Is VR gaming fun? That vive shit is expensive as fuck, but

Is VR gaming fun? That vive shit is expensive as fuck, but.


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no it's not fun
it's just a shitty gimmick and the fad will die within a year

At this moment there is still too little for it to be little more than a quint little gimmick. It has a lot of potential, but the start was rather rocky. I'd recommend putting the purchase of a VR device off by half a year or more till there are more somewhat larger games for it.

I don't recommend you guys to do beta testing like I am either. VR's got potential, but there's a lot of hassle associated with it right now from setting it up to cable management.

>I'd recommend putting the purchase of a VR device off by half a year or more till there are more somewhat larger games for it.

But what does it matter by putting it off? the games will come regardless, if you have the headset now you can play whatever is available and play the rest as it comes.

Or do you suspect a price drop to buy it is what you're implying?

Not that user. I am .
Right now, the number of half-decent titles that support VR are limited.

-F2P wise War Thunder
-Elite Dangerous (crap)
-GTA 5

And a good number of games are really techdemos.

VR is nascent technology. The FOV is shit, pixel density isn't good enough to stop screendoor effects, and so on. Hell, Oculus' motion controllers haven't even been released. Buying a VR set now will guarantee that the hardware becomes obsolete within two years, if not less.

Yes, but i would wait until the price drops and the technology is better. There arnt that many full games at the moment anyway.

The screendoor effect may get better already by the mood LED to the peripheral vision, which aren't available to Oculus Rift and Vive right now. Our first gen consumer products are already obsolete.

t. Vive owner idort.

Interestingly, people need to invest in the early junk models so investors acknowledge the demand and pump money into upgrading them. If no one buys the shuttle models available now we'll never get the ultra high Def, flawless depth tracking we need for it to become the next leap in gaming.

With that said, if ur a poor fag don't buy into the hype. If you've got big boy money, invest in any of the ones under $200. I was able to pick one up and I'll tell u, while its pretty gimmicky and low res, walking around in minecraft gave me an entire new level of immerson I'd never experienced before.

Has potential/10

You picked up the Vive or the Oculus Rift?


>Gear VR
I am more ghetto than you in this sense. I may have a Vive, but I am living with a set of Google Cardboard.

It's an expensive gimmick that will die out in 5 years.

It's already dead dude.


console babies wishes

Wish HTC would expand retail presence. I can get a Rift demo but no Vive demos in the state.

Go to a Microsoft store then.

VR will replace screens, just waiting for them to be perfect first.

VR waifus.

You should try roomscale.
Don't give that 'I am too poorfag for it'. You can return in 30 days.

fucking shitty gimmick like motion control, 3d, voice commands to command ai


i have never owned a console (besides pegasus) and i know VR is an expensive gimmick without any future

I can kind of agree to that.
The only game that's making me go "damn, I should keep my Vive" is War Thunder.

Yes, fucking War Thunder which tries to jew you into buying prem planes.

It's extra stimulation for hipsters who never liked games to begin with.
Ultimately they will get bored of that as well.

Fuck you. I don't agree with you on that count.
Unlike people at Polygon, I do enjoy Euro Truck Simulator and flight sim.
Oh wait! They aren't games to the dudebros. My bad. They aren't games to the hipsters at that too!

>mfw going to have just as much fun but at a fraction of the price and effort

feels good

Is it fun?
Yes, absolutely. Bud of mine got it and that shit is crazy good.

Is it worth the price for what it is right now? Absolutely fucking not.

Unfortunately, it's just a downward spiral. Nobody wants to buy it because it's expensive and there isn't exactly a lot for them right now, but nobody is going to be making more stuff for it if nobody is buying it.

So we'll just have to get lucky or it'll just become a thing AFTER it makes it big in an application that isn't video game related.

Your fraction is a majority of the costs.
$500 vs $600 for Oculus Rift.
Don't try to weasel your way out of this one. You need to buy 2x move controllers and the camera on top of the $400 VR headset.

Oh. Before you say something along the line of "PS4 is cheaper than PC."

PS4 and PC are all something that you are assumed to have prior to the VR component. You can make the 'fraction of the cost' argument about PS4 vs a PC, but for the VR component? you are already at 83% of the cost to the PC.

It's fucking expensive, especially when you consider that console's supposed to deliver exceptional price value proposition as an entertainment device.

I am not sure if the Sonyponies can really make it popular. You pay more than the cost of your PS4 to get VR, and you have way, way fewer games that can take advantage of VR. Even if some kind of AAA title emerges (Uncharted 4 or Bloodborne effect on PS4 on PSVR), it's still a hard sell as the price for admission is damn high for your typical PS4 owners.

I also hope that Sony doesn't fuck it up and set the baseline for VR to Neo. If you do, then the price for an acceptable VR lineup will immediately go up by a few hundred bucks from people trading in their PS4 for a Neo.

Not just them. I don't see this possibly taking off through any gaming focused VR. It's going to rely on the majority of people to be buying those things for your phone or what have you or stuff like online openhouses and shit. Make it more commonplace.

Then if that catches on there'll be improvements. And then, maybe, we'll have more games coming out and we can have this be more than a gimmick.

Wait until the tech is better. Soon we shall have our perfect VR waifus.

Simulation titles can and are taking advantage of it, but it's a real niche audience. It's one place where VR with headtracking and room scale implementation definitely is proving it's worth.

That's a niche though. As things stand, VR is actually a hindrance to CoD kiddies, CS:GO Slavs and other FPS fags.

Someone post that webm where a fat guy plays with vr and the other guy watches him with a awkward poker face

Custom Maid 3D 2 is bretty gud with Vive.
There's also this Nekopara dance demo.

But those aren't mainstream shit.

Exactly. And that's where the big money is.

I'm trying really, really hard to think of situations in where this would work out and become a real thing, but i'm comin' up short.

It'd stand a better chance, I suppose, if they came around the start of a new console cycle. Probably not as a bundle, not now given how expensive they are, but...

There's real use for this in business and engineering, but those aren't ever gonna be affordable to general consumers. I am not worry about that.

I don't know. It's possible that VR is going to be about as niche as a dedicated sim setup. It's definitely got a place in gaming, although I can't see it wholeheartedly embraced by the 'mainstream' at the end of the day.

The initial "wow" lasts for about an hour, then you realize it adds nothing to the experience and is not really any different than having a regular monitor

>I do enjoy Euro Truck Simulator and flight sim.
Do you need a VR rig to enjoy these games? Does adding a VR rig do anything for your enjoyment?

I'm betting you played the games without VR and then got a headset for them. I'm guessing they gave you a legitimate entry to the VR expierience. I'm guessing they added in some way to your enjoyment of the game.

However, I'm also guessing that, push come to shive, you'd still play either game without the headset. In fact, I'd guess that after a long day, when you just want to play the game, you'll actually drop the headset and just go back to a monitor.

This is at least the second time VR has been hyped. Like last time, it will ultimately be a fad. Just like 3D was a fad. Just like tablets are a fad. Just like social media is a fad. There may be a niche for sim games I grant you(Personally I think that a new Mechwarrior -- fuck it a release of 3 -- could have been the mediums killer app), but the mainstream will eventually forget about VR and no-one will be quicker to drop it than the likes of the bitter hipster posers at Polygon and ilk.


strapping HD monitors to your eyeballs

the only thing vr is good for is porn
other than that no

Another short lived gimmick. 5 years from now, it'll be a distant memory, like 3D HDTV sets.

This. It takes a few minutes to strap on the headset. For serious sim mode, that's what you want, but if you want to play arcade 3rd person view, then you wouldn't go through with it.
Walking about by yourself in that headset is actually not totally safe at that, for there's trip hazard with the cable and your visibility's shit even if you turned on the forward facing camera, plus you can forget about your play area when you are in the thick of it.

You are literally strapping HD monitors to your eyelids and damaging your eyeballs. That's a fact. If you don't know the difference between being outdoors and submitting your eyeballs to the sun's rays being reflected off objects and strapping two photon-projecting machines to your eyelids that's your own problem.

Even 12 year olds know not to strap TVs to their face.

What an autist, replying twice to the same comment and pre-emptively assuming the response.

I'll keep it simple for ya. I would never buy an Oculus, I have no idea when their motion controllers are comming out and I simply don't want to support them after some of the shit they've done, I did extensively use a DK1 though. The only alternative is Vive, which in my EU country costs US$ 1170, without ports, while a PSVR will cost US$ 390 and I will most surely be available in a local retail store.

That's more than twice the price. And for good measure, even if I wanted an Oculus, it would be US$ 786, without shipping, to my neighbouring country since they don't ship to mine yet, so I'd have to ship it a second time from there to here. Once again that's roughly double the cost.

You seem to have the impression that US pricing applies to the rest of the world, when in reality PSVR is even cheaper than the competition literally everywhere outside the US. Europe isn't even the worst case, mind you.

I don't need to factor in the price of a PS4 vs VR-ready PC since I already have both, not sure why you felt the need to sperg on that one.

Post proof that you've tried it or fuck off. I have yet to hear a single person who has it say it isn't awesome and loaded with potential.
Just patiently wait until the price comes down and people start developing for it in earnest instead of being a sperg.

It'll die just like kinect did.

As a Vive owner, the shit is ridiculously easy to use and set up after you've done it a few times.

As for all these QQing little bitches who say it'll die out in 5 years, Just fucking look at Japan man.

The Vive uses OLED panels, so you aren't burning your eyeballs out with blinding florescent backlighting, and in my experience I have experienced less eye strain in a VR session that I typically would staring at a shitty old LCD panel, through fucked up lenses.

you 2 seem to be arguing about everything except for the fact that psvr is very obviously pure garbage, just take one look at the games, I can run better looking and playing games on my phone

>>mfw going to have just as much fun but at a fraction of the price and effort
>buying an entirely new PS4.5
>buying an inferior VR headset
>buying lower quality VR games
>no porn
Sure, have fun.

>buying first generation hardware
yeah no

I tried an oculus, they are fucking great but I'm way too poor to have one till they hit the ~300. Still kicking myself for not getting a devkit.
Waifu simulators when?

Because the value proposition from the worth of the sunk cost that is PC and PS4 is used way too fucking much.

First of all, Oculus and HTC should give a shit about your prices across EU. US market is the dominant market for all of this at any rate, so that's the central metric. Canada now pays equivalent of $900 for the Vive, $715 to Oculus rift and $550 for Sony VR bundle, $430 for the VR itself.

I will keep it simple too. Sony in American market is pricing it at a point where you have to think twice about it. If you are that expensive and that close to the PC based Oculus Rift, then how are you going to convince people in the most important market for this shit to buy in?

VR is dying

Prove me wrong

You can't

How is the gear VR actually? What phone do you have?

>dying when it wasn't alive in the first place

There. I just proved you wrong. You cannot be dying when you are already beyond dead.

It's a tech demo platform, of course it's fucking dead

Low res, go to your local best buy and try it on for your self though.

> bought this first
> tried vive at a convention
> looks exactly the same minus the remotes
> games are mostly BETTER and look the same shit quality

I was pretty excited for VR, then the Giant Bomb vid revealed that it was pretty much all Wii-tier waggle garbage. It might be cool for sim games, but ultimately, it's just a really expensive gimmick.

I already grew out of the manchild fanboy phase you're currently in. I'm a happy idort and will enjoy it, no need to worry about me, friend :-) But thanks for the concern nonetheless.

-Base PS4 runs PSVR.
-All headsets are mediocre, looking for superiorities in gen1 is silly at best - in the end they are all shit and underwhelming but work well enough for now until gen2 pops up.
-Most VR games are multiplat, if anything you're also calling Vive/Oculus games inferior with that statement.
-There is all the porn in the world, even MMDs, 3D hentai, or the forsaken 3DPD porn. There are no H-games for PSVR, you're right with that, but any and all VR videos are PSVR compatible.

I don't care what you think about markets, and which count and which don't, or if Oculus/HTC are aiming for USA. You're talking about me, specifically.
And I live in europe, so I must pay EU prices. Which are astronomical with both Oculus and Vive.

> then how are you going to convince people in the most important market (...)
I don't care about other people. I care about my own purchase and my own money. Why are you bringing all this hypothetical "but on paper" shit?

You started by replying to something I said about myself, which applies only to me. You also respond with:
>Your fraction (...)
>You need to buy (...)
>you are already at 83% of the cost (...)
>you you you you

Clearly, you're talking about me, but for some reason now I represent the US market or something? My "you" changed to meaning something else midway through.

I will get VR whenever I have a big pool of disposable income. 900€ for a gadget I'll barely use? Not a chance.

>paying money for this trash
>paying $30-40 for unfinished junk rushed out to milk retard Year1 VR fags

you guys are genuinely fucking stupid if you buy into VR year one

Why is there so much salt for VR? Even at it's base being able to look around with them in games is neat. Or are people pissed it isn't holodeck tier?

As if you really are a distinct individual as an anonymous, which is only singular when it's used even at plural context.

>genuinely stupid
Guilty as charged
Because it's now a 'consumer product' instead of some devkit.


You can get a Wii for $20.

Well, then next time don't reply to a comment I made about myself talking about the costs I would have to pay that don't even apply to me and then go on to talk about markets and target audiences and how to convince someone else to get a PSVR instead of an Oculus, so on and so forth

You derailed yourself 3 or 4 times, go get some sleep I guess.

That's what I am pissed off most. That video's right in that the shovelwares really are peddling Wii level shit to me when you can do way more than that.
I don't want to be in a situation where the vaporware Star citizen, the meh Elite: Dangerous, Gaijin's jew sim game and mod for Skyrim along with GTA V being the only things that actually show the promise of what more serious games can do with with VR, but here we are right now.

paying 800$ to get eye cancer. i always wanted to know how burned retinas feel like

>grew out of manchild phase
>condescending smileys
okay I guess? I think you'd have to be a pretty big fanboy to look forward to the psvr when all the games consist of just more wiimote waggling, though

It's neat but not worth the money for it.
I may change my tune when good games come out for it or H-games but for now it's disappointing.

Pretty obvious you didn't do any research or look into PSVR games at all, considering 80% of them use the dualshock and only a minority use Move controllers.

But hey keep shitposting if that makes you feel superior and better about yourself.