Who's ready for MS to literally save E3 and videogames?
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
>Forza Horizon 3
>Gears of War 4
>Dead Rising 2
>Halo Wars 2
Who's ready for MS to literally save E3 and videogames?
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
>Forza Horizon 3
>Gears of War 4
>Dead Rising 2
>Halo Wars 2
Ha ha, lol.
Nothing can save the Xbone now.
>>Dead Rising 2
More like 4
Nice laugh.
Forza is a yearly series, literally who gives a shit.
Gears is dead, the beta really proved it
Dead Rising 4 might be okay, if the map isn't garbage like DR3
Sea of Thieves is whatever
Crackdown 3 will probably get its destruction downgraded
Scalebound is 2017
Scalebound is the only thing worth a damn in that list
>dogshit and rehashes
Thank you, con man
>Dead Rising 2
You shouldve just stopped at recore and scalebound, no one wants to pay anything afterwards
>the game with fuck all shown in the last year and is supposedly releasing in 3 months
>developed by Retro Studios rejects
>directed by Keiji "Con Man" Inafune
DR4 mitebcool though.
U wish
sony always wins baby
>Dead Rising 4
I'm actually excited for this, i bought 3 last week but haven't started it yet. I hope they announce the previous games for BC tomorrow.
>Gears is dead, the beta really proved it
If anything the beta proved that the series in the right hands. I saw some Gamertags I hadn't seen since the Gears of War 2 days. They all said they're loving the beta.
>Horizon 3
Yes please
I'm pretty excited.
But I dont want to play any of those.
>I saw some Gamertags I hadn't seen since the Gears of War 2 days
What? You mean your friends logged back on? Or do you autistically keep note of every tag you see.
>Con Man game
>Might be cool
>Another shooter
>Made by dead Rare
>Boring racing game
>Another shooter
>This might be cool too
>Another shooter
Meh. I'm glad I don't own a Xbone.
Nice. I hope gears 4 brings if back to the glory days. Best tps ever. Better have split screen too.
Why not just get everything on PC?
MS shouldnt even call this a fucking Xbox conference any more because they'll just end up shilling the shit out of Win 10.
Little column A, little column B. I have a very good memory and it helps that I have very fond memories of Gears of War 2 multiplayer with a lot of those guys.
>same company that committed suicide on stage
Honestly the only reason why I'am going to watch their show is to see how they are going to shoot themselves in the other foot this time and what games are coming to Windows 10.
>the Xbone starts getting good right as I transition to PC gaming
Fuck, I regret spending $500 on this thing at launch.
Everything's coming to PC anyway.
Except Halo, the only franchise I care about.
Didn't they show nothing but games last year while sony was about tv this, vita that.
>OP forgetting Ori 2.
For shame, OP. For shame.
Halo 6 and beyond is pretty much confirmed for PC. Halo 5's multiplayer is good, at least PC players will get a taste of that when Forge/Customs is released.
I was really only naming stuff which is confirmed. They're obviously gonna have a bunch of other stuff to show as well, probably with some new announcements.
They did, they even showed more games than Sony but remember Sup Forums is filled with sonyggers.
I'm ready to play all of that on PC with my 1080
Nice, since I have an xbone it hopefully means I'll get cross buy.
I imagine I'll get fed up of Halo Wars 2 with a controller so it'll be nice to go on PC.
hopefully cross play in applicable games
I'm excited because everything's coming to PC too. Microsoft's conference is basically the PC gaming show now.
Well, the Windows 10 show. I mean, it's not limited to PC. If your phone or tablet is powerful enough, it'll be able to run those games as well, just plug in a controller or mouse and keyboard.
Have they even showed off any gameplay whatsoever of Recore? I can't remember seeing any. It doesn't get better when you consider Inafune.
I imagine we will definitely see crossplay more. But I imagine they will limit it when there is competitive game modes sure to KB/Mouse vs Controller.
>exclusively on the Xbox 4/3
>If your phone or tablet is powerful enough
which means none
For games like Scalebound I mean.
They will be at this conference.
It releases September 13th.
>caring about halo's story after 3
>caring about halo at all after the removed couch co-op
what's better: regular Forza or Horizon?
Where is this from?
Horizon for sure
None of those games look remotely as interesting as Horizon, Nier or the new FROM exclusive
Some press info leaked
Armature is way better than Inti shitters
Halo 5 multi will be there for free but limited. As in forge and customs games no matchmaking. 6 will prob be on pc.
You can expect Sup Forums to set up custom games here since it's free anyways
I just want Crackdown, Gears 4 and Scalebound on PC.
Imo the best part of Halo 5's multiplayer is warzone.
They said they're hyping up something big...free xbox live gold? I can't think of anything else that is so big, we got BC last year there's literally nothing else
Nice, it looks great. I'm so glad it's on PC.
I hope the gameplay's just as good. I want Armature to fully realize their Metroid Prime pedigree.
Ha, It will be on PC too.
With how Platinum has been lately with those activision games I am losing faith
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
>Forza Horizon 3
Does anyone actually care?
>Gears of War 4
>Dead Rising 2
PC possibly ps4.
>Halo Wars 2
The first wasn't great so why would anyone care?
Will the new console be revealed tomorrow?
Two guys at neogaf got some info though they decided to just post some Recore, DR4 and the Xbone Slim then told Microsoft how they got in because they didn't want to spoil it all.
Apparently the amount of stuff they leaked was "Tiny" compared to what else they found and they wouldn't be leaking anything else other than there's some new IP's they didn't recognise and some returning ones they did.
Why does Sup Forums hate xbone but love ps4? is it just shills?
Halo Wars isn't a shooter.
It's a RTS.
A Console RTS at that so it is worthless.
Then what's the point of "hyping" it or, well, expecting anything? Why is it even listed first in OPs list when we know nothing about how it's going to contribute to "saving" anything?
Based on what? With no actual game having been shown taking it at face value is very stupid. They blew it when they didn't show what sort of game it was when they announced it.
And none on ps4. Which is really the entire point since you sonycucks won't every buy a xbox or gaming pc.
Windows 10/Store. Time to upgrade uh?
The pajeets Sony use are so low standards that they do it for free
it is shills, but most should realize that xbox dudes we don't care if pc gets our exclusive as long as its not on ps4 because it's seriously our same ecosystem.
it may be nintendo guys it may be sonyggers but i'd be suprised if it was PcMr acting as such.
I also remember that those games that Microsoft showed never actually came out or were multiplatform from the beginning.
Also nobody remember last years Microsoft conferences because all the games people thought were impossible were shown at the sony conference with shenmue and FFVII remake.
Not fair to compare them because they're different styles of game. Motorsport is better imo because 60FPS is required for a racing game.
Horizon 2 -was dope and will be better on PC
New slim xbox outputs at 4k and looks nice...cant wait to see if they show scorpio tomoro
this is Halo Wars nigger.
A RTS by a different developer than Bungie and 343.
It has a relatively high chance to be part of the windows 10 transition.
>"Why is Sup Forums so biased against Sony, bros?"
I did last week. It's actually pretty good. Can't see myself going back to 7.
It's been confirmed to be on PC, so it will be a good game now?
is sony your personal boogeyman or would you like to point out how those posts led you to think it was a sonyfag
>showed someone else's 3rd party multiplatform game and a fucking kickstarter
>Sony somehow gets all the credit for it despite them doing dodiddlyshit
This is why gaming is such cancer, retard fanboys look for any excuse to jerk off their favorite companies.
Well I guess I'm a Sonygger. and I own a gaming Pc.
So you're wrong.
>shenmue and FFVII remake.
Also on PC. PC Gaming just won last year's E3
Timestamp your video card.
Not him but the majority of people who own ps4s and try to insult these games don't own a gaming pc. So really he's right in the end. Idorts are a small number and I doubt every ps4 owner has a 1k pc.
Back when Shitposting ran rampant and every fucking shitposter acted like they were for sony but just acted like total faggots.
Same few years a wave of newfags joined Sup Forums and Sup Forums went under a few times.
sure accurate poll you got there. Especially since it was done in straw poll back when it was easily hackable and you could have bots raid the poll.
what are your E3 hype games?
The majority of the people who claim they are a sony fanboy are fucking shitposter on a mission to make any and every fanbase out to be multiple times worse than they already are.
that's every fanbase though, this place is filled with false posters to make the other side look bad on an anonymous image board
and Microsoft showed nothing but games that got canceled and teaser trailers for game that may or may not come out in 3-4 years.
What's your point?
In my opinion they both fucking sucked but Sony showed people shit they thought impossible.
>but Sony showed people shit they thought impossible.
*Also on PC
Exactly. for some reason though Sony gets the most Falseflagger to perpetuate the whole "sony's fanbase is the worse" meme.
You can tell because they always use the flavor of the season shitposting memes like cuck and poo-in-loo.
Dishonored 2, maybe a little Scalebound, Wild if they actually show a segment that you will actually do rather than cool warg tech.
That is about it of games that are announced, the only rumored game that could be cool is Prey 2 just because I'd like a bounty hunting game since Stranger's Wrath 2 is never happening. Maybe a dream game would be War of the Monsters 2
that still doesn't deflect from the fact they showed it and not say the fucking PC gaming conference that happened last year too.
>all those exclusives they quietly cancelled in less than 6 month of announcing them
what games are you playing before Bethesda saves gaming?
I'm looking at you Phantom Dust
Like Phantom Dust? Oh wait that's not cancelled, i guess you mean Fable Legends, yeah terrible loss.
>trusting modern Rare
Literally the only good thing they have done so far was to make a compilation of the good games they used to make
I decided to finally try pic related. Pretty good so far.
We have heard nothing about phantom dust since it was teased besides that they don't have a developer for it anymore.
It's dead man.
The game is fun as hell... for the first hour
It gets repetitive way too fast
Enter the Gungeon
pretty graphics
shitty gameplay
my free copy of Fallout 4
courtesy of the xbox store, thanks Todd!
Gears, Forza, and Halo wars, rest are shit boi.
bethesda...what games they already came out zozzle, remasters all day
Doom was better than fallout even though it's like 10 hours long
Why would you be excited for a game made by a developer that is less than a hollow shell of its' former self?
>muh sony >:'(
I hope you really get paid for defending "your" company, you sad piece of shit.