Whatever happened to these gimmicks?
Are people even playing with them?
What's the future for them?
Whatever happened to these gimmicks?
Are people even playing with them?
What's the future for them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Still not shipped
beating my dick raw to the few bits of good porn (its on another level). Unused otherwise.
this shit is fun as fuck.
Which one is better for what porn? Animu preferred.
most is headset agnostic, just videos. Not played a lot of animu porn games, as its just 3d models and not 2d style cell shading. I imagine the vive would be better though for 3d games.
Skyrim and VR makes me cum
Yes and no. The roomscale implementation takes space to set it up, and you can trip over the wires.
t. current Vive owner
Vive is an open platform.
Oculus is not.
I don't feel like shelling out for VorpX just to play Skyrim.
I was pretty unimpressed. It doesn't feel right. Unless you can bring an actual physical table in your room.
You spend fucking $800/$600 on a vive/oculus yet are too cheap to spend $40 to have compatibility with a shitload of games?
Vorpx and its new compatibility with vive is the only reason i even bought one. I doubt good dedicated VR games will be out until at least 2018 or 2019.
Would you say this purchase was worth it, or did you fall for a meme?
jesus fuck
Other owner here.
It's like buying a new console with no launch titles.
There literally isnt shit for content for the Vive, outside the couple games that act more like tech demos than anything.
It's not a meme for me since I play sim games, but you are going to be disappointed if you don't play sim games at all.
Not him, but own both headsets. Neither are legitimately worth it, but VR will be. It's just going to take another 5 years. If you have any doubts whatsoever you really shouldn't get one, only if you have plenty of money to burn and/or are legitimately a sim player should you consider it.
Have you guys used vorpx and played any games (skyrim, battlefield, stalker, etc)? How do they feel?
I play a lot of DCS and IL-2 but don't know if the price is worth it. also porn.
what is the cheapest option for a decent PC capable of running the HTC vive?
i want to play skyrim badly.
Yes. Skyrim, Dishonored, and GTA V mainly. I'm very motion sickness sensitive, though, so sometimes I have to go to peek or virtual cinema mode to play longer. It's not really that bad that way, still pretty immersive as a large 3D screen.
There is no cheap option. Not recommended to play any non-native games on merely a decent PC. Those require better graphics cards. And there's a reason most of the native VR games look like shit.
Everything in human history has lead up to this point. How blessed am I to be alive to reap the fruits of countless human discoveries.
Goodbye 3d world and good riddance.
>800 dollary doos to play VR pool
It's a whole lot cheaper just to buy your own pool table.
someone please link me to a prebuilt good enough to play skyrim, GTA 5 and other FPSs on VR.
i tried the samsung VR recently and it was better than i expected.
oculus is shit, get a vive. it's an expensive toy, but fun.
I've been too lazy to set that up myself for my Vive, but I think I need to know. This is it, I have no reason to live in real life anymore.
Save some money and make it yourself.
Rift owner here. I'm glad I fell for the meme, enjoying is a lot. It's uphill from here.
Stay salty sour grape fags.
Can the Samsung gear be used on a PC? Hopefully getting one for free and i'd love to be able to use it just for head tracking in something like Elite Dangerous
last time i did that was at school, i dont want to screw it up.
how much approximately would the components cost?
VR seems to be advancing nicely. I'd like to see where this goes in the future.
>inb4 people end up protesting and trying to end VR porn when it becomes popular
logicalincrements.com and build your own. For high-end graphic cards all prebuilts are total ripoffs.
no, but its worth it just to use google street view and look around places you have been or want to visit.
You can't touch.
What's the point?
yes, through tritnus vr.
It doesnt work all that well as you get a lot of drift though
One step at a time user.
Are you one of those overdignified gaymers who wont play elite dangerous because we hate frontier or did you try it in the vive ? Only had a go in the dk2 and this shit was mind shattering.
I can't touch the images I fap to on my computer screen, yet that doesn't stop me from cumming buckets.
Once the VR gose into full swing, I expect the AI to follow. I want my japanese salary man experience so I can come home to a qt animu girl in nothing but a apron.
ever been to a strip club ?
Huh? Did you link to the wrong post? I love E:D and was a backer.
Depending on the strip club you will touch and even fuck.
Also strip clubs are retarded, just get a hooker.
Full-body physical contact is NEVER EVER. Like there isn't even the faint idea on how to do it.
>I can't touch the images I fap to on my computer screen, yet that doesn't stop me from cumming buckets.
Which is exactly why current VR isn't that exciting or revolutionary as that guy was implying.
Do you exist in a space where you are oblivious to your retardation?
I love my Vive. It is a cool piece of tech to have if you can afford it. If you can't, you make threads acting like they gimmicks...
Do you know what the word gimmicks means?
They do exactly what they are designed to do. They do it best that can be accomplished apparently at this time. I look forward to 2nd and 3rd gen.
You are poor. 6-800 is not a lot of money, Can squirrel that away in short time I am sure if you tried. I guess if you are a child it is a little harder.
It will look like shit and feel like shit with the gear , it really isnt worth it but if youre getting it for free I dont see a downside in trying.
I didnt see you talk about ed with the vive so I assumed you were a part of the group of people who hate the developers for quote " Making the game into a massive grind you only play to get to bigger ships "
But how was your experience with the vive then ? I could float around ring systems for hours in VR.
>look at me I can predict future technological advances
This is what you're saying. You sound like the people who used to say space travel was impossible.
Go to bar.
I wasn't talking about E:D, because the guy was specifically asking about injected games, not games in general.
I haven't tried it in the Vive anyway, because I have a Rift as well. Anything seated, the Rift is much better, and I know Frontier has broken Vive compatibility once or twice so safer to just use the Rift.
>HURR DURR technology is magic, if I can think of it, it WILL happen for sure!
Care to name some consumer-grade technology that didn't have decades of prototypes and theories behind it?
Even the head-mounted display we are talking about in this thread is just an refinement of something that has existed since at least the 80's.
The best shoot at realistically simulating the sense of touch, is to go full Matrix, and we both know it's retarded.
Exactly. I bought mine pretty much with DCS and iRacing in mind. Already blown away by DCS so every other thing I can use it with is just gravy. I got vorpX and now a whole shitload of other titles are open to me. Hell this is well worth it. Every person I have let try it loves it. I support the tech because I want to improve. I want 2nd and 3rd gen to come out.
I also am buying a 3d camera to film chicks I fuck will be great to relive moments in VR that I actually experienced in RL
this tech may or may not be a hit success but its the pioneering technology that will lead to some crazy shit.
at least we took the first step to real VR/AR
>Full-body physical contact is NEVER EVER. Like there isn't even the faint idea on how to do it.
That's not quite true. Ultrasound haptics have made some progress in recent years. Being able to just feel things on your entire body does have a path. What can't happen is physical contact that can stop your body, such as a wall you can't force yourself through or a virtual pool table you can lean on.
Id rather not buy so many headsets , which is why I ask about ed and the vive. If I buy the oculus for seated and the vive for standing I would feel bad for not just picking the better one of both.
Get a load of this shill, kek.
stay poor user.
Yeah, I'm talking about the full package.
There is also the matter of heat and roughness.
How can you be so sure?
What "crazy shit" do you have in mind?
>Full-body physical contact is NEVER EVER
Augmented reality, m8. Just layer cute girls over bags of sand.
How are the controllers?
Ok, I'll check it out, but it's not really going to tell you anything you don't already know. The Vive is just fine, you tried it in the DK2, right?
stay retarded user
And then your parents walk in on you furiously fucking a fleshlight shoved into a pile of sandbags while wearing your headset.
please stop posting until you've googled haptic feedback, you literal retard
How long until pic related happens? With the suits and everything.
Come to /simg/ on
at least about $2000 minimum
VR is not something you want to cheap out on otherwise you will get physically sick from low fps
Either go hard or go home.
Ultrasound can do roughness. Heat wouldn't be impossible, but I can't really see it being practical. Your mind can fool yourself for that anyway. That would be something like smell, where I see the added cost for the value it adds would simply not be worth it to most people unless the cost it adds is negligible.
How is virtual desktop and vr theaters?
>$2000 minimum
Are you baiting us user?
Vive controller is the best VR controllers that I've held, but the battery life is only 4 hr of nonstop use. It's essentially a cross of wiimote with the steam controller's touchpad, and I got no qualm about it. Feels pretty solid in hand.
Hopefully the Touch controllers can match Vive or be even better. They look really comfy to use.
Yep. I tried it in the dk2 then bought a razer osvr for development , also tried ED with it. The experience was exactly the same as the dk2 except head tracking fucking sucked.
Being able to walk around your cockpit with the vive's tracking must be pretty neat , besides the resolution problems ive been hearing about , the vive really does seem like a superior choice no matter what type of game you feel like playing.
But I havent tried it so I cant say for sure.
well in australia its about $2000 minimum if you want a decent i5 and a 1070 to go with it.
He's partly baiting. You will want to have a rig fitted with GTX 1070 or RX 480 with crossfire. Expect to spend a grand on the rig if you want to use VorpX to run those older titles without native VR support due to overhead involved. Otherwise, a $500-600 rig with a single card ought to do it.
In the dump, where all overpriced gimmicky shit goes
VR has no games
Including the headset, not really. You're going to want a 1070 at the very least and for injected games I would recommend a 1080 to be safe.
>gimmicky shit
You don't consider sim as games then.
Buying the first generation of new technology is a stupid idea. It's way more expensive and shitty now than it will be in 1-2 years. I guess if you've got the money to blow then go for it, but it's a waste of money.
>600 dollars
>for something you could get by just putting a phone up to your head and putting a piece of paper in the middle
INNOVATION everyone.
Convincing, impressive, but lower res than your normal monitor. Having a fucking gigantic screen in VR is what makes it cool.
You could easily build a VR ready PC for under $900
Somewhat baiting. You need a top tier GPU + CPU and everything that comes with such things.
so 1000 to 2000 woulnt be surprising.
Don't deny this.
Minecraft, Elite: Dangerous, and War Thunder support AR natively, as with Custom maid 3D 2. All of these are not considered games by the mainstream.
I bought a google cardboard the other day, it was alright
convince me an oculus rift is woth 60 times the cost
that's a silly thing to say.
you know those aren't the same.
you're just trying to be edgy.
Fuck no. Your phone can't do head tracking. Get back to me when Project tango phones finally become common.
I'm so tired of these posts OP, stop trying to single handedly crusade against VR.
As of today there are currently around 250 VR games, demos and experiences on Steam.
VorpX allows you to play existing games in VR on either headset.
Earlier today I played GTA V and Alien Isolation in VR and thoroughly enjoyed every well spent penny.
envoy your eye cancer
What do you do with them? its like shipping a console but not releasing any games for it until years later. And who would do such a thing?
Bought VorpX last night and spent today playing GTAV and Alien Isolation, their list of supported games is huge.
Nah. Why should I convince you to alpha test when you are happy with just phone apps?
>There literally isnt shit for content for the Vive
Fake as fuck
Until it's as intuitive as leaning back in a comfy chair and looking at a screen, it's a gimmick.
Right now it's a heavy, bulky, expensive unit that makes your face sweat.
This is why motion controls were a gimmick: they weren't more intuitive than pushing your finger down 1/8 mm to press a button.
Yeah, people calling vr a gimmick makes as much sense as calling a console a gimmick, or a controller.
It's a different medium than the typical way of playing vidya
On Sup Forums different=gimmick and liking something=shilling
Have you even tried it
dollary doos to play VR pool
>It's a whole lot cheaper just to buy your own pool table.
Unfortunately, a real pool table requires a lot of space, unlike VR pool, which requires the same amount of space.
I got to try an Oculus at a tech demo; thing was so heavy it made the back of my neck hurt.