Is this a joke???

Is this a joke???

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It's just amd ad space.

Unless valve gets involved it will always be that.

Yeah the show was shit last year

Probably not watching it this year

by that logic you shouldn't watch any e3 this year

or most years really

sam 4 will be revealed and save the pc show

I'm checking it out, just for the chance of Croteam revealing SS4 and/or Talos 2, which are pretty much confirmed anyway.

If Croteam reveals Serious Sam 4 during the PC Gaming show, then ironically the PC Gaming show, the pinnacle of shit, will have surpassed all other conferences this year.

That's how fucking shit E3 is right now.

>E3 2015
>XCOM 2 gameplay revealed out of PCGaming show

>E3 2016
>Serious Sam 4 revealed out of PCGaming show

Are they even trying?

Not watching it, but I hope they show footage of Tyranny so I can go watch that part in specific.

No its a talk show
This was a sick kick for pcfriends everybody wont stop laughing because it was a shitty talkshow without videogames

The same would happen if steam made one just talk about ebin sales and fedora mods

Still better than the awful stage presentation all publishers do.

Wouldn't you want to watch the political correct gaming show for all that tumblr triggers?

Hype intensifies

Of course they want you to watch it, they bought ad space.

I'll be watching

We got it done

No, this is

I fucking hope 490 will be announced or at least some info of it, but probably it will end up being the 480 on action and announce lower end cards like the 470




It's pretty terrible but Ubisoft continuing to rehire Aisha Taylor is still the worst.

No, it's a show.

She's... odd, and is kind of a good reflection of the very weird tone of Ubisoft. All their conferences have very weird tonal whiplash.

No but this is

Did you watch the one from last year? The audience was 40% fat neckbeards. It was surreal.

I hope DayZ will be there again, I would love to see them trying to defend how little progress they made since last year.

Paradox is showing some games. Good enough for me.

PC Gaming Show has the first look at Dawn of War III's gameplay. That alone puts it head and shoulders above the cringefests Sony and Ubisoft are going to be serving up.

>PC gaming

It's fucking boring, that's what it is

it was one of the better shows last year. i hope they increase the quality next year. it wasnt as big or immaculate as a sony or microsoft conference but it was all games.

E3 is generally embarrassing, the PC Game show of last year was the most embarrassing/boring. That's saying something.


i fucking hate my amd card that doesnt even work half the goddamn time

>AMA presents

lmao bye

that sounds reasonable

Fuck, I won't even try to watch this shit. Last year was horrible with literally no interesting reveals that took like a 3 hours.
When your show is even worse than Square Enix had, you have a problem.

taleworlds presentation confirmed BANNERLORD HYYYYYYYPE

The PC show last year was boring as fuck.
Don't watch it and wait for the trailers/gameplay to get uploaded after it.

LMAO pcucks

can't wait for all the indie garbage and mobas like last year AHAHAHAH

Is there any chance they'll unveil the RX 490 or whatever it's supposed to be called?

But microsoft and sony were pretty good. Square enix was probably the best though.

>dawn of war
Fuck off with your nerd shit

PC has some games to talk about this year unlike the last. really dont know how they managed to get a 2nd year after the last one

EA was worse

Problem is, people expect this conference to be like Sony/MS/Nintendo and reveal a bunch of exclusives when that simply wont happen.
PC is not a proprietary platform where the owner funds development of games and publishes them like the above three companies. Any exclusive has 10x more chances to be announced in the actual publisher's conference, be it Ubi, EA or whatever.

This conference will focus on hardware, show some gameplay for already announced games, and if a publisher feels generous we may even get an actual announcement for an exclusive here instead of in their own conference.

Only waiting for some juicy Bannerlord footage, rest is irelevant in my eyes.

Thanks, Doc.

My guess is that the 490 will be a Vega GPU, and then there will be a Fury equivalent with a bigger Vega GPU. I don't think there's a larger Polaris GPU.
Considering Vega is released in October for the small one and 2017 for the large one, I don't think so.
I could be wrong of course, and I think there is actually a change, I just think it's a very small chance.

I want more Vulkan demos so people see you don't need to be Wincuck.

It's just a show to advertise the new Bristol Ridge APUs.

>Considering Vega is released in October for the small one and 2017 for the large one

The "small one" better beat or at least match the 1070 or they will have a really bad holiday season.

Two 480x in CF beating the 1080 for less than the cost of the latter is great but unfeasible. CF and SLI are niche as fuck and 90% of potential buyers don't have a mobo or PSU ready for either of them.

>The "small one" better beat or at least match the 1070 or they will have a really bad holiday season.
I'd say that's likely. 480=1060, 490=1070, Fury2=1080. Roughly.

>>Two 480x in CF beating the 1080 for less than the cost of the latter is great but unfeasible. CF and SLI are niche as fuck and 90% of potential buyers don't have a mobo or PSU ready for either of them.
I'd say this is wrong on a lot of levels. It wasn't crossfire, it was multigpu, which is easier to use merely by DX12 usage. And the market for 1070+ buyers is small, but those would probably have a compatible mobo/PSU. Not like the 1070 is affordable anyway.

Really? Cool, if that's not bullshit. You're a fag if it is.

Why do PC even needs exclusives anyway, you re not buying a $500 bucks black box who can only play games on 30 fps. Console players and their weird stockholm syndrome, they have to keep repeating this bullshit so they feel what they bought was justified.

It was boring as fuck last year.

>only one version of each APU
Thank fucking Allah. The APU line-up for Steamroller is an absolute clusterfuck of processors that compete with each other for the same price.
>A8-7650K (which is the same as the A10-7700, except with unlocked core multipliers)
All of these are priced within $20 of each other.
The actual fuck, AMD?

>hey guys, welcome to the show, we have something very special planned for you today, are you all ready? :)
> WE

essentially last years show ^

>just for the chance of Croteam revealing SS4 and/or Talos 2
When is this and where can I watch it?

Fuck I chuckled

Devolver conference. Porbably just SS4

Consoles don't cost 500$ and don't run all games at 30fps but also at 60fps m8.
>exclusives are not important
Sounds like apology of shitty system owner.

Yes it is.

>Sounds like apology of shitty system owner.
Nah, those sound like
>backwards compatibility isn't important
>emulators aren't important
>mods aren't important
>free online play isn't important
>the eye can't see past 24 fps

Im mosly pc gamer, and think it is a joke

Most good pc reveals were from Sonys conference

>games I play on consoles are importat
>horse anus mods are important
>online is free except more subscriptions than consoles have
>10fps is ok because PC

Last year's was one of the most hype E3's ever

Sorry if you're a jaded gamer :-)

Nice excuses.

Didn't they reveal a double-chipped GPU or something last time? Did anyone even buy that thing?

Nice dead system

Nice cock up your ass. That the Sony or the Microsoft one?

The show isn't meant to be about announcements. It's mostly a tech thing, with developer interviews and some footage of already announced games.

>gayish refererences

Typical PCuck, always talking abou dick and asses.

Digital Extremes (Creators of Warframe) are gonna be there this year to talk about U19 shit.

I'm excited.

as long as it's not 3 fuckin hours long like last years, I'll watch it

These are the presenters.

>mount and butter 2
Only thing I care about this e3

>No Valve
Get the fuck out

Absolutely no one of interest

Yeah, nah.


>Mount and blade 2
>Dawn of war 3

Yeah I`ll watch those two, but skip the others

There are some quite big studios on that, who would you have wanted?

Razer might be interesting. They're behing the only sane VR standard.

I'm only going to watch it because they're going to show Serious Sam 4 and Mount & Blade Bannerlord.

Win10 bullshit
DoW3 gameplay
Deus Ex trailer, maybe gameplay
More Sonic and DC game ports i guess
Grand Autism Strategy stuff. Maybe M&B. With luck something about Vampire: The Masquerade pls ;_;

Bannerlord hype. Also interested to see what kind of trash content Wildcard has for Ark.


>YFW It's Vanquish PC port

They're big publishers, but I can't see anything interesting happening.

>Squeenix will just be Deus Ex
>Microsoft will just talk about DX12, which no one cares about any more
>Oculus will reveal that they're gonna be just as gimmicky as the Vive
>Sega will just be more Total War
>Tripwire is literally just KF2, updates meaning barely anything because people are so bored with the core game that they play heavily modded servers only now

I hope I'm completely wrong and some actual game announcements happen, though.

>online is free except more subscriptions than consoles have

Oh it's this retard again.


>With luck something about Vampire: The Masquerade


Look at this hopeful maggot and laugh at him.

New York will legalize recreational weed before Masquerades gets another game.

>Microsoft will just talk about DX12, which no one cares about any more

More like another shovel load of Xbone exclusives coming to PC

What the hell does valve have to do with games?

That would be better than DX12. I'd be happy if Rare Replay was PC.

Sega/Relic => Dawn of War 3 / Killing Floor
Tripwire => Rising Storm 2
Bohemia => Arma 3 addon
New World => Insurgency 2
TaleWorlds => Butterlord
paradox => grand strategy autism, maybe Tyranny?
Nexon/Boss Key=> Lawbreakers
if the Serious Sam 4 rumors are true they might be one of the unnanounced reveals

Really doesn't seem that bad.

>coming to the Windows 10 Microsoft Store

Weird that there's a lot of Japanese games that used to be console exclusive now releasing to PC in at least a semi decent port state.

I think a trend is starting user. Most of the AAA releases are available on the PC nowadays.

I doubt most PC gamers would be excited about Gears of shit these days.

put the killing floor next to tripwire, how do I edit post :^)

Yes! gimme gimme gimme!

I hope they fix the loading time in Tyrrany. Got tired of POE's loading screens even over tiny areas.

>Squeenix will just be Deus Ex

It also says "Square Enix Collective". This is their initiative to let indie developers make games with Square IPs like Gex, Fear Effect, and Anachronox.

Will they ever let an indie developer make a Chrono game?