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Come on now

Man it's not like they have to render a lot of shit since it's a wasteland

Should have just gone 2150


Goddamn that looks like shit

Loving the shells that have no shadows.

So is it true that most classes will have automatic weapons by default and that bolt action weapons are relegated to snipers only?

>mfw multiplayer isn't that impressive

Bolt actions are boring

This surprises you?

it's supposed to.

>Semi-Automatic rifles

>In a WW1 game

Its Battlefield

What did you expect?

Looks great. Battlefield 4 with a WW1 skin and some much needed mechanic changes.

Semi-automatic rifles existed in the time period. DICE said anything that existed and was deployed at some point in the war is fair game. If you were looking for some psuedo-realistic shit go play Verdun a.k.a Shittier RO2 that no one plays because it sucks

It literally is BF:SW or BF4 with a new skin.

Is it just me or is this a lot like bad company 2?

What year was bad company 2 set in again? The tank play seems similar

This attempt at bait right here

4 MAPS ON LAUNCH. Battlefield 4 had 11 for comparison.

>Experimental Semi-Automatic rifles were used and a failure in WW1
>This means we can avoid using bolt actions in BF1

>Semi-automatic rifles existed in the time period

Germans had V2's in WWII but how many vidya games have you played were every character had access to these at all times? The game is retarded but you just won't admit it.

Holy shit this is great. Literally everything about it looks bad and all the retards on here were hyped for it.

Anything that was deployed in the time period is fair game. Whys that so hard to understrand?

Its really not. It looks like a really solid battlefield title. You're just angry it didn't try to be super realistic and have everyone using bolt action rifles, as if fucking realism matters at all concerning how good a game is.

is this for real?

they took a modern setting battlefield game and gave it a ww1 paint

its just a cash in, everything from EA is a fucking cash in

Because what's the point in making a WW1 game when it plays exactly like Battlefield 4?

Gaze upon it for yourself battlefield.com/games/battlefield-1/maps

If only Red Orchestra 2 was like this. ;_;

Except for the part where it doesn't play exactly like Battlefield 4?

Significantly nerfed auto weapons, significantly nerfed anti-vehicle, tweaked gamemodes, just watch the fucking stream. Its way more of a jump between BC2 and BF3 or BF4 and Hardline.

Just go and play Verdun, its everything you want. I'm sure the other 20 players wouldnt mind your company.

>check back for more

They haven't shown them all off yet you stupid cunt

>Want WW1 game
>Don't get WW1 game

>a $60 Battlefield 4 balance patch

How is it not a WW1 game? The only weapons, vehicles, and gadgets in the game are all WW1. There is nothing in the game made after WW1.

That fucking plane crash at the end...

And updated engine, new maps, entire new arsenal, better graphics, new vehicles, better destruction (ties in with updated engine)

>Everyone is using Experimental and rare equipment just so the game plays like a more modern shooter
>H-How is this not a WW1 game!?

Because The weapon options basically make it play like Battlefield 4.

They're weapon skins

You're right they still have the DLC maps to show!

>entire new arsenal

>1:1 reskins of existing weapons

obviously not
none of those has trains or horses, and there is no forest map here shown in trailers

Except not a single weapon in the game feels the same as any BF4 weapon? Not even the bolt actions are as good as BF4 snipers. Get real dude.

>SMG class in WW1
>Where SMG's were so experimental and unnoticed that they were forgotten about in the treaty of versillies

>I can tell what a whole map looks like from a jpeg image.

>SMG act like every SMG in Battlefield 4
>HMG act like every HMG in Battlefield 4
>Semi automatic rifles act like Semi automatic rifles from Battlefield 4

>No unique weapon styles in a WW1 game.

Who gives a shit.
Only Titanfall 2 might be decent, and even then it looks the same as the first one.


it imploded

>Experimental weaponry suddenly being used by everyone ever
>Just so EA don't need to think about weapon choice besides models.

>let me just make shit up for no reason

the handling looks like BC2 and Hardline more than BF4

It's well known that DICE employees lurk on Sup Forums. You could be more subtle next time.

Except you're 100% wrong. You're not even watching the stream. SMGs fucking suck long range and infantry cant carry HMGs. You dumb?

Its weird how a decade ago everyone was praising the BF1942 expansion that added literal experimental WW1 tech that never saw the field to the game.

I'm an unemployed high-school dropout nice try.

If a dice employee IS in this thread though I wouldn't mind an alpha invite.

So far this e3 is doing the opposite of making me want to buy games nigger

>It looks nothing like BF4
>It looks like BC2 and Hardline

So it still looks nothing like a WW1 game.

WW2 tech* I fat fingered it.

Secret Weapons of WW2 was almost universally praised, because it was a fucking good expansion pack and realism matters fuck all compared to GAMEPLAY MECHANICS.

You were probably like 6 when 1942 came out though.

>Get somewhat excited about a Battlefield set in WW1
>everyone has smg's
>more than half of the weapons are automatic
>it's just a reskin

Why do they do this? fucking normies honestly.

Let's just give everyone a SMG a weapon so insignificant the allied were barely aware of its usage during the war.

3th match scores

>Expansion adds Experimental WW2 tech as an addition
>Gets praised

>Entire base game is Experimental WW1 tech that detracts from the WW1 style
>Gets shat on

Gee, maybe when people think of WW2 they assume bolt action rifles and not Submachineguns spraying and praying.

>posts screenshot from a Twitch livestream

totally solid proof there pal

Niggers suck at video games holy shit.

>bother to even discuss the weapons and muh realism
>when neither Russia and not even fucking japan are in the game, but USA its magically relevant in a military way
fuck off, this was a shit WW1 game since its announcement, could end up being a good shooter, but the WW1 theme its just a skin

If I remember in 1942 the US assault had a BAR and the German an STG. It's nothing new.

Except in 1942 there was still a disproportionate amount of SMGs, vehicles, and semi-auto rifles? Did you actually play the game? It was nowhere near realistic.

>it says "Pre-Alpha" in the corner of the livestream
>game comes out in 4 months

when will this meme die? there is no way this is pre-alpha


>1942 has more bolt action rifles than Battlefield 1

Now you're just making things up to try and further your argument. Not a single battlefield game in the history of battlefield has ever had "realistic" weapon allocation. You picked your class and used what you had. The only fucking non-modern combat shooter that has realistic weapon allocation is in the RO series. You can just fuck off now, its an anonymous imageboard, you don't gotta save face.


looks like battlefront, kill yourself

>check back for more

>1942 has more bolt action rifles than Battlefield 1

That sentence literally sums up everything wrong with Battlefield 1.

it doesn't matter about realistic weapon allocation, it's about the weapon allocation making it feel like the setting.

And this WW1 game has ONE bolt action rifle.

looks like shit

>it's a "shilling a we wuz niggers game" thread

who cares, it looks fun and fits the general setting

>Fits the general setting
>Sub-machine guns everywhere and everyone is running and gunning

It looks like a skin over a modern battlefield game, so it will be shit.

Because it wouldn't fit the kind of gameplay that Battlefield aims for. In 1942 most people ran around with automatics (BARs, STGs, Thompsons, MP40s, Brens, etc). The exception being engineer/sniper who had semi or bolt action rifles, and AT ho had the rocket.

>who cares, it looks fun
like clockwork

reminder that battlefield one is going to be like star wars battlefront all over again.
huge hype and everyone abandoned the game really quick.
I can already see it.

Its aesthetics fit the general theme of ww1 so literally who cares

But Battlefield 1 has more bolt actions than 1942? Where are you getting your fake numbers?

You never even played 1942, at least not until a decade after its release after all your friends said it was the best battlefield.

>All Battlefield games must play the same from every single time period
>Everyone must run and gun


so it's a map in france but thoses swedecuck didn't put the french as a team?

>Only Bolt action rifles in battlefield 1 is the sniper class
>Could use Bolt action in Battlefield1942 as scout and engineer

can someone explain what those fucking thanksgiving floats are

snoop dog so close to 420 score

Who /Titanfall/ now?

It plays that way because it's what has worked for them and what most people want. Nobody has bought Battlefield games for slower more tactical combat. This is nothing new.

Barrage balloons you nimrod

>>Only Bolt action rifles in battlefield 1 is the sniper class
Objectively false, sorry.

>those whales

>People who wanted a WW1 shooter wanted people running around running and gunning.

Can you prove otherwise?

cheapest place to pre-order?

Why did DICE even bother with labeling their game as a WWI game? They should have just gone alternate history or fantasy altogether. I mean, if you're already taking huge liberties with the technology of the time, it's not much of a stretch to say "okay, now it's fantasy not-britain vs. fantasy not-germany"

It's not like millennials or niggers are even aware that there was a WWI.


wow no need to be rude kiddo

never heard of those

The bin you find a few copies there

Fortunately, you're not the target audience. The hundreds of retards who will buy this anyway because holy shit it's a new Battlefield are.

It's still foremost a Battlefield game. I still don't understand how this surprises people.