ITT: Most punchable faces in the vidya industry
ITT: Most punchable faces in the vidya industry
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oh fucking christ I forgot about him
Phil Spencer
Literally who?
Don't lie user. You probably saw his mug last year or with that stupid "how to share a ps4 game" vid.
vid related 0:51
You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would ya Sup Forums ?
I already have, and it's fucking satisfying to watch someone scramble along the floor trying to find their glasses
don't worry, he deserved it and I'm not a violent person
Phil Spencer, Miyamoto, Yoshitda
Are we counting game "journalists"?
I honestly kinda miss that guy
He's the only non cringe worthy announcer
Who would you rather punch, Dave Lang, or John Vignocchi?
literally doesn't do anything at sony
fucking this
Wrong Nintendo exec
nope. both punchable as fuck.
He may have a punchable face but Reggie would turn you into a goddamn pancake for it
I wouldn't risk punching mr Howard if I were you, fella
more like killable
fucking hate this stupid guy and the gay speech he did at the VGA was fucking horrible
That is truly a quality OP, I laughed for a minute straight
Battleborn bit him in the ass in the most karma way possible.
Why can't he just go away?
I can't bring myself to hate todd
his games are horseshit and he lies so fucking much, but he's so charismatic
t. todd