well he seems trustworthy
Well he seems trustworthy
>Where I can find you
MERC mercenaries have the best quotes
Picking who has the best quotes is harder than doing Iron Man on Hard.
>Playing the game blind for the first time, not expecting too much silliness
>Stephen blurts out SUPAH GROOVY!!! after getting a kill
Should give this another spin and not go full retard with the IMPs.
>Not going full retard with the IMPs
Biff, get off Sup Forums and go back to making your shitty webpage.
>not getting Igor and MD as your first mercs
I really like it when the mercs shittalk the enemy soldiers. Got any more like that?
Actaully, I just used the talk command on the mercs
Just what the fuck is going on in the Philippines ?
I had a dude die in the Philippines too. Makes you wonder.
I already have 2 deaths
Nails and Moses
MILF strikes agin.
I wonder how seriously are those guys taken with an acronym like that
>someone decided MILF was the best name for the group
This reminds me of the fact Archer had to drop ISIS once an actual ISIS terrorist group showed up.
You guys got any favorite mercs? I like Steroid, Stephen, Wolf, and Scope so far.
Igot, MD, Barry, Grizzly, Grunty, Spike, Kelly, Conrad, Spam, Stephen, Razor, Haywire, Leon, Stogie, Gaston
the list goes on
Oh good, another thread where people try to discuss an obscure game without ever telling anyone what game it is
Fuck off
>This game
>Not knowing this game
>Not knowing Jagged Aliiance
What the fuck are you, a 12 year old ?
>tfw can't get 1.1.13 to work because I bought JA2 on Steam
Just pirate the gold version
you already payed for the game
and you're not hurting sir-tech in any way. can't really hurt a corpse
Poor Manny
>6 unique IPs
>no "Howdy Ace"
you guys ruin your own ja2 threads
>yfw you will never be Manny
Hitman isn't everything, ace
Fuck you, bobby
I only hired you because I needed and extra rifle for team 2
>Hating on Steroid
It's like you're a puny man.
I love Ivan and Igor.
He hates them
Ergo, I don't like him
aren't miracles/magic the same thing ?
Not realy.
I can fucking hear it.
>The best liquors around. Only number one brand names.
>mfw one of the brohters fucked each of the other brothers wives, pretending to be them
>Exept Mannys. Poor Manny
Miracles exist.
Magic doesn't.
He's talking about the rest of his team.
>Low morale
>Nearly always out of AP
>Nearly always a patient
>Paired up with mercs I don't like
>Rifle always jams
>At least I'm not Manny
>"We teach him drink making when family gets together
>Last thing they tought him is how to make ice
>You guys got any favorite mercs?
Igor, Blood, Meltdown, Grunty, Malice, Razor, and Gasket all have their goofy charms. Biff and Flo are a delight if you actually go full retard and use them to fight.
From your use of the words "so far", I'm guessing you haven't completed the game yet, so you might not have met Dynamo, Shank or Maddog yet, but I consider them to be the most memorable (if not the most effective) of Arulco's residents.
I bet he's going to be shot by Conrad for boring him
Ah, memories.
Nah, I haven't beat it yet. I have Meduna and the middle town left to capture.
Game's really fucking fun though, it slowly became one of my favorite games ever. Can't wait to try it out on a higher difficulty after beating it.
I recruited him right before gangbanging that general.
>He talks shit at me
>Gets slaughtered by a room full of mercs
Did you negotiate his price though ?
5500 a day is ridiculous. He amazing, but he's no Mike
Fuck, I didn't know I could do that. Speaking of Mike,
>(Re)taking Balime
>Mike shows up
>Mercs act like they met IMP Jesus
> He goes down easier than I thought he would
>Steroid proceeds to shit talk him
Granted he was camping out in a building I had blown a hole in, so it was easy as hell to get my snipers to a spot where they could shoot the shit out of him.
Just havee a Merc with decent leadership and refuse his first offer. He will drop it to 3300 a day
also in 1.13 you can hire mike. Just have a merc with godlike leadership, shoot Mike untill he;s in critical condition. Talk to him. recruit him
Did they ever fix the AI wasting turns running back and forth in 1.13?
I haven't played 1.1.13, but I'm pretty sure that was intentional. Something about making it look like untrained soldiers panicking.
Spam is ridiculously effective
>heavenly body stats.
>high Wisdom
>Athletics skill
>Both paramedic AND technitian traits
>Good Marksmanship
>good medical
>good mechanical
>good explosives
MAN he's good
The worst thing about 1.13 is the boatloads of hotkeys. Eventually, they'll have ridiculous shit like Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Backspace.
I don't even bother with most of them
The only ones I use are shift + R to reload all guns
and ctrl + shift + S in strategic map to sell all items in sector
What gaemu
Jagged alliance 2 1.13
>obscure game
Do you live under a rock?
>tfw every attempt at a new JA ends up being trash
Name me one motherfucker who never hired these 2 badasses
They keep trying to do what FF did with trying to be real time, difference is JA2 fans are men of taste
>Magic doesn't.
It only seems like he doesn't exist because he's the best second story man in the business.
Spooky is pretty good for a fan created merc.
Give it some time
>tfw your sniper rifle bullet goes through 2 people at once, finally killing a kid in the background