ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums played

ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums played

I always saw it at Hollywood Video but never rented it.

Blur is one of those games that I can just put in play while I have a pocast on in the background.

But its also a great multiplayer game that I can play with anyone since its real cars but with power-ups like Mario Kart.

Nano Assault for the WiiU is a pretty decent shooter and is on sale for the eshop right now.

The drift mode was some fun shit.

I Dare anyone tell me that they played this game

Literally only one on Sup Forums who did


This feels like one of those US only game with 20 download on rom site where games generally get 500k

I played it and I enjoyed it.

I know 2D Metroid is never coming back but this wasn't a bad alternative, just wish it was longer and had more interesting bosses.