FFVII REMAKE listed for PC

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE listed on Belgium's biggest gaming retailer.


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who cares
Atelier when

Reminder: Belgium is home to terrorists and OP is one of them. Don't believe his lies and your PC will be safe.

we have known its coming to PC since forever

its just FIRST on ps4

how is that living under a rock lifestyle treating ya

>good at anything

shut up op

Yep. Not news really


OH BOY I can't wait to pay $60 for 10 chapters each

Its just FIRST on ps4 then on xbone and NEVER EVER ON PEECEE

> don't even have FFXV confirmed beyond Square saying they might do it but they'd have to rebuild the game for it
> already begging for FFVII

>mfw part one is available right after the Sony press conference

This is never making it to XB1


Only 3 more years before it releases.


It said "Play it FIRST on PS4" so that means its coming to PC too later

Keep denying, sony pony

This has been known since day one user.

You mean xbox.

>Belgium's biggest retailer

oh wow

It was never truly confirmed though, so it's kinda interesting.



Europeans were so bad they created United States of America, what a bunch of retards

PS4 is first

XboxOne and PC is second.

It never was, you retard

Sony Exclusive*

*also on pc

Someone post the pic.

Hello, I'm from Belgium and I have your IP now.

sony have some of the rights for the ps1 FFs so it's not getting an xbox release.

just like they help build the engine which run MGS4, so without their permission it will never be ported to the xbox.

It's coming to either pc or xbox later on but playstation is getting first so enjoy waiting for the shitty port

thanks for beta testing

>First on ps4
What's so hard to get about that

SE can just publish it themselves now, though

enjoy your spoilers for at least one year :^)

Why are Microshits so fucked in their head? FF VII is a PlayStation classic you retarded cunts. If you're so cool make your own fucking games. Unlike you we will not beg for ports or make retarded petitions from our basements. Holy shit you're so pathetic.

Every fucking day "mom why does Sony have the cool toys I want some too". Get on our level

Your begging is really embarrassing, just like your platforms.

>sony games

Haha! Aeris dies! SPOILERS!

>FF VII is a PlayStation classic
That didn't stop it from being ported


>yfw they switch it up and Cloud dies


The original FF7 was ported to PC nearly at the same time as the PS1 release, makes no difference desu.


>not on xbox one

That's a bit childish

If fucking KH3 is going to xbone I don't see why FFVIIR isn't.



pretty good

This isn't really a surprise
>play it first on PS4
Though I am happy to see more evidence to support it being on other systems, I just don't get it. Why does Square always announce these games being one thing and then after release announce ports? Why not just be honest and say what all systems its going to be on at first announcement?

Never understood the want of a remake for this, just sounds like a case of plain old nostalgia goggles.


Let him have it, PC fags need something to justify their self righteous smugness

Japanese Honor user, Final Fantasy VII is honor bound to stay on Sony consoles. Apparently a copy of Final Fantasy VII has a spot on the government of Japan.

it's as if Chris-chan was publishing this
>put it on whatever
>n-never on h-hex bawks

Do I even want it anyway? It's not sour grapes now because it's coming to a platform I own. FF7 is one of my favorite games, but the only reason I give a shit about Final Fantasy was because it was turned based. I get this vibe from Japanese developers that never even glance at any game from anywhere else in the world and they think they're being innovative by making an action RPG, when the majority of RPG games are action. I like action RPGs very much, but it doesn't seem like it's going to have any of the benefits of being an action RPG. In fact, it will probably be more linear than the original. You really think we're gonna get a world map? I'm betting there will be time skips when moving from city to city until the Highwind just teleports you around.

Except not even the original FFVII was Sony exclusive. Also they've pretty much confirmed that it will be ported by saying "Play it FIRST on PS4"

I want to pirate it and see it for myself. I already know it will be a completely different game from the original, I just want to see how badly Square Enix will fuck this one up.

>Play it FIRST on PS4
That just means that just means there will be a PS3 port.

Spoiler that shit man

It would be an even bigger waste of time and money porting it to a last gen console.


You say this as if there is something wrong with waiting for ports

no one can take original from me so why the fuck not? Its not like they can shit all over it and spoil the original like they do in the cinema industry with their constant remakes. They didn't change the main hero to a negro-woman so i'm okay all the way

FF7 was released for PC only a year after Playstation.

cute as fuck

>spoilers for a 20 year old game that's already been spoiled to hell and back

Oh the humanity!

>It would be an even bigger waste of time and money
Well...the PS Vita exists so I don't think Sony would mind wasting those two things.

>FF VII is a PlayStation classic you retarded cunts
Classic =/= Exclusive


>tfw they will remove the loli mouth to mouth scene
Just kill me I don't want to live with such a shitty world anymore.

Vita was a mistake.


Lol, you PCucks just love getting games long after people have stopped playing them and they are noonger relevant. I heard you guys are getting pacman some time in 2020 XD

Any idea of when it will actually be out though? I can wait a year if it means good performance.

Any more and I'll grab it for my BB machine.

It's UE4 and has massive title recognition. Of course it's coming to everything. Unless SE suddenly decide they hate money.


This is Squeenix we're talking about, the PS4 version itself won't be out for another 5 years anyway.

>haha faggots enjoy your boyband final fantasy it is total shit


Not strictly true.

We know it is not intended to be a PS4 exclusive permanently, but the developers have stated that it's being developed for PS4 first and then other platform(s) will be considered. What those other platform(s) would be wasn't stated. So strictly speaking, we do not know for certain that it's coming to PC.

I'm not saying it won't, I'm saying "We've known it" is incorrect.

Speaking of fucked in the head, you realize console wars are for children and autistics, right?


It's UE4? Wouldn't that mean that it's yet another paid timed exclusive then?

>haha faggots enjoy your boyband final fantasy it is total shit

Nobody mention XV though.

who are you quoting?

different game bro

I bet if you let this go viral enix would give you a free game or something,I don't know if that's the type of company they are but I know sometimes publishers/devs do that like with the kid who bought Fallout 4 in bottlecaps

And we are somehow superior to Europe.

You poor niggers

yes you are


Just passing by.


>yfw they switch it up again and Tifa dies
>it was all a dream
>it was Yuffie who died

I find it difficult to believe that 'Murrica has higher CO2 emissions than China.


False. We already got back man this year.

Never played FF apart from 12, Crisis Core, and both dissidia. Loved 'em. Am I missing out?

So basically, you didn't play any good FF yet ?


heh yea..... right...


Delete this post

I'd assumed VIIR would be a Destiny-type affair; heavily marketed and presented as a Sony title, with a much-subdued release on PC/Bone. At least with VIIR it makes sense considering the title's history with the PSX.

I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it ends up a console exclusive for PS4 to be honest.