Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this anymore? It is a masterful game that suffered from a bad publisher, rushing it and forcing some bad decisions. It has GOAT voice acting, very fun social gameplay, and a very immersive universe.
It's already been discussed to death. We know the story of its development, we know all the encounters, the glitches, the clans, the motivations and the endings. Besides shitposting about Antribu and whether or not Malk should be second or first playthrough, there's nothing left to talk about.
Angel Jenkins
There's at least two threads, weekly. Have a free bump.
Jackson Diaz
Because its over 12 years old. What is there to say that hasn't been said?
Jackson Fisher
Second playthrough, never first.
Well there's at least the acquisition of the rights by Paradox and the future of WoD to discuss.
Evan Harris
Why did World of Darkness have to get cancelled?
Anthony Green
It looks like it's for the better since CCP sold the rights and the assets they already created to Paradox. Seems like they may license them to Obsidian or some other dev to create a good game.
Hold on, shouldn't any decapitated part turn back to human?
Sebastian Ward
Well, the first Vampire the Masquerade game came out in 2000. The first Hunter the Reckoning game came out 2002.
Jaxson Gray
Yeah I remember.
Always wanted to pick this game up when the demo units in stores were playing them. Never did though.
Juan Edwards
I'm not familiar with werewolves in WoD. But I figure that if you die in werewolf form, you don't get a chance to revert back to human.
Aaron Ross
I don't really understand why people consider this one of the better RPGs. Playing through it right now and it's pretty average in terms of everything. The only part that managed to really "wow" me was Grout's mansion of fucking insanity.
Wyatt Howard
I keep forgetting Redemption. It wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't easy to get into.
Julian Rivera
We always talk about it some threads about it reach 200 replies but that's more rare. vtmb threads are smaller I feel I'm sure a majority of Sup Forums hasn't played it
Camden Brooks
Camden Richardson
Once a sequel is announced by paradox then the convos will spring up again,
Luis Perez
GOAT Voice acting. GOAT characters GOAT universe and immersion GOAT writing GOAT social interactions in game
Grout mansion is great, his voice memos make it one of the best levels in the game.
Make sure you're playing with the unofficial patch, otherwise you'll run into a gamebreaking bug.
Game got released unfinished because Activision is literal garbage. They forced and rushed the release so game elements could not be polished or finished before release.
Luke Perry
Dont blame everything on publishers man, game company was in development shit even before the vampire is out. They got so pissed with the way fallout 2 was going and left so they start their own, turns out they're the same shit they try to avoid.
Fallout died since fallout, and tracing back the devs wanted to just make a wasteland sequel. It all started there, a small shitty spark.
Camden Garcia
Who's that?
and why?
Jacob Turner
Robert Baker
VV was never manipulating you. The entire game is about regaining your humanity and having compassion for all of God's creatures.
Jace Campbell
>being this cucked >Not installing companion mod simply to make her your subservient slave because she's a manipulative hoare >also she so fine
Game doesn't have a theme of regaining your humanity. Not at all.
>Her kind can see beyond looks and look into the beauty of the soul >Look up her quest on my Nos run >Do all the proper steps for her to love me >She doesn't I guess I'm ugly on the outside AND the inside then. Okaaaaay
Jeremiah Green
My PC auto-updated to windows fucking 10 and I can't get the game to run now. I am seriously considering fresh installing windows 7 just so i can finish my malk run
The voice acting doesn't really strike me as special though except for a few characters like LaCroix and Grout. Characters are interesting, but I feel like they're exposition ends way too early to keep my attention. Ex: VV who you do like two favors and then she just gives you a picture of herself and goes back to her hot tub. I mean what the fuck? Universe does make me feel like an edgy teen again, but as far as immersion goes it feels somewhat weak to me. Maybe if I played as Nosferatu or Malkavian I'd change my mind. I kept hearing about the writing, but none of it struck me as remotely interesting or particularly deep. Everything seems pretty straightforward writing wise in this game. No particular moment has ever made me go "Huh, so that's how that shit went down" or feel any sort of surprise. The writing actually almost made me quit when I was stuck in Santa Monica because it was so fucking boring. Even the Twist that Jeanette and Theresa are the same was painfully obvious in that section, I'm shocked that anybody ever thought they were actually different people.
Overall the game is just very lackluster to me. The game gives off that really unfinished feel like you said and I think it hurts it way more than some unfinished games.
Matthew Turner
we all are user, we all are That means that she is also ugly on the inside
Nathaniel Wright
At least she doesn't like in a sewer eating rats like my character. There is something satisfying about walking through the streets completely invisible though, obfuscate so best.
Colton Stewart
>Game doesn't have a theme of regaining your humanity. Not at all.
>get turned into vampire >am i truly a monster >spend existence battling the beast within >is there goodness inside each and every being >everyone is literally god's creature >perhaps he is watching from above and has a secret goal for everyone but he still knows not everyone can find it
jesus christ dude. how far off can you be?
i am so fucking sick of this VV manipulation meme. Out of every vampire NPC you encounter in the game, she is the only one who is never rude to you and never threatens you. She does not like killing and doesn't like to see other people suffer. Why can't you guys accept that?
Austin Edwards
You still need to be aware that entire levels were left out of this game because of Activision. This means that not only do some characters suffer from that, but the level design and the writing too. That being said, I'm not defending this game by saying that it is perfect and without fault. In fact, I would still say that it is a flawed game even before publishing's bullshit got involved. It does remain, however, one of my favorite games of all time due to the immersion (which will go as far as you yourself let it take you in this game). A lot of the plot points can either be total shockers or painfully obvious, depending on how you played the game up until then. There are a lot of clues leading to a lot of conclusions that you may or may not find during the gameplay. Clues that you may completely miss if you never visit some sections of the game or pay attention to some of the dialogues. What really hurts me personally, is that it could have been much more than any other unfinished game could have been (i.e. much more potential than any others), but got raped softly in certain aspects.
Malkavians also have obfuscate and have fun and >wacky dialogue.
Daniel Adams
>Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this anymore? It's always talked about. Always. It gets really, really hard trying to come up with new things to discuss about it when we've been doing it for years on end. Only thing that usually happens i the threads nowadays is somebody hasn't played it and everybody bombards the new guy with info on the game. That's it.
Not saying discussion of it is bad, but you make it sound like it's been forgotten or something when shit like STALKER is still alive. VTMB is still a thing on Sup Forums.
Charles Rodriguez
>seriously falling for her histrionic toreador garbage
you deserve your depression, nossie
Owen Harris
Who in the goddamn fuck are you quoting. None of those themes are really in the game unless you stretch some dialogues to fit your ideas. What you just described in VV is the ultimate form of manipulation. Getting you to do things for her, without involving her, or leaving any evidence against her. That politeness and "never threatening you" is exactly how you're supposed to manipulate people properly, as they would not realize it at that point.
I love VV as a character, but she is a masterful manipulator and you are a goddamn massive faggot.
I still love you for playing the game and getting this involved in its themes and in this discussion. Do excuse the insults above as it seems to be the only way to communicate on Sup Forums today.
Oliver Carter
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption
also i really hope this game gets a full remake. Obsidian or someone who can do isometric and party members should handle it.
Hunter Fisher
We already did those the moment Paradox bought the license.
Samuel Powell
The next installement has a much better chance of succeeding as a Vampire Bloodlines style of play. Isometric Redemption remake would be great afterwards. We don't want to scare off new comers.