Woman = Overwwatch
Cookie = Players
Dog = Battleborn
Woman = Overwwatch
I don't get it.
Players are poison to Battleborne?
OP is mentally challenged.
Where's the cookie?
I just see a chocolate bar. Are you saying there are no players?
That's vanilla ice cream you dumb shit.
Battleborn is going to puke soon ?
Thats a fucking tranny in leggings you queer
>being this new
This thread still gets replies
i was worried about the dog to be honest
That cat should not eat that cake, it's not heathy for it.
jesus fucking christ what keeps you moving
Milk chocolate isn't poisonous to dogs because there's very little actual chocolate in it; it's mostly milk and sugar. It's not good for them, but it won't kill them.
Dark chocolate on the other hand is deadly to dogs.
I hate this place and I hate every single one of you.
>someone is still posting my forced meme shit
You mean that cat?
A corner of milk chocolate won't harm it.
Just don't give it two extra dark, 90% cocoa, bar and it will be fine.
My dog ate a massive chocolate chocolate chip cookie the other day and he was fine, and he's not even a big dog.
Chocolate killing dogs is heavily overstated. Watch out for grapes/raisins instead
Is this really what fucking yuropoors actually call bars of chocolate!?
no, chocolate is what autistic americans call cookies
>battleborn eats players and dies
>overwatch eats players and gets fat
What did he mean by this?
So if I gave you a chocolate chip cookie, you would call it a cookie chip cookie?
No you retarded amerifat.
It'd be a cookie crumbler buscuit
Overwatch gets fat as in being rich while battleborn wants some too but then later realize the games following will slowly die out
chocolate is just as toxic to dogs as it is to humans.
Wtf will grapes and raisins do to a dog though? I'm confused about that one.
Grapes and raisins will kill dogs, user
You retard, this is a biscuit
Or lemme guess, you fuckin neanderthal mongoloids call this a muffin or some other stupid shit
No that's a savory scone.