WTF I hate Morrowind now
WTF I hate Morrowind now
They are quite different games. I liked them both.
That's the point I guess, whatever each game has to offer the other one falls short or don't offer it at all.
Though at the end of the day Gothic 2 is the better game. The idea of replaying Morrowind now gives a stomachache.
>not night of the raven
u fucked up op
>The idea of replaying Morrowind now gives a stomachache.
Probably because G2 is much more approachable - smaller map and less RPG elements lets you jump straight into game without really worrying about character creation and the build route; the quests are simpler. Also, you are much more familiar with the world and mechanics since people who play G2 most likely played G1 already.
>Gothic 2
>Quests are simpler
>Don't need to worry about character build
Could you try to hide a bit more you didn't play the game?
Now comapre these things to Morrowind.
Yeah and actual characters, actual fun quests that you can approach in different ways and no fucking cliff racers
It's all about which your prefer better lore or better gameplay. Gameplay always wins.
delete this shitpost and go play this game
>boring tedious """gameplay"""
Play Dark Souls if you want actual good gameplay autist.
So you prefer bland standard fantasy over something unique and different.
Yeah? Quests in Morrowind are simple as fuck. Meanwhile Gothic 2 is probably the game with the most ways to finish certain quests and find solutions to problems. Along with Deus Ex.
You do have to worry about character build in Gothic, in fact you really have to because you have to commit to your choices and if you go with magic the game can be very unforgiving in the beginning. In Morrowind you have a lot more of flexibility.
roll roll roll roll roll
or pick fucking mage and game is ez
truly top gameshit
But he is right unless we're talking about NOTR that is balls to the wall insane and unless you carefully hoard every stat boosting plate and minmax your build to shit and exploit the ai whenever possible you will have your shit kicked in brutally. Vanilla Gothic 2 is incredibly easy. NOTR Gothic 2 is on the opposite end of the difficulty scale.
Oh I see what's going on
What's Gothic 1 like? I haven't seen much discussion about the first game.
Lmao. All those games have for quality is setting. Nothing more.
Same as 2 but simpler
Gothic 1 has better atmosphere than 2. The controls are absolute shit but you'll get used to them and they may even really grow on you. It's almost as good as Gothic 2. Gothic 2 just has more (great) content.
Quality thread guys.
Simpler as far as mechanics go, arguably better in terms atmosphere.
Gothic 1> Gothic 2
They play exactly the same though. The first one just has the better setting and overall story.
Better story/climate, much less sidequests. Recommend playing in the Old Camp first. It's pretty easy if you know what you're doing though, unlike NOTR.
God, I loved that feeling of being fucking stuck under a magic barrier and doing shit to get out while also trying not to die.
I remember playing Gothic 1 as a kid and roleplaying as a guard from the old camp that would work in the mines and watch over things. I would literally slow walk from mine camp through the forest to the mine, talk to people/kill bugs till night and then go back to my house in the old camp.
Fucking best game
Old camp are bitches. #newcamp4life
It's good with a little more difficult control scheme but still an amazing game. Reminds me of Deus Ex.
well fuck you buddy
This fight was a bitch. I'm almost certain only my critical hits got through this thing's defenses.
>amulet with 20 fire protection
Wew, thanks game. Is there even anything in this game that attack with fire aside from like five lizards?
>this thread
Welcome to the world of Gothic, user. Remember, the first one, the second one and Night of the Raven are the best cRPGs you'll play, but don't dare venture past that.
G3 with community patch is good
G3 is never good, it's awful
Don't fucking start.
Not really, the world is way too big and the combat is the worst thing in this universe. The quests were terrible as well.
It still looks very good in my opinion and has the comfiest soundtrack in any game ever
Combat was always the bad part of gothic games.
It's bland. Quantity over quality.
Gothic 1/2 were about quality over quantity with its handcrafted and extreamly detailed world full of unique locations and quests.
Combat in 1/2 has an actual learning curve. Fights can be either hard or easy depending on your understanding of the mechanics.
Meanwhile combat in 3 has no learnnig curve at all, it's piss easy from the start to finish, only archery was fun.
No, the combat in Gothic 1 and 2 is actually good, but super clunky. 3's combat is just terrible in every single way.
Also, how fucking cool it would be if Gothic 4 wasn't fucking linear action shit and was an actual open world RPG? The game looks absolutely beautiful and has a decent combat system. Such a shame, I was so hyped for that shit
TES sucks compared to Gothic. what else is new?
>Gothic 4
>has a decent combat system
It's such a rollspam it puts Dark Souls to shame.
>that one guy
Well 1 & 2 are the best games ever made so...
In 1 you can win almost everything just by holding block and attacking only when enemy is moving, provided that you can actually damage them. Or you can climb some weird ledge and murder everything with bow - that's how I killed entire orc camps in 1 and 2.
In 3 it's best to just kill with bow.
>In 1 you can win almost everything just by holding block and attacking only when enemy is moving, provided that you can actually damage them. Or you can climb some weird ledge and murder everything with bow - that's how I killed entire orc camps in 1 and 2.
This still requires some degree of understanding the mechanics.
>In 3 it's best to just kill with bow.
It's actually best to just keep spamming fast attack.
You're supposed to kill him with a spell as part of a quest later in the game. Don't sell the amulet, you need it for a quest, too
I actually prefer Vanilla Gothic 2. Most of all because I don't think they implemented the additional territories that well into the game. It feels very tacked on and fucks with the pace in my opinion.
I'd recommend everyone to beat the regular Gothic 2 before playing the addon.
only NOTR is worth playing vanilla g2 is far to easy
The thing is combat in Gothic 1/2 is simply satisfying. Different enemies behave in their own specific ways and even your own moveset changes as you advance.
Recall the feeling of killing your first orc or discovering that with each new rank of weapon proficiency you now have a totally different moveset. It gives a sense of progression and achievement that G3 simply doesn't have.
>to easy
Plus, you're on Sup Forums. I'll be glad to see them not get shitslapped by G2.
The problem with vanilla G2 was thar once you could reliably kill orc the game was basically over as your character snowballed in unstoppable god. NOTR """""""""fixed""""""""' it by making the game anus-crushingly hard and character progression slower than ever. Its basically unplayable for anyone but hardcore fans who know all ins and outs. Early NOTR levels are great though, no RPG makes you feel like such a wimpy bitch
Was ended up happening plot-wise in Gothic 3? As a kid my computer could not run it and when I tried playing it recently it was awful.
That's what fans wanted though :) everyone complained to the creators that G2 is too easy.
That was fixed in the most German way imaginable.
And Night of the Raven is not as bad difficulty wise as you make it up to be. If you know some tricks (give Darion the Fire Mage 50 gold until you can't anymore - there, your HP is doubled! Join Militia/Paladins and get gold which you really won't need much during the game to pray to Innos) it gets easier
You can still kill orcs relatively safely 1 on 1 from the start because of their retarded combat ai, it just takes like a million hits
You and Xardas destroy all of the Gods influence in the world to stop them from using humanity as a proxy for their retarded conflict.
I'll forever love Gothic.
xardas full on betrayed you, like the g2 outro implied. you search for him and rebel against the orcs. you take the throne in the end.
What's better
Witcher 3 or Gothic 2
I'd say Gothic 2 myself but I can see why someone would disagree.
That explains it. I thought quest locations were only the locked places, and everything else is fair game. Is "Value: 1000" the game's way of warning me about not immediately obvious quest items? I picked up a few such items and was wondering about the strangely high value.
So how does Arcania: Gothic 4 fit into the equation?
>NPCs live on schedule, they take breaks to piss or eat something
>city residents throw parties with weed in the evening
>various monsters sleep or hunt at night
>goblins take shelter in caves
>scavenging types get distracted by corpses
>some monsters are lone types, some attack in herds
These are such meaningless details gameplay wise, but I love how vibrant the world feels thanks to them
It doesn't.
>kill Thorus in all 3 games
>suddenly dude main villain
Almost got me although I must say that this wasn't a particularly good bait. Props to catching me off guard for a sec there, though.
So much more entertaining than Morrowind.
Gothic 2. But Wittcher 3 is the most "gothic like" game, maybe because its made by eurofags
Name a comfier game.
You can't.
witcher 3 is only good if u care about lore gameplay suck dick
It's made by Poles and Poland absolutely loves this game. Love to Gothic can also be seen in Russia and most other Slavic countries.
I love how replies like this practically scream "I know it's not actually bait but I'm incapable of or too lazy to defend my opinion, so I'll just call bait!"
but then you kill all of the creatures nearby and there is suddenly none left.
mobs only spawn after each chapter or smth. like wtf
I LOVE to play as a mage in RPGs
Was the hottest shit in Gothic
Didn't play Gothic 2 as a mage though
How are mages in G2?
Where should I start if I want to play Gothic 1&2 for the first time? Where can I get them, are there any required patches/mods?
G2 vanilla it's pretty much the way to go - there's enough LPs so you can become as good as any warrior, but you also get access to spells. You can max both Mana, Strength and everything you wish pretty much.
In NOTR, however, you start weak as hell, there's lots of problems early on, it's hard to decide what to spend LPs on because they're so stingy with them and everything costs so much.
But once you get to good spells, you once again become a pure beast.
gothic/risen games are really nothing special. I don't get why some people like them. germans do not make good rpgs. they suck an innovation.
Grab the GOG version. Community patches are not necessary, but many prefer to play with them.
btw I'm not Todd Howard
Poles made a few fan expansions to Gothic 1 and 2. It has legendarz status in Poland. My two brothers played it alot.
Just pirate it if you are not in USA/germany.
>good spells
just get fireball max mana and its more ez then any warrior
more mana = more dmg
You can get both of the from Steam also.
I just invest in Dexterity in NotR. There were 2or 3 swords that use dex and it helps immense as you not need to rely on strenght tfor damage.
Witcher 1 is the most Gothic influenced of all 3, Witcher 2 is the closest in gameplay and Witcher 3 is on the opposite end of the spectrum and is pretty much the Gothic 3 of the Witcher series.
Damn I want to play Witcher 1 again.
DX11 mods is fucking core to both
so there are no game-breaking bugs that need fixing or anything, I can just grab the games and play vanilla?
I may be wrong by I think rapiers still used str to calculate damage
the controls are a game breaking bug
> you not need to rely on strenght tfor damage
You do. Your melee damage is derived from your STR regardless of the weapon requirements.
There's a bug where the game might become unbeatable if you slay the dragons in incorrect order, so do it in correct order
If you want to play through Steam you have to download some small patches. There is a guide how to do and what.
Once you get used to them (takes an hour in G2, about two in G1) they're fine.
I think it has more to do with your inability to adapt.
both in G1? is there a mod or whatever that makes the controls better?
I'd probably rather not play on Steam, actually
>I literally can't adapt to video games
go back to ur meme souls
lol no
I played the games at release.
The G1 controls are pure shit.
G2 fixed it.
controls is no problem if u are not mentaly challenged
There is nothing wrong with the controls. They seem unusual at first, but once you get over the initial shock it's very intuitive. The only time when it genuinely sucks is if you try diving. But why would you?