjoyed the most.
Lucas Harris
There were (are) only two problems with this game.
>Performance >Length
The game runs better now then it did at launch but many areas still dip below 30fps. Don't let the sonyponies shill you into thinking otherwise.
The game holds a steady momentum throughout the main game. This is then immediately shattered when you get the worst area in the game.
>Nightmare of Mensis
After beating the boss in this area the game just stops. You then get to choose if you want to end the game, fight 1 more boss or fight 2 more bosses.
Luckily the dlc was better then everything in the base game and should of been in vanilla but whatever.
Evan Cruz
>then >should of Go posting memes back to r/pcmasterrace, dipshit.
Asher Price
I hope you bought the version with the DLC
vanilla game is okay at best, it definitely has one of the best DLC though
Owen Johnson
>I have to grind to fill up the not-estus flask After you level up, buy vials with your excess echos.
>And then the fucking snatcher enemies with a shit load of hp. Avoid them. They're deliberately overpowered because of the outcome of them killing you this early.
>In fact everything seems to have too much hp in this fucking game. No necessarily. The game wants to play with HEAVY offense, so you're only falling for the illusion of bosses having a lot of health since you're fighting them too slowly. Go in on enemies and get into their faces more.
Charles Reed
>the game stops at the end of the game
Adrian Davis
Cooper Powell
you must be a fan of the chalice dungeons
John Moore
That makes no sense. Old Hunters literally just is more content, great content but still nothing game-changing. Vanilla is great, DLC just makes it even greater.
Aaron Lopez
Why don't you upgrade your weapons? You're not supposed to fight the kidnappers, that's why they are hard, retard. You don't need to farm for vials if you don't keep using them as lifegems. If you don't know the area or the enemies attacks, then don't spend your fucking LIMITED item.
Michael Walker
>Vanilla is great
Aiden Rogers
Dark Souls 3, the rest is ok-tier
Luke Morgan
you would have to be pretty retarded to say vanilla is ok and dlc is amazing, which is the meme im seeing a lot. vanilla is pretty great while dlc has best bosses in all of souls.
Zachary Gutierrez
>I have to grind to fill up the not-estus flask stop getting hit and using so many vials then >A door opened up after killing that boss that the game didn't indicate would what, you don't like secrets and non-linear progression that doesn't hold your hand and give you an objective marker every step of the way? >Finding my souls in a boss room is fucking impossible since the tiny bloodstain is invisible. It's neon green typically but not here lol stop dying and losing your echoes. besides, you should be able to infer where they are based on where you died. the only room in the game where this is a legitimate problem is the Lumenwood Garden arena with the Living failures. >And then the fucking snatcher enemies with a shit load of hp. In fact everything seems to have too much hp in this fucking game. upgrade your weapon. nothing in this game has any more HP than in the souls games. you still hit hard, and generally more frequently. >The gun is fucking stupid and not intuitive in the least. oh, it's stupid. fantastic criticism. it's the equivalent to the shield which adds a lot more combat possibilities, dealing with enemies at a range.
game doesn't suck. sounds like you do.
Nathaniel Reed
>tl;dr I suck at the game but it's not my fault!
Anthony Butler
Joshua Johnson
Where the FUCK do I even get the GOTY edition, it's fucking rare as fuck in my country shithole country.
Guess gonna have to download that shit DLC then? I still haven't reached the blood starved beast
Andrew Ortiz
>Farming blood vials
People actually do this? I thought that it was only a meme from the Pc friends.
Anyway if you ever need to farm them you should stop playing, by the time you beat bsb you should have at least 20+20 (im inventory).
Joseph Bell
BB is better, you suck
Matthew Davis
Not him, but 'stop dying' and 'stop getting hit' aren't good enough excuses for the vial/bullet farming system. They're utterly crucial resources, being able to totally run dry of them or farm them until you could brute force the game is a problem that was already solved in earlier entries. All of his other complaints were pretty dumb but you should spawn with a bare minimum amount of vials and bullets (even if it's fucking 5 each) no matter what. I get the feeling that the only reason you don't is because it doesn't make sense to get blood and bullets at a lantern like it makes sense to get magical liquid fire at a bonfire.
Isaiah Foster
Honestly the biggest issue BB has is the way every single boss is balanced. They all have an extremely small health pool and insane damage outputs. Every single fight can be scummed out through trial and error with no learning or practice needed. Sure the new people to the series will feel a huge amount of accomplishment when the big "YOU WIN" flashes on the screen but the DS fan base knows what it's like to have gotten lucky in a fight and scummed out a win and most of these players don't really like that.
The fact that these problems have bled over to so many bosses in DS3 is what makes me really hate BB. It just showed From that they have a new fan base that doesn't know what a properly balanced game is like. Must have saved them a ton of money on play testing each boss.
Jose Green
Great comebacks there, champ. Trying a new spin on the "git gud" meme, I see. Just stick to the classics.
Kevin King
The answer is that you're a shitpoisting faggot.
John Sanchez
>all these people defending Blood Vials >all these "durr git gud XD" replies
You know it's possible to think a game is good overall, and still find flaws in it, right? Bloodborne is fucking superb and it did many things right. Blood Vials were not one of those things.
Josiah Rivera
It's not that I'm even defending vials, but there's clear ways of mitigating the need to grind of. As I said earlier, the best way to save yourself from vial grinding is when after you level up, use your excess blood echos after leveling to buy vials.
Kayden Martinez
Where do you live? IIRC it was only released in Europe and maybe Australia, the US doesn't have a version with the DLC included.
Carter Barnes
I think the Estus system is better no doubt, but I don't think that blood vials pose so much of a problem that they're a criticism in themselves. I only ever ran out of vials on my first playthrough, and after i learned that they actually require a certain degree of resource management, I was much more conservative in my usage of them compared to estus. The game is still balanced around having 20 of them available considering how fast you can be killed and how much damage you take per hit, but they also give you the tools necessary to avoid taking damage, you should be able to notice that avoiding damage in BB is more crucial than tanking it in Dks. OP's criticisms stem from a Dks mindset, and they are quite different games. great comeback to my great comebacks. how about you actually post legitimate criticisms about the game like it's weaker second act, poor bosses like Witch of Hemwick, Wet Nurse and Micolash, and lost potential in the nightmare areas instead of crying about using up all your vials from getting hit so much?