Post 'em with your EA updates.
Post 'em with your EA updates
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EA's was shit, and only had a few cringe moments.
what time is bethesda e3?
10EST tonight
Man you guys are right, I was too generous with my grade. Lowering to a D.
>only a few
Jesus christ, what a trainwreck. You know EA fucked up bad when a fucking indie game is arguably the only decent thing they had at the show.
I didn't list Battlefield nor Titanfall because I ran out of room, but they looked kinda generic and I don't give a rat's ass about either game.
It's true. But that's because it was mostly fucking nothing, not even cringe.
Instead of feeling bad watching it, you instead felt nothing.
Fe was the best of show desu senpaitachi
Post the template nerd
you faggots didnt make one before e3, you're not allowed to be part of it, fuck off niggers, the whole point is making your expectations beforehand
hello, reddit
No, is right. The template has been floating around for days. If you don't have it by now, you either don't frequent this site or don't care enough to do it.
Comparative to e3 of past, definitely. This your first time?
kill your self
Fucking nerds
waaaah sekkrit club
I didnt gauge my expectations until now. I didn't know what I wanted for some and I didnt think making one would be worth it since I dont care about half of the presentations.
Now gimmie
you seem upset, plebbit ;)
is microsoft's conference up now?
I'm looking for a page with all the stream links but it's all rooster teeth or gamespot streams with faggots going on and on about nothing.
I found one ea's twitch but I don't know when the next show is live
>lol if I call people Reddit I'll rekt my oponent lol :3
Not even the same guy but this needs to stop. Calling people Reddit unironically is quite literally the most annoying thing on the Internet. Someone doesn't have the same opinion as you? Reddit. Someone is an autistic sperglord? Reddit. Come up with better comebacks you lazy cunts.
fw too busy winning to care about e3
I thought this would start tomorrow anyway
>be me> >loser is redit and im such a shitter i didnt make my e3 report card before e3
>oh no, ive been spotted as a shitter that didnt make his e3 report card asking for a template, i got this one >
>u r reddit, dee, ur done now laddo
>smoke LEL every moment
4 hours and 20 minutes until bethesda.
You gave EA, the company that horrendously fucked up Mirror's Edge, a C-?
they're not showing nx
What's with all of these anti-Xbox guys?
I just wonder:
Why Sup Forums hates EA so much?
Oh wait I hate it too.
Just realized I forgot to update the Persona 5 part
OP, you are GENUINELY retarded if you're expecting an NX reveal.
>I didnt gauge my expectations until now.
Who cares what your expectations are after it already happened?
4/10 for the shitshow of a conference
Superior version without the "hopes" and "expectation" shit.
EA had quite literally the worst E3 conference I've ever seen. The only way it could be topped was if EA and Ubisoft merged and the unfunny nigger lady was the presenter
Every conference is going to be shit this year. The entire industry is at a crossroads with VR and new consoles and nobody knows which direction to go.
Honestly, I thought I was close to predicting the conference for the most part.
Fucking EA
Pretty shit opening. At least it was cringey. Did like Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1.
What was in EA's show?
What the fuck is "Kadokawa" conference and when is it being streamed?
Nothing really.
Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 trailers, looked pretty good.
Besides that they had 45 fucking minutes of sports shit.
Then a shitty indie game that looked like Journey ripoff, but reversed (as in bad in everything, the visuals, gameplay, etc.).
Then they said they are working on Star Wars games that will be released... someday. Only showed like 2 seconds of still footage.
They said the same for Mass Effect, almost no new footage (like in EA 2014 conference, just behind the scenes shit).
Then it ended.
Fe and Mass Effect are the only two things that were looking great.
The only thing they showed of Mass Effect is some ugly women. There was no new information whatsoever at this E3.
Nothing for Mass Effect?
That was pretty much the only EA thing I was interested in.
Apparently by what I could find after 5 seconds on google, they're a kinda big Japanese publisher.
In terms of Vidya, they made shit like KanColle and Killer is Dead
>not enjoying Snoop smoking a blunt
I like the new art style it went for, do I'm okay with it. Looks better than ME3, so it's great.
Some behind the scene things that showed a female weaking up from what I presume is Hypersleep.
Nah. A few seconds here and there of walking. Kinda weird since it's getting released next year.
EA never fails to deliver
And by that I mean delivering fucking nothing
There was booing at the sports stuff? At the actual event, or on a stream?
forgot the yearly indie autism gotta remake later
No they were just booing about the presenter's favourite sports club and that some coach wasn't in the game who then was revealed to be in the game. Honestly, the entire EA thing was scripted as fuck, there was no way that something organic could have happened in the crowd.
Really hoping they don't ruin star wars with cameos from every fucking character
If you "get hype" over things you need to stop, for real.
Seriously, why are this there so much hate for Xbox in this thread? Is Sony paying shills in this thread? FFS, giving Microsoft less hype than EA or Ubisoft definitely means some sort of Sonygger invasion.
A lot of Sup Forums hasn't given a shit about Xbox since the early 360 days
>abloo bloobloo
>drawing fag faces in hype chart
get the fuck off here fag
please giv us new shit
I hate Sony but I hate Microsoft even more.
And here we are
>not liking creativity
i appreciate the creativity in your card and mostly agree with your hopes and expectations and what not but i cringed at the art
not him, but why? the drawings are fine?
yeah the drawings are fine i just, idk, those in particular, in the hype area, were just awkward
I'm angry at Sony for making a PS4 2.0
The PS4 isn't even that old. I bought one and all I got was Bloodborne.
Now thy bring a new one, ensuring that any new game will run like garbage 30fps tops if even on the old model while being optimized for the new model.
Fuck you Sony. Assholes. Never gonna do business with you again.
>one indie game
>single in TITANFALL2
>story mode in FIFA
It's fucking nothing
But it's fun
I was going to reply but then I realized
>all I got was Bloodborne
you were just b8ing.
No I wasn't.
I don't play cinematic experiences.
Just came home from work and completely missed EA's conference. Is it worth rewatching? Or is it just sports as usual?
>"i was going to reply but instead im going to reply"
sports, titanfall 2, bf1, barely any bioware, no gameplay
There was barely anything
There's a new Star Wars game and that's pretty much everything new.
And FIFA ripped of NBA 2k16 and added a story mode.
>EA no actual gameplay
are you stupid?
No live gameplay
There was
I missed the Deus Ex live stream, but the 10 or so minutes of gameplay footage I saw were alright.
why the fuck do sonyggers make report cards more than anyone? is it because you think people actually want your opinion more than they actually do? you fucking people have such a superiority complex i swear to fuck. sony has nothing to look forward to and throwing money and hype at them wont make them better
Everything was prerecorded.
No it wasn't
V 1.1