"muh dark souls bosses"

>"muh dark souls bosses"
>"muh hardcore geim"

You don't know true pain niggers.

Try /vr/ for maximum (You)'s.

/vr/ is the worst board out of all the Sup Forums off springs.

/vr/ is full of hipsters

>state 0 loaded
you shitty casual

You put far too much effort into that screenshot to pretend you actually want to discuss this game. I'm just saying you'll have better luck with popping some veins at /vr/ than you would here.

That's nit my screenshot and I'm not OP

I you want to trigger /vr/, start a Castlevania thread or call the first Playstation console a PSX

But it was called PSX in japan, what's the problem?

>he doesn't like comfy and rad games

>Calling other people casual
>While using save states.