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EA Star Wars
Looks cool but battlefront sucked so I'm not hyped
I got fucking hornswoggled by co-workers to get Battlefront - won't fool me again.
Never forget 1313
Stop giving money to EA.
What the fuck am I supposed to think? It was five seconds of footage that showed nothing.
I wont, lol, but this gonna be singleplayer (I think/hope), so...
>it's real gameplay u guys!!!
why wont they stop fucking lying?
>we keep lying and people keep believing us so why stop?
Ask me in two years when they show something worth while
EA is a terrible publisher, anything they present should be taken with a sackful of salt and crippling cynicism/skepticism
They're known for lying through their teeth and killing game developer studios like they're recruits at Verdun, never ever EVER trust EA in anything they do. They've never proven themselves worthy of that trust so far.
it's just a guy walking, I don't see the problem
especially considering those graphics are nothing impressive to begin with
literally who gives a shit
i dont care about starwars uncharted
It's a real word, m8
>double crossed
>take for a ride
>taken to the cleaners
I love how there are so many cool words to define getting screwed.
I haven't seen the new Star Wars movie, did JJ go full hack and literally just make the new bad guys into Nazis?
I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I'm not able to watch right now. What is this game roughly? Open world action game or something like that? Please explain briefly, I am getting hyped despite the EA label.
It is said it will be third person action/adventure, and that's it for now, not real gameplay yet
the whole movie is the JUST of star wars, worse than the prequels in that aspect
Stormtroopers were always based on Nazis but he really took it up to eleven.
I see, thank you very much.
>those flags
they're laying it on a little thick
The Empire was really a lawful evil shit with some serious racism in the core worlds and Imperial posts and staff.
They were evil, strict but they kept law and order
But the First Order is just legit nazi.
To be fair, the original movies made the Empire hilariously bad villains and didn't give us a reason to support the rebellion other than look they blew up a planet so they must be bad!
>any year
fuck you
If anything they looked more like North Koreans. But generally speaking the empire has always been based on fascist dictatorships, Nazi Germany being the most well known and having the most iconic imagery among those.
No you're right, it's just that their evil was more implied and "subtle" than straight up Nazi heiling.
So what was this? That 1313 game?
Didn't watch the EA conference because it's not worth my time.
Waiting for Shitesda so I can rage at how hard they're gonna further fuck TES.
that East AR Wars guy should sue them
The Empire was brutal at times, but they kept the spaceships running. With something as large and diverse as an entire fucking galaxy, you need a strong central government to keep things running. Shit, just look at countries on earth with weak national government and how they can't provide for their people and/or constantly suffer insurrection and terrorist attacks.
That's because the villains weren't supposed to any more evil than Buck Rodgers tier bad guys.
Literally fucking nothing.
The whole Star Wars conference was "THE MOMENTS", mobile trash, and more rape of Battlefront with updates that take 2 years to make.
Fucking nothing. No new IP, no new game, just talk about Star Wars. Star Wars vidya is dead.
They know how to make easy money now.
>nice graphics
>Star Wars
>no content
They'll repeat this same formula as long as they can.
>Disney dissolves Lucas Arts
>of all shit ass companies to get the Star Wars publishing rights, it's fucking EA
I'll never get another good Star Wars RPG ever again. Let alone another good Star Wars game period.
I watched the Star Wars movies a few times, but what did the rebels want other than they wanted to overthrow the Empire. What was the rebels' form of government? Did they have a standing military? If you got captured by space pirates, would you call the rebels' space 911 and they'd send a jedi to save you?
Literally EA is the fucking worst conference, I don't have to see the rest. The whole conference was repeat trailer again and again until it is instilled in your brain.