ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums played

ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums played

I always saw it at Hollywood Video but never rented it.

Blur is one of those games that I can just put in play while I have a pocast on in the background.

But its also a great multiplayer game that I can play with anyone since its real cars but with power-ups like Mario Kart.

Nano Assault for the WiiU is a pretty decent shooter and is on sale for the eshop right now.

The drift mode was some fun shit.

I Dare anyone tell me that they played this game

Literally only one on Sup Forums who did


This feels like one of those US only game with 20 download on rom site where games generally get 500k

I played it and I enjoyed it.

I know 2D Metroid is never coming back but this wasn't a bad alternative, just wish it was longer and had more interesting bosses.


I played the shit out of the blur beta on 360. Shunted kids left and right.

I played the Multiplayer demo when I first got my PS3 and had no gaems


It finally got a pc port, so there's that

ALso no porn just to make it worse



>only 5 people
certainly not your mom for sure


I liked it. Some racing modes were just a huge pain in the ass but overall I'd recommend it to anyone.

I remember the demo being fun.

Hay you do get to punch Osama bin Laden in the face tho


Had this on Dreamcast. Interesting game.


you get to kick him off to a helicopter too

but it for ps3, was alright I guess

then there was this game

That game was goat

I wanted to play this I thought the concept was cool but from what I hear it was bad


As usual, being Asian on 4chin fucking sucks


I hope I was the only one that played this, I really do

i think i saw this at blockbuster one time unless i'm confusing it with another 'most wanted crims' game

I played the shit out of this It had some great boss fights. I used to play silent scope at the local lazer tag joint as a kid.


>30fps racing game
God, that unerves me!

There are 2 versions yes




I played the demo/beta a whole bunch.

>there will never be another Blur
>There will never be another Midnight Club game
>There will never be another Full Auto
>There will never be another ATV Off Road Fury
>There will never be another Wipeout
>There will never be another Jet Moto
>There will never be another F-Zero
>There will never be another Hydro Thunder
>There will never be another Daytona USA
>There will never be another Rush game
>There will never be another Sonic All-Star Racing game
>There will never be another Outrun
>There will never be another Burnout

>The only racing games that are relevant are Mario Kart, Forza and NFS rehashes


We are getting a new Criterion game that is supposed to be an awesome stunt-based spiritual succesor of Burnout

Wasn't there a sequel?

If the publisher is EA then it'll suck

I'd rather another studio make Not-Burnout

this game was incredibly popular and well received on release.

Zombie Revenge.

They published a video of some conceptual gameplay and it looked pretty good, that was two years ago.

Word is it'll be present in this E3 and it will drop some time this year.

I think that despite having EA as publisher it has a good chance of being awesome, even Dangerous Golf is fun

There was, I liked both games, and I'm pretty sure they were made in Sugarland, which is basically in Houston.
Guys would be pretty close to me if they're still there.
Or if they still exist

I played it. Nice idea but a little too arcadey. You did better by going full speed, turning at the last second and slamming the side of your car into a wall than you did executing proper turns.

Like any of you fucking faggots played this.


>this was their last racing game

>There will never be another Wipeout

google Formula Fusion

How many people played Metal Arms: Glitch in the system?

never got to play it sadly, wanted to though since its a house of the dead spinoff

Did anyone play Incoming?

Was a fucking sweet game, I played the shit out of it.
I think I still have the CD somewhere in storage.


i have it on steam and I like it. Hard multiplAyer tho

Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar

I loved that game dude, I still have the case and disc. Had it for GC, my friends and I would play that for hours in multiplayer.

Really satisfying game, even if it was pretty corny.
I always hoped for a sequel, but it's probably a good thing that we never got one.
I still remember the music as well.

>saw it got a raving review from a local games magazine, the staff members seemed to love it, interest sparked
>got it from a discount bin later on
>never played it
I'm the worst



Could have been GOAT, but rubberbanding AI cars and the fact that you couldn't switch them off during local multiplayer ruined it.

Online multiplayer was fun, though.

I can't even get the demo running any more, man.

i love blur, always have

shame the devs are dead and multi is equally as dead



Rip Timegate.

>Hollywood Video

Jesus, is this game really that old?


I remember being 10 and only playing the demo over and over again. For some reason I found it scary because you could fall ofd into the abyss

Came bundled with one of my early graphics cards. Matrox Mystique or Voodoo2 can't remember.

Great game.

Fuck I remember seeing this in Nintendo Mag agggggges ago.
What was it about again?

have a lot nostalgia with this one.
sadly no one else played it tho

Probably Voodoo2.
This game had excellent graphics for it's time, and it was fun as well.
My friend and I played this constantly on my dad's desktop, inbetween matches of Worms World Party and AvP.

It's obviously about flowers, the sun, and rain, and their importance and correlation in our ecosystem.

Really though, it was a VN kind of game, mystery I believe. I think Suda was behind it

>bosses can get random critical hits

This shitty game! I had this and the GBA game. Kao appealed to me as a platformer mascot, but the games were shit at their core.

Neat. I think I'll get this.

>playing Worms with your friends

Man those were the times.

I still play it sometimes desu


Great fun. If only my friends weren't scared of trying Worms now.
There is a new one coming out, I'll probably just buy it for them and force it upon them.

No one ever wants to talk about this series, so I'm assuming it's no very well known on Sup Forums despite all of them being very successful and higly bought games. Infact no one I know irl even knows these games.

Is SSX somesort of ghost franchise?

I bought it for like 5 bucks from Gamestop was a really neat game. I feel like if it had gotten a sequel, that sequel could of been 10/10

I played, and still own that game. Its probably one of, if not the, most broken game i've ever played.

Sup newfriend. Fun game you got there.


No one talks about snowboard games in general because there are hardly any. Also looks like the newer SSX games tone down the wackyness for realism which may have hurt its popularity.

That game was amazing, doesn't have a whole lot of replay value though. Desperately needs a sequel.

it was still fun tho


I actually own it on Steam. Great game.

Why was it removed from Steam in the first place?

I really loved this game's level and character editors, and the kart racing itself was good. Too bad it had hellish loading times on launch, and by the time it was patched out there was no online community for it.

Nah I played it. Shit was cash. Too bad it never got a sequel.

Basically an extremely weird ds portage of Source Code. Suda's games are always kind of hard to explain

This thread legit makes me want to cry. So many decent games that never got an opportunity to shine and improve with sequels.