Game has spas-12

>Game has spas-12
>doesn't let you unfold the stock

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game has double barrel shotgun
>You shoot twice with both barrels

>game has guns
>can only use melee weapons.

>game has a "being a terrorist and shooting up a gay club in Orlando, FL" chapter.

Religion of peace

>have pistol
>found shotgun shells earlier in the game
>enemy use shotguns
>kill enemy, he drops his shotgun on the floor
>can't pick up shotgun
fucking alien isolation.

>game has a double barrel shotgun
>shoot once and reload
>guy throws out both shells

>game has the mark of the foilet
>doesn't let you unfold it like the toilet

just because he was from Afghanistan doesn't mean he was Muslim, Sup Forums

>Game has spas-12
>this doesnt happen

>game has AKM/other variant

>Assault rifle
>Pull the charging handle or whatever it's called
>Gun is reloaded without even removing the magazine


How did that happen? What was the part he was moving?

The magazine is enchanted with Bottomless γ.
It's imperfect in that you still need to charge the weapon once every set number of rounds.

>character reloads gun slower than you in real life


>MC is a grizzly military type
>has worse TD that a fat autist on a chinese cartoon image board

get out

sounds fun

>muh trigger discipline
Why can't you just quietly accept the fact most videogame devs have never fired a gun in their lives?
Just let it slide, bro.

The original spas had a defect which sometimes when switching from safe to fire caused the gun to fire if you had a shell chambered


>Game has swords and shields
>Doesn't let you bash your enemy's face in with the shield

He was Muslim though.

>Game has an AR15 or variant of
>Reloading involves the PC simply pulling the magazine out instead of pushing the mag release
>pulls back the charging handle instead of just hitting the bolt release

>FPS game
>PC just aims along the side of the gun instead of using the sights

>game has knife combat
>PC just uses pathetic slashes with gay sound effects and never extends his arm enough for the player to see beyond his elbow

Liberals don't care, it's either a gun issue or a straight vs. gay issue.

>Game with bolt action rifle
>PC just fires and bolts the rifle after each shot and never reloads

>Game with shotguns
>Effective range is less than 10 meters

>game has an m60
>you can shoot it from the hip