
>Gewehr 43
>type 99
>in a WW1 game
There goes any shred of authenticity

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it looks cool who cares

Show me the Sten, G43 and the Type99 you fucking faggot.

That gun in your pic is an MP18 BTW.

Is that a fucking drum clip?

>le tricky bait maymay.tga

t. Swedecuck

Let's be honest, there's no way to make a fun AND realistic WWI game.

Not saying Battlefield 1 is going to be either of them.

Looks like the motorcycle mirror



It's an MP18. Over 5000 were used in the war.



i think it looks good

There is, but the Battlefield audience doesn't want that. It's simply going to be the same game in a different era.

Literally going to be another dumbed down battlefield game. Mark my words it will be identical to 3, 4 and hardline but with a different coat of paint.

And it will be broken as fuck on release and Dice LA then gets to fix it as per usual.

>that cut before he smashed into the tank

It's not because he died, it's because in all BF games when vehicles crash there's a clusterfuck with vehicles clipping into each other, some lagging, and the chance of one of the vehicles randomly jumping 200 feet into the air.


>armored car
>Renault tank

not bad


There's a Kar98k as well. Stop crying bitch boy.


/k/ is at it again.

Shame Omar couldn't have gotten you, faggot.

4 whole maps wow Dice has outdone themselves

That's not a Type 99 you dumb shit.

Might be a Madsen but I can't tell from that angle. I don't think I've ever seen a Madsen been features in a video game before.

Also could be an early Italian SMG judging from the wooden make. I'd actually say that is more likely than a Madsen LMG.

It's fucking Battlefront all over again.

only 3 modes

Thats a Villar-Perosa you faggot.
Sup Forums, stop it. You idiots don't know anything about guns.

>4 maps

That looks nothing like a madsen, and everything like a Type 99

The only 3 modes people care for. PREMIUM will had modes

Fucking Battlefront had like 9 modes and all of them were dead

Looked it up and I was right, Italian. Berreta M1918

It would be a Mauser not a K98

does that nigga have a scope

>dat operations screenshot

uguu i want to raid a zeppelin

No Engineer/Anti-tank class for first time in BF history.

>4 maps

>All these 15 year olds complaining about things they know nothing about
Why did you make this post? That's clearly not a Sten

dude horses lmao

That looks nothing similar. There's no visible wooden furniture on the weapon seen in the trailer.
Stop trying

Behold, what Sup Forums considers the G43.

How can italians make such good guns and be so bad at war at the same time?


>people who don't know thing complain about thing they don't know

Oh my god people know nothing about classic guns it's triggering my autism.

>Pilot/Tanker is a class
Thank fucking god they managed to do at least one thing right.

You are fucking blind. It's has wood all over it, look closer you dumb shit, only difference is the scope.

Neat, what's it's name?

>Mondragón M1908 in a video game

Never thought I'd see the day.

Because thats the Italian national spirit

sniper has a scope in the live gameplay

did this exist?

Same here

>huh it's in WW1 and not a Bolt Action

Fucking idiots.

Here's a naval Luger that wasn't used until after WW1

I want /k/ to leave.

Holy shit you guys are retarded

No, optics have only existed since Eotech and Trijicon

Wew! I can't wait to play all of them in 20 minutes.


no, that called marksman

It is an m1918, it was just on the stream.

>tfw BF1 is so historically accurate that people think it's fake because they've been fed muh trenches muh bolt action their whole lives by a shitty British slanted education system

Fucks sake. Pisses me off. I am so glad that dice is going to shatter that perspective of the war with this.

This reminds me of that whole subplot in Jurassic Park where Hammond doesn't want to make the Dinosaurs realistic because they'd think it was fake, so they make the Dinosaurs not how they really were because it's what people expect and believe to be real in their minds.

3d spotting is still in

Forgot pic

This literally looks like WWII....

>Thats a Villar-Perosa you faggot.
Not sure the villar perosa was meant to be split in two. Iirc, the twin-gun design was mounted often monted on a pod and I'm not sure a soldier would be equipped with only one of the twin.

>servers will only be tank/pilot classes

yeah sounds great...

everyone should spam RIP OVERWATCH in chat


There was a single gun design, but I took a look at the picture again and I noticed it was the VPs little brother, The Beretta M1918

overwatch attracts a whole different type of FPS audience though

Over 90% of combatants in WWI used bolt-action rifles or worse

They're replacing one stupid perception with a new equally stupid one



What are Domination and Operations about?

I bet you think Vietnam looked like WW2, faggot

Nothing here is wrong
Battlefield has to stick to its "Core" gameplay or risk alienating literally everyone it caters to

They fucking reused the image in Monte Grappa and Operations mode. What kind of laziness is this?

It looks like it might be an okay game but it's just a big disappointment that the WW1 setting is apparently being wasted. It looks like typical Battlefield with a new skin. Just a massive waste of potential.

those fucking 2fps propellor animations

>There goes any shred of authenticity
that's what I thought when I saw the black soldier

The major armies in WW1 employed bolt action rifles and chemical weapons.
All I saw was future battlefield dressed up as WW2 making people think its WW1.

When they introduced the behemoths I got flashbacks of the AT-AT segments of EA Battlefront.

I guess EA has its audience.

snoop is a real nigga hates trannies

Snoop the madman smoking a blunt. Reminds me of the other black guys "Now we gon go find Wiz, make this day a little smoother"

> wasn't used until after WW1


>The Lange Pistole 08 (German: "Long Pistol 08") or Artillery Luger was a pistol carbine for use by German Army artillerymen as a sort of early Personal Defense Weapon

DWM Model 1914 Artillery Luger snail drum magazine.

The potential to sit in your own shit crying, get trenchfoot and die? Wars are always shit, no game is realistic this one is not different to any other battlefield game

why the fuck is zac efron there?

black soldiers are fine. that's not the problem at all. It's that they turn them in to niggers. Look at that film "Red Tails". They did the same thing.

is it pronouncer Luger like in edge or like in game ?

super edgy friend!

Oh. Same game modes as before then.

>smoking a blunt while walking back and fourth not knowing what the fuck he's doing
snoop a best

thats bad in my opinion.

>the 3 modes people care for
>no rush


I'm so confused why you would get celebs to play it. I'd much rather see 64 players that can aim decently.

If you want to appeal to normies, give certain players a script to follow through the match.

>Alright, we've hit 4'17" mark, English team, everyone lead a charge over-the-top, then the Zeppelin falls and everyone pull out melee weapons. Yeah, that'll be great.


>Battlefield has to stick to its "Core" gameplay

Then why choose a setting that does not fit it, and requires alterations? Sounds like a silly way to design things to me. Might as well say you're inspired by it and making something different than trying harder to pass it off as a more "real" thing.

Perhaps not, but they could have kept it at least a little more authentic. Nobody is asking for perfect realism from this game but they didn't have to go all Michael Bay on us.

>Nothing here is wrong
>No trenches, everyone running around with automatic weapons
>Fast as fuck tanks
>ACOG scopes
Kill. Your. Self.

>EA marketing team
>making good decisions ever

user please you know the probability of that


Since when is Battlefield even remotely realistic? Hell, even the kits in BF2 weren't that close to actual gear used by soldiers.