Xbox live becoming free is the only thing that'll make me switch from ps4 to xbobe.
Pay walls only split the player base.
Xbox live becoming free is the only thing that'll make me switch from ps4 to xbobe.
Pay walls only split the player base.
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That would actually be a genius move and get them to recover from what they've done while also putting a large leg over Sony. I would at the very least purchase a bone if that happens.
literally every year.
Where the fuck did you get this source reddit?
That being said if they did go free it would sort of tip the scale a little.
What online games are there to even play besides the generic FPS on xbone?
Will never happen. Microsoft makes too much money from Live subscriptions to ever get rid of it. Sony makes bank on PSN too.
pay to play subscriptions and "value added services" are the future. There's no escaping it
Why would Sony or Microsoft make their service free when millions of people willingly purchase it?
They're not going to turn around and say "no thanks, we don't want your money"
Myth busted.
I heard PC has free online too
i hope that one day, there's a platform that has no monthly fees, good game selection, good graphics. and even be able to use any controller you want
bullshit. we all know what that means.
adverts. win10 does it and its "free"
>implying they would be stupid enough to do this
your average """''gamer"""" thinks its perfectly fine to pay a fee for online
Sony and Microsoft would just buy away exclusives that gamers would pay form
with more and more xbone exclusives going to W10 i dont even think microsoft even gives a fuck about consoles
paid online is a good thing cause it prevents all the BRs and cyka blyats from playing
I don't give a shit about advertising. Sony does it so now its OK.
It's better than paying for online
Oh god as a ps gamer i would love if xbox live went free. Would force sony to do it too. Since the ps4 came out ps+ has given complete garage as free games, was so much better during ps3 days.
First companies to this has all my shekels
Plus this will make xbox look like "le good guys" award that reddit stamps on companies .
>xbox live's new business model.jpg
>it's a Sony trademark
Online being free was really the only reason I got a PS3 first during that gen. Did get a 360 later but never played online on it. Don't have a current gen console and I don't plan on getting one anytime soon. But one making the online free would certainly make me consider it.
Also is it possible for the OG Xbox, PS2, and GC to have fan made servers and online that way? I'm one of the 5 people that actually played PS2 online and I kind of miss it. Playing online in an emulator just isn't the same, the emulator's kind of shit still.
BRs and cyka blyats can't afford consoles anyway
Look up Xlink Kai
If they did that, it would legitimately have a shot at reviving the xbox.
Then again, with all the exclusive shit xbox has live it would take a MASSIVE fuckup on sony's part to get them to lose the already massive userbase that they have. Unless these rumors about these mid-gen revision models are true I don't see anyone making a switch at this point.
Are you retarded? It's because the Xbone is getting crushed right now. Microsoft just cut the price to be cheaper than a PS4 and making Xbox Live free (and probably making GwG it's own thing like PS+ before the PS4) makes a lot of sense to attract new customers.
Plants vs Zombies is pretty fun.
>better backwards compatibility
>cheaper than PS4 now
>if true, no more paid online
All the Xbone needs is better console exclusives now.
There is no way this is happening. Microsoft would be stupid to do this and they are a greedy company anyways.
Even if they did it wouldn't matter to me since there best games are now past them. Going free would have been best around 2007-2012(3). Now I could care less.
Would be nice. But don't forget the PS3 had free online and it still got its ass kicked by the 360.
Except it didn't. That was only in the first few years. Afterwards PS3 caught up and I believe even outsold 360 by a little.
yeah right, like microsoft would give up such a reliable, constant revenue stream
Xbox Live only makes them money if there are a lot of consoles sold. That simply isn't the case, they need to expand their install base first.
>they need to expand their install base first
This would make sense if PSN was still free
While i'll never forgive microshit for 'always online' and 'fuck you people who rent/buy second hand' I can see this as a step in the right direction but id still never buy a console from them again
How much money could they get from forcing you to watching adverts vs what they get now from the burgers they get from straight up paying?
nothing exclusive but there are larger communities for MKX, I would argue destiny, DOOM right now, db xenoverse in the west, and a few other games have bigger concentrations of players on xbone than elsewhere.
call of duty, too. Still sells better on xbone than ps4.
nothing exclusive but there are larger communities for MKX, I would argue destiny, DOOM right now, db xenoverse in the west, and a few other games have bigger concentrations of players on xbone than elsewhere.
call of duty, too. Still sells better on xbone than ps4.
No, that's retarded. Microsoft needs a competitive edge over Sony, doing the same thing as Sony is not a competitive edge.
depends. They could market to high value advertising agencies and make like $3 an ad for those really long obnoxious 2 minute ads, or they can shit out those 30 second mobile phone type unity ads and make a few cents.
Either way the ad money would add up, but it would need to be an alternative system, not just something they put in, because people WOULD complain if they're paying for a system and have to deal with fucking ads. And I mean real ads not those retarded benign ads you see in the console stores.
At first I thought you were right, but I then realized the people that bought a PS4 have already locked their choice in AND they're paying $50/year for online
You mean wishful thinking by Xfags
>Actually thinking MS would sacrifice an easy $3 billion from console peasants
They are still getting subs from 360. Unless a massive number of people cancelled in recent years.
I haven't had gold in years now. In fact last time I played my 360 was when I played through the campaings of Halo 1-3 and then found a two week gold in my reach. It was a fun week but shame Halo 3's numbers are so low.
>doing the same thing as Sony is not a competitive edge.
Making your online play service free is doing something Sony isn't.
oh man
what if they did that freemium shit where you can buy add free xboner or have to sit through them for your free cock of dooty game after a certain number of rounds
do you really think they would cut off such a steady stream of revenue to sell a few more consoles this far into the generation?
Which is the point. Hypothetically if Xbox Live goes free and still includes games with gold, that would actually be an unbeatable value. Nobody could resist a $300 box that's essentially a mid range gaming PC that comes with a lot of free games. And even without games with gold, it would still make the Xbone a better value than the PS4 and at the very least, a lot of parents would buy it for their children because of that.
If someone's already bought their year or whatever the fuck of online pass, why would they switch to a new console? When the time rolls around to resub, they're gonna say "ehh... Do I really wanna rebuy the system PLUS my games? And all my friends are here too..." and just resub. It's how it worked on 360.
That's what I was getting at. They'd turn the xbox store into some sort of mobile shitfest. That'd be the only major source of revenue they would have left. And I highly, highly doubt they'd do that because forcing your paying customers to watch ads just to continue playing is a bullet in your fucking face.
Yes. That steady stream of revenue isn't a steady stream of revenue at all if the install base is shit.
OP is a huge fag, like usual.
But right now, Microsoft has got a really big issue to clarify.
They are merging Xbox and Win10, mixing together consoles and PC with the same games. But while Xbox owners have to pay to play online, win10 users can play for free.
Many users complained about this and Microsoft still have to give a proper answer.
So they can:
>Make live gold officially free for both PC and consoles
>Force PC players to pay for Live gold like console users (lol)
>Transform Live Gold in a premium service like PS+ on ps3, online play is free forboth consoleand PC players but theycan subscribe to get free games each month and other services
Both the first and last possibilities would totally spin the good PR machine towards Microsoft, like it already happened for backwards compatibility.
Thank you user.
>All the Xbone needs is better console exclusives now.
The Rare IPs alone would be system sellers but they were too stupid to use and instead baited their customers for years
I just want mustard chef collection on pc
They also need to fix their online store. The digital versions are always more expensive than the physical
at best they would break even from losing the xbox live money. and then what happens with xbox two or whatever the hell they call it? either they would reintroduce paid online or keep it free, and i doubt microsoft is interested in losing all of that free future money.
That's a fine theory, but the old one was to remove XBL's paywall to undercut Sony after they announced that PSN would cost money.
Well, that's a problem also PS Store and Eshop have. But yes, if Microsoft wants to compete with Steam on PC, they have to work something out.
>this far into the generation
This gen just barely started. PS4 just had the first must have games and people are still migrating from the 360s.
Gears of War 4 is coming out, and it's shaping up to be pretty fantastic. Gears franchise in general has always had the most addictive multiplayer imo with tons of depth.
This. The PS4 userbase is already pretty overwhelming and most people don't have enough money/don't see the need to own 2 consoles and buy games for both.
>win10 users can play for free.
This is false. Win10 users have to install win10, even paying the sub fee for Live is better than that.
They can compromise though. Make Xbox live free, but keep GwG as a paid subscription. People love subscription services these days, if they advertised the Xbone as having FREE online and paying like $5 a month to get four free games a month (two Xbone games, two 360 games), they could increase their revenue stream a lot.
I could see it happening. Everyone knows that its a rip off and despite better sales it put off a lot of people from buying as PS4 as well
Backwards Comp + Free Online are the thing that could safe their failed system
We're still pretty early in the gen, there's a lot of people who haven't bought a PS4 or Xbox One yet. I doubt Microsoft would be targeting PS4 owners with this, they'd be targeting new customers and idorts.
>le Win10 is bad meme
Grow up user
Halo Wars 2
Killer Instinct
Forza Horizon 3
Magic Duels
My job requires me to use win10, or my boss does rather. It's shit.
You forgot
>vastly superior controller
>console is dead silent and barely get hot
>PC players complain about consoles having exclusives
>Microsoft ports most of their exclusives to PC
>people complain about paid online
>if true, Microsoft removes that
>Sup Forums will STILL regard Microsoft as the cancer killing the industry
The reason you pay for xbox live, is so that games don't charge for individual online services. Look it up. Microsoft talked about this back with the original xbox
I have no problem with paid online if it ensures better servers. PSN stability and speeds have always been complete shit. OG XBL was very unified, solid and broke new ground. The 360 XBL was just amazing, great download speeds, community, updates. I dont have an xbone so I cant comment but im sure its at least as good as the 360. Even when paying for ps+, psn still sucks. But it is infinitely better than it was with the shitty PS3. If 5 bucks a month is to much for you then maybe gaming really isnt the hobby for you. Then again this is just r/masterrace who pirates everythings on their moms 5 year old laptops and call themselves hardcore gamers
>>vastly superior controller
Really? I've only held my friend's PS4 controller once, and but it didn't seem vastly inferior.
>>console is dead silent and barely get hot
True. That fuck huge design really paid off. I wonder if the Xbox One has a lower long term failure rate than the PS4.
>Sup Forums will STILL regard Microsoft as the cancer killing the industry
Its called damage control. The system nearly completely bombed on release with the always online controversy + forced kinect. Them backpadeling this much is only done to safe face.
Windows 10 is suffering as well. If it wouldnt be pushed on every new prebuilt + the creepy "it downloads and installs itself shtick" the numbers would be terrible
>Them backpadeling this much is only done to safe face.
Every company is only looking out for their shareholders. Sony is no different. At least Microsoft is willing to change their course due to consumer feedback. My point is not that Microsoft is good, it's that they're not worse than anyone else.
>If it wouldnt be pushed on every new prebuilt
This happens with every new Windows version.
>Halo Wars 2
Why is anyone hyped for this when the first game was so crap? They didn't even let you play as the flood in the first game.
They really perfected the console controller in my opinion. It fits in the hands perfectly and is nothing but improvements over the 360.
>Spend $300-400 on the console
>Spend upwards $120 on games
>$60 for a year subscription! are you crazy?!
Pay walls hardly matter for consoles. I've always been of the firm belief that if you're buying a console and the games for it, the subscription is just a drop in the hat.
No fucking way I'd buy an xbone just because it has a free online service, and I suspect most others wouldn't fall for it either.
It'd pretty much only be useful for keeping the people who already own one so they don't drop it once their sub runs out
garbage console in general with an amount of good games that isn't worth it.
True but "back in the day" you actually had launch events while with 8 and 10 the whole thing passed away
I dunno man. The fact that to use their newest OS, which you need if you want to play the Bone exclusives they've brought to PC, no longer has patch notes, you can not decline updates regardless of what you're doing, you can not turn certain things off, and you have to block shit at the router level in order to keep your data usages down if your ISP does not have an unlimited plan, which is something most ISPs no longer offer anymore, kinda seems like cancer to me.
>Windows 10 is suffering as well. If it wouldnt be pushed on every new prebuilt + the creepy "it downloads and installs itself shtick" the numbers would be terrible
>Had 7 for years
>Said no to upgrading to Win 10
>Upgrades itself anyway
>Ads on the start menu
>Have it for a week
>Start button no longer works
Damage control or not, the important thing is Microsoft improves and drops his shit practises. Call it damage control if you want to, it's still a good thing for all users.
>$60 for a year subscription! are you crazy?!
Yes its crazy because theres no reason for it to exist.
I was talking about the Xbox One, not the PC. I don't know that much about Windows 10 and quite frankly don't care. It's never gotten in the way of my day to day usage of my computer. Things like dx12 seem to be an improvement.
They're called PCs
>Microsoft improves and drops his shit practises
If by improve you mean stretch things out so change happens so gradually most people would not notice it as it became the norm you're correct.
>Damage control or not, the important thing is Microsoft improves and drops his shit practises.
I do agree on that. Now if they would actually do that with their gaming IPs as well and create system sellers i would actually consider buying a xbone.
Still waiting for a new conker, banjo and freelancer 2
Without paid online, consoles are actually cheaper than PC gaming and all the PCucks will finally shut up and stop trying to convert everyone to gaming on toasters for the same price.
Microsoft is a pretty great company nowadays.
>Everyone went apeshit over their move to go always online at E3, so they just completely scrapped it instead of being stubborn.
>They've had great customer support on their website (chat service, phone number doesn't send you to foreigners)
>Supporting 360 still with backwards compatibility
>Microsoft improves and drops his shit practises
You're lying to yourself if you think this is the case. They're always trying to push the envelope for jewery, because they know some people will never learn and will always trust them.
The whole xbone scandal wasn't the first and it certainly won't be the last.
What do you mean? The Xbone is the only console this gen that has just been games and nothing else. No stupid gimmicks. They haven't really done much but improve since E3.
"I wanna get fucked hard by micro$oft, but not THAT hard"
You wanna play their games, you pay the price. If you can't afford that, then you really shouldn't have a console. It's a luxury
You're still playing on an xbox one though. Which is the most garbage console in fucking history
>The Xbone is the only console this gen that has just been games and nothing else. No stupid gimmicks.
Got a good laugh out of me.
>They haven't really done much but improve since E3.
You're not wrong, but it's not hard to improve over Microsoft E3s from a few years ago.
>xbl goes free
>gold becomes a free game/discounts/cloud storage service
that'd be nice
The "gaming industry" would be so much better if microsoft never joined it.
Sony wouldn't have a rival for it's graphics dick waving contest so it could make actual games, and there'd be one less retarded group in the then hopefully not as awful console war.
>You wanna play their games, you pay the price. If you can't afford that, then you really shouldn't have a console. It's a luxury
Customers is king faggot and not the other way around.
If they want to know what it takes i will them what stops me from supporting them and its obvious scams as xbox live
On reading some of these posts this is painfully obvious literal shills and/or people pretending to be them. I'm out.
Because not having competition is good, right? Fucking idiot. Nintendo barely provides competition as they don't get many multiplats anyways and have a different target audience. Sony could do whatever they want if there was no competition.
Microsoft compltely dropped kinect, gave us backwards compatibility and is portinggames on PC. Not saying they are angels or saviours (no company is, it's just business) but they are doing all the right steps.
xbox live has ads with or without gold
>Customers is king faggot and not the other way around.
Well then it's a good thing for them that customers are mostly fucking morons that'll buy it anyway huh
To say that xbox live is the reason the xbone flopped would be incredibly silly
>To say that xbox live is the reason the xbone flopped would be incredibly silly
no one said that in the first place