It's an Unreal Engine game

>it's an Unreal Engine game
>every fucking surface is shiny as fuck

How the fuck is this still a thing in 2016?

>He thinks its a problem with the engine and not shitty devs with shit taste in AESTHETICS

Except pretty much every fucking Unreal 3 title looks like this to some extent, like everything is metallic. I don't know the fucking technical reason but it's ridiculous.

>these graphics
>from a richer company than SNK
And people complain about KOFXIV's graphics? Heh

Looks about as stiff as ever, can NR at least try to deviate from the MK engine even just slightly? I'm tired of feeling like I'm fighting against the game just to make the character have some semblance of flow.

>Coming 2017

>Unreal 3
Why the fuck are devs still using it?

Also, their excuse.

>It's just a fighting games goys, it doesn't need to look good.

I wish devs would not use ue4 I know its hard but make your own fucking engines its getting ridiculous how lazy companies are getting

I'ven oticed that people who demo and do shit in the unreal engine love to go overboard with the shadows and lighting effects because the engine is pretty good at it, its why everything looks samey with the engine. Its just what the engine does well but at this point it looks stupid

>make your own fucking engine
>it doesnt work,

>Unreal 3
they're seriously using 3 and not 4 ?

Dude, look at the trailer. That's fucking Unreal 3 through and through.

>tfw Killing Floor 2 has amazing physics and gore
>environment can't be as horrifying and grim-looking as the first game because it's on modern Unreal Engine

because writing your own shaders takes work, so the developers just use the stuff that comes with.

XIV's graphics may be passable, but if you think they're better than XIII's in any way you are a delusional apologist

>thinking XIII graphics are all that great
Sounds like a XIII or dotart dickrider to me.

the only thing they can do to make it as grim as kf1 is to make shitty models, texture, jerky animation and turn off half the lighting effect. And that shit doesnt fly in 2016.

Why do people keep buying their games? They all look like shit and gameplay isn't good.

You can't seriously tell me that those half-assed 3D models look better than serious sprite work

The enemies are pretty menacing in KF2 with their animations, especially the flehpound when he just runs over hordes of zeds to chase someone.

Biggest issue is the levels just looking bright and shiny and despite being a mess. KF1 had dead bodies all over and everything.

They don't, but you dickride it too much. KOFXIII wasn't even entered into conversation until you brought it up.

Serious question guys, who wanted a sequel?

How is and this made in the same engine

Is that mother fucking DEXSTARR?!

sonicfox because he's gotten blown the fuck out at every tournament after he blew his load at final round. He needs a game that no Asians, white guys with hair, and blacks that come in 4th place play.

don't talk about that furry suit wearing NIGGER

Sorry but literally who? I don't give two fucks about the FGC.

am i taking crazy pills?

everyone in this thread seems retarded.

1. the game looks gorgeous and i had no idea it was UE3 which imo just makes it more impressive

2. what shinyness? the statues? maybe thats cus they're made of bronze or some other metal you fucktards.

3. look at the scene what is shiny in that scene other than the statues? gtfo you fucktard.

4. fuck you

KOF looks bland, because they're still using the same techniques that made their sprites look bland. Unwillingness to make more dynamic hue shifts, unwillingness to detail skin and give it the natural color skin has, an allergy to reflective light, and a refusal to use any ambient light/shadow.

Their 2D sprites looked flat and dull. Now their 3d models look flat and dull. Because no one taught them how to blend color and light. They just shift color linearly, like dark yellow, mid yellow, light yellow. Dark blue, mid blue, light blue. So boring.

And fucking Black Manta

>They just shift color linearly, like dark yellow, mid yellow, light yellow. Dark blue, mid blue, light blue. So boring.
You mean like aim sprites?

And XIV wasn't either until you brought it up, what's your point?
Maybe I am a dickrider, but it irks me when people think XIV even looks close to good, regardless of if it's being compared to XIII or not

How do you make a fighting game out of a FPS engine?

Fuck, I swore I typed out "anime". Fuck you keyboard

Are you blind? Legit question. Literally every surface looks shiny, and it looks like a last-gen game.

>aim sprites
??? I don't know. You mean AOL instant Messenger? I don't know what their sprites look like.

Oh, you mean anime? No, acutually anime does a better job at shifting hues than KOF artists. Also, KOF sprites use more shades than anime.

no. are YOU blind, dumb cattle cia nigger?

>shit art style
>ugly ass feminazi dykes everywhere
>SJW will praise this for not "objectifying" or "sexualizing" while the rest of the world ignores the game and it flops
Good job. Of course comic cucks love being shat in the mouth so they'll probably buy it up.

At least XIV's graphics with respect to 3d modeling was somewhat relevant. The way you responded acted as if I was saying that XIV was improved over or are comparable to XIII, which I did not, but you seemed to be suggesting that I did. On the other hand, it's clearly evident that people have been insulting XIV's graphics. XIII being "good" visually over XIV wasn't even a point of contention in anything I ever said, and noone was arguing otherwise about that.

Hell, even the point of my original post was just to say how the bar of 3d modeling was lowered even further down with OP's topical game.

Because an engine doesn't directly dictate how good a game looks.

Because they did a lot of custom work to the engine to emulate 2D, they have a whole video explaining the process.

Long story short GGXrd has:
-Independent lighting for every character that is manually adjusted for every frame
-Shit loads of bones (400+) per character, all manually adjusted per frame
-A scaling system they devised, once again all manually adjusted per frame to get exaggerated 2D feel

Plus some other shit.

Netherrealm/WB were too stubborn/lazy to hire UE4/proper PC support staff for the last game, so this shouldn't be a huge surprise.

That said, this game looks like ass, and just like the first game, those super moves are going to grow dull and tedious immediately.

>Shit loads of bones

tl;dr: they weren't lazy and did a shitload of work to UE3 to simulate the look of 2D sprites, probably because they decided it was cheaper than making a shitload of HD 2D sprites, something notoriously expensive to do, especially when they can use the same engine for half-a-dozen titles.

wow, this game looks fucking terrible.

fighting games have the least amount of shit to render -- two models and a background -- and that's why they've traditionally had the best visuals of their time. vf3, soul calibur, tekken 6 (vanilla) all looked amazing. tekken 7 looks gorgeous.

why does in-just-ass 2 looks like someone pissed on some shit?

I kind of have a feeling that MK/Injustice are surprisingly low-budget games.

Which isn't necessarily a defense, but it does explain why they're using UE3 as they want to recycle the engine and assets.

Samus on the right in the thumbnail.

Then a fervent dickrider I am. I guess I haven't gotten over the shock of KoF moving to 3D models yet

I think it's a matter of whoever's left of the Midway guys still feeling themselves for being the only ones to even approach acceptable UE3 performance early on the PS3, and insisting they can ride out the engine as long as possible.

literal gay furry nigger who BTFO the EVO Mortal Kombat tournament. It was no contest. He wasn't even trying. He also won a smash tourney recently so he made a few hundred thousands dollars in a weekend.

and btw he was underage B& at the time