>Game from 1987
>Fully functional mirrors
>Modern games doesn't have it
Literally WHY
>Game from 1987
>Fully functional mirrors
>Modern games doesn't have it
Literally WHY
Other urls found in this thread:
>Whoooo wanta some Shadow Warrior?
Really, 3Drealms?
>a sprite is the same as a 3D model with thousands of polygons
Reflections (as in actual ones and not just like what that game is doing where it's just redrawing the world in that frame) are legit one of the hardest things to program just in case a reflection meets a reflection and causes the whole damn thing to self destruct
Mirroring scales poorly.
I like sword! Is a personal weapon
no one asks them to do real reflections, shithead! we would be fine with just some trickery
your mom scales poorly with age
just like ur
haha gottem
Shitposting aside, yeah. That's the human condition for you, dunce.
What game?
The original Shadow Warrior granted it's from 1997 and even then by the looks of it OP is playing the reduxed version
usually you just make mirrors not reflect other mirriors
worked for doom 3
>mfw Doom 3 is from 2004
>mfw it looks much better than most modern AAA games
What went wrong?
given when this came out i assume this used the super primitive cheat of copying the room and making a dummy that repeats your actions
anyways, to answer your question, laziness
>given when this came out i assume this used the super primitive cheat of copying the room and making a dummy that repeats your actions
The dummy is even shit. It will only hold the Uzi and not any other weapons. Granted that's probably because it's a bit too complex for a sprite to switch weapons
Because dumfucks like you don't understand how complex rendering.
Reminds me of people who bitch about a game having fake cubemap reflections. You want to have 1FPS instead?
One word!
mirrors were much less resource intense to make back then
>Because dumfucks like you don't understand how complex rendering.
It's not like you can pull various tricks to create a fake mirror or anything. I know for a fact that in Mario 64 the mirror room is just a invisible wall with your model on the other side
>mfw it looks much better than most modern AAA games
I don't know what the fuck you are smoking user.
ur mom's cunt
>Modern games doesn't have it
Some do some don't. Just like how some games render your legs and some don't.
Unless there is some in-game application for it I'm not gonna beat myself up over the game I'm playing not doing those things.
You can easily set the iterations (how oft shit gets reflected) in most render engines. So I guess it would be easy in game engines aswell. Shit is just taxing to render, especially when you move your character, and the engine needs to animate it twice and calculate the light blabla twice. In most modern games with working mirrors, you can see that the mirrored shadowsnare low res, and the BG is mostly a static image or blurry
Old games used to just have a mirrored copy of the room with a copy of your sprite and an invisible wall.
You can't do that in modern games because:
1. Double the polygons = half the frames per second.
2. When you had a sprite that only had one or two poses, it was easy to copy. When you have a full 3d model, making it copy the player's actions is hard. It would be immediately obvious and immersion breaking. The problem multiplies exponentially if there things other than the players.
3. In a world with physics, bullet decals, etc, you can't easily copy those into the mirror room, so it would be immediately obvious and immersion breaking.
4. While these problems are surmountable, there's no reason to spend hundreds of hours of programing time on a bathroom.
You're one of those dumfucks. good luck rendering a complex environment twice from opposing perspectives without tanking your framerate.
Nigga what?
Does doubling the polygons really translate into having the fps halved? Not trying to argue stupid bullshit, just curious.
Nope. Can be worse or nothing changes at all. It depends on how good of a processor there is. So in consoles case it's HAHA NOPE
>When you have a full 3d model, making it copy the player's actions is hard.
The fuck'd you say?
This is absolutely not an issue.
You have 100% control over the games code.
You can make the model do whatever the fuck you want on button presses.
How the fuck do you think Multiplayer works? Magic?
It's a virtual mirror, quite literally.
The rest is right though.
Stop pulling things from your ass. The real reason is that devs are lazy shits now. Even a half assed trick like mirroring only your character and nothing else would be better than no reflections at all.
>Double the polygons = half the frames per second.
stopped reading here, you have not the slgihtest idea what you're talking about
>The real reason is that devs are lazy shits now
Yes, they are lazy shits because they have to work on a million more things than in the past and don't stop to bother about getting a fucking almost insignificant mirror into the game somewhere.
How did DX manage to have such perfect mirrored surfaces? They covered large areas and weren't low-res like other games and could even reflect other reflections.
On consoles anyway. Pretty much every single room and environment is very carefully designed to have finite polygons to avoid framerate issues. You could do it with a room half the size I suppose.
I said it was surmountable. It's just no one wants to pay for it.
Let's say it takes the team 10 hours to figure out the code. That means you're paying about $1,750 in wages alone to make a single bathroom look slightly nicer.
Not worth the money.
>stopped reading
Stopped reading right there. Nice meme friend.
That's no ordinary wang.
>On consoles anyway. Pretty much every single room and environment is very carefully designed to have finite polygons to avoid framerate issues. You could do it with a room half the size I suppose.
Quite literally talking out of your ass
Oh boohoo they had to cut $1k from their bloated marketing budget to make the game better. Like I said, companies are lazy and would rather rush their turd out the door.
By all means, tell us with your extensive source list how game developers completely underutilize their tools and could make their models twice as complex with absolutely no effect on processing.
Because double models =/= halving the FPS
>to make the game better
You are so unnaturally triggered by this lack of mirrors that it's hard to not take you as anything but an aspie.
Not him but I'd really like to see the source on "double the polygons = half the frames per second"
You can say that about literally everything though..
>Waa they reused a texture here! Why don't they spend more money?
>Waa why don't they have more voice acting lines? Why don't they spend more money?
>Waa why did they use the same enemy model? Why don't they spend more money?
After some point, you realize you're being absurd and wasting money on something that will not affect sales in any way, except for one or two turbonerds who will just pirate the game anyway.
A game without any reflections looks fake.
I'm not even triggered friend. I said devs are lazy and you get all up in arms claiming it's too expensive to make a simple mirror. Also rendering an extra model in the room won't halve your FPS. By that logic the game would have to have almost no groups of enemies lest it tank your FPS.
>Double polygons = half the frames per second
Oh but there's plenty of games that have that pretend reflection shit on objects, you know the one. They're just not one to one perfect see-yourself-off-the-eye-piece-of-your-gun reflections.
>you get all up in arms claiming it's too expensive to make a simple mirror
Multiple people are talking to you user. I'm not the retard who thinks it's difficult for developers to put mirrors into games. But because a game doesn't have a mirror or some shit in a bathroom somewhere so that you can see your character model for whatever dumb reason, that doesn't mean the devs were lazy user. They just didn't care enough to pander smalltime shit to autistic fucks.
You don't see retarded half-life 2 type seesaw physics puzzles all over modern games either user, and it's not because devs are too lazy to put them in.
Multiple people are talking to you, cuck
Well either way user, you couldn't count as one of them, since subhumans don't count as people.
>devs make a room
>devs decide to model a mirror and put it on the wall
>devs decide that a flat texture that doesn't reflect anything is good enough
>somehow this corner cutting isn't lazy
Just don't put a mirror at all if you're going to half ass it.
Careful, letting the mirror render 2 models at once for too long might crash your game.
Good thing I'm an Australian spider, moron
*render 2 ROOMs.
Please, stop being retarded.
I'm one of the people arguing against him, by the way.
What the fuck, what sort of shitty address starts with a zero? Fuck off shit country in captcha.
Corner cutting isn't lazy if you have a greater good in mind. In fact it makes perfect sense if you are trying to get somewhere without wasting time on dumb bullshit.
They didn't put the time needed to make a full grown mirror because they weren't making their game for insipid autistic fucks, and they knew their target audience wouldn't spend any time at all looking at themselves in the mirror when they could be shooting at hordes of aliens or some other shit that's a billion times more badass than fucking mirrors. That's all.
Even the Harry Potter games have working mirrors
haha thats mee
Are you ok?
good post.
From this
Who wants some Wang?
To this
Ok, I laughed at that one.
Whoa rendering the same tiny room TWICE? What were those madmen thinking? Thank god modern game developers are responsible enough to not try such risky endeavors. Might tear a hole in the space-time continuum.
>b-b-b-but those old games were using sprit...
Oh, wait, no, they were 100% 3D games, not sprites at all.
Game devs have no excuse.
Too busy trying to get SUPER DUPER REAL GRAFIX.
Adding a mirror and better lighting will make a shittier textured game look infinitely better than your ultra HD 4k textures ever will, you shitdevs.
I would normally stay out of this retarded argument, but this particular case was inexcusable.
you fags don't remember how realistic looking doom 3 was for it's time.
high end hardware struggled to run it maxed out.
o nose a typer!
Dude, I'm agreeing with you, but let's not confuse model with whole scene.
I agree that they should be in appropriate places, like my post Devs are absolutely lazy and trying to squeeze every cycle out of shitty high-res textures than NOBODY notices instead of having higher fidelity on models, better lighting and reflections.
The only thing that needs high-res textures are model faces.
Everything else can be shit from 2005 period and still look perfectly fucking fine.
Lighting can make the difference between something that "looks right" and something that just looks blatantly artificial, no matter how high-res the textures are.
I mean, look at Unlimited Detail.
They can have as much texture detail as possible in a scene, bad lighting will ALWAYS ruin it.
They still haven't learned their lessons with their newest iteration of the engine. It still has shitty 90s-tier lighting.
>Grey favourited it
>Shadow Warrior
Good game OP. Good game
Doom 3 looked "realistic" but at the same time extremely dark and retarded.
And what the fuck does this have to do with what you responded to?
>doesn't even match the reflection
wow, good job.
And it was boring as fuck
I bet you didn't even know Wolfenstein was from 1981, pleb.
>Unlimited Detail
Or maybe about the shit that nothing can fucking move.
>Eidos Montreal said that broken mirrors in Jensen's apartment represent his tormented psyche
Are any HP games good?
They are alright if you're a fan of HP
Is that really what he says now? The original was "Whooo want-a some WANG?"
Get it? Because his name is Wang but wang also means dick (penis/male genitals).
1,2,3 on the consoles and pc are good and Order of the Phoenix is great for exploring Hogwarts
1 and 2 on the GBC are some nice little RPGs as is 3 on the GBA
Quidditch is also great
The first three on PC and consoles are all different too
The thing is, broken mirrors don't stop reflecting.
>Small room
>Rendering at lower resolution with lower effects
hurr durr hurr