What is the gaming equivalent of the Simpsons? Gaming franchises that have gone for so long they've lost their original charm?
What is the gaming equivalent of the Simpsons...
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Sonic the Hedgehog
Call of duty, Halo, Zelda, Sonic, Battlefield.
Those are the ones off the top of my head.
MARIO series
Pretty much every long running series except Dragon Quest. I'd say Zelda and Final Fantasy top the list.
Final Fantasy
Assassins Creed
literally almost every modern "AAA" or related series
Need for Speed
>Liberal bitch
Biggest reason I can't stand the Simpsons anymore. Not just Lisa, but the entire show has to push every liberal thing it can. In the old days, The Simpsons obviously had a liberal slant. But it would try and hide it by parodying or mocking hundreds of other things. Now every episode just seems like an excuse for Matt to criticize the audience and show how progressive he is.
>Maggie still the same
But she shot a guy.
I wouldn't say FF, it's pretty consistent.
"AAA" games never had any charm to begin with.
Classic Homer was hotheaded and lazy, not dumb.
Thank God he ended Futurama before he could ruin it with this type of shit.
>their original charm
How to say nothing in three words: the phrase.
Too many to list.
Final Fantasy hasn't been good for 16 years, bub.
I'll give them this, they definitely know their audience now. That thing looks like a Sonic OC (DO NOT STEAL!!!)
what games have made characters gay for no reason?
>A quarter of the series is pure shit
>Pretty consistent
I guess consistently shit is still consistent.
How is Lisa more of a bitch than her classic self? How is that even possible? Haven't watched this shit in ages.
Consistently shit since Sakaguchi and Uematsu's departure.
Please tell me the gay grandpa is homer's real father, and not a well established character that's literally the caricature of that grandpa who talks about "the old days" and the war.
Pic could also work perfectly for Family Guy
She also has had at least three vocal roles. One of which being long liberal speech voiced by Jodie Foster. This show seriously can't help itself anymore.
World of Warcraft -mmo.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
since when was Marge a "fun housewife"
Mario, easily. Also Maggie should be
>actually the killer
At least the Simpsons had some good game adaptions, not sure about FG
Grandpa was a wrestler and they thought his outfit was for gay pride
I'm so sorry
I think Family Guy had like, 3 maybe, and I believe at least one of them was a time-waster money-greedy mobile game
Stewie before: Evil baby
Stewie now: Gay beastiality baby
>liberal speech parodying Ayn Rand
It doesn't get any more real than this.
no one was gay, the family found women's stuff inside Abe's storage place, which made Marge think he was gay, then it turned out Abe was a wrestler and it was part of his persona
The pic itself is about Bart pointing out how "in" is to accept LGBT family members
Old Lisa: "I'm working very hard to prove I am smart. But I still like malibu stacey, ponies and boys. I'm a kid trying to be an adult."
New Lisa: "I can name every single politician in congress and will protest anything. You got a cause you want shoved down someone's throat? I'm your girl. Also, I act like a 21 year old greenpeace femanazi. Toys and ponies no longer affect me. And fuck any man who ever dares talk to me or even look at me."
>Now every episode just seems like an excuse for Matt to criticize the audience
>implying Matt has had anything to do with the series for the past 20 years
Zelda ez
Modern Bioware, for starters.
Before the show would point out when Lisa is being whiny, now whenever she speaks you know it's the moral of the episode.
Case in point:
Classical Lisa youtu.be
New Lisa youtu.be
Maggie became le edgy baby
In the early years, Marge was the one who kept trying to get Homer to have sex, she was easy to get drunk, had a gambling problem and was mostly just a free spirit. She was a hippie without the political bend. Now she's just a hippie.
I prefer the Klasky Csupo episodes tbqh
I can't believe nĂ¼-Simpsons made Bart gay
Not even Maggie is safe though since the few times it has a spotlight she goes full lol so randumb a baby broke a bottle and fights like a slav.
>I actually read that in Lisa's voice
>can imagine new lisa saying all those words
Literally every mmo ever
Sparkle! Sparkle!
how could you miss the point of her character so hard?
The joke has always been that she was a lame stick in the mud
shouldve killed the show 20 years ago
jesus christ
Matt is the only veteran of the show who still does commentaries for the DVDs/BDs. He still greenlights the scripts and comes up with ideas for new scripts, even if other people write them. Its most of the core writing staff who left around season 8-12. Now the writing staff is yes men who do whatever Matt says or spec scripts written by outsiders.
Post your Simpsons' favorite episode.
Assassin's Creed
Lisa necesita frenos
Hard one, but I'll have to go with Cape Feare
that isn't classic simpsons
Metal Gear
jesus christ, sometimes I forget how bad season 11 was
>ever good
lmao get some taste.
Didn't they announce that they were no longer doing commentaries?
haven't they done a gay episode years ago
>tfw one of the newer episodes shows Homer get high with Ned Flander's parents
For god's sake, he's a lazy but caring father who drinks frequently, not a fucking stoner. It's like they ran out of ideas so they're just cramming everything associated with liberals into the show before it dies.
to piss off christian westen chandler.
How did you miss the point? Marge is a parody of the 1950s housewife (the stick in the mud you speak of). But she also goes completely opposite of this often. The mom on Leave it to Beaver or Life With Father would have never had a drinking or gambling problem. Nor even suggested having sex, even with her husband. Marge actively does these things to go against her image. And in the more recent (shitty) seasons, Marge has done nude shots for a magazine, kissed another woman and came inches away from having an affair with Ned. She pretty much doesn't even have her 'stick in the mud' personality anymore since the show is trying so hard to be edgy.
Adios plan dental, plan dental.
Why is the Simpsons still going on? I don't know anyone who even watches it anymore. It's fucking shit.
Anything with the Name Sid Meir's or Will Wright attached to it.
>Flanders's dad is literally just him with grey hair
Flanders is canon 60+ years old, you'd think his parents would be much older looking (assuming they'd be alive in the first place)
lisa necesita frenos
They weren't good to begin with
It's an staple of americana. Same reason why baseball still exist despite the shift from rural to urban settlements, people just expect it to.
A bad Simpsons episode still pulls in more ratings than a bad reality show. People will tune in just because of the shows reputation. That's how bad TV is right now. Or should I say, for the last 15 years.
>they're turning an average housewife with a few issues into a slut
Why can't this series just die?
The new Simpsons is utter garbage. Unfunny piece of shit written by hipster Redditors as a vehicle for their goddamn trite political views. I am so sick of it. Cannot watch it without flipping the channel.
It used to just be a simple, funny sitcom about a dysfunctional familly in America; now it's a flanderized shitshow for smug lefties. They really need to go back to basics.
The comedy nowadays typically comes from "OH! HE SAID IT! HE SAID THE THING!" or "OH! HE DID IT! HE DID THE THING!"
Ha, that's actually not that bad!
The writers went full DUDE
>Hop in!
>But sir
>I said hop in
Case in point: The simpsons is so flanderized that's where the verb "to flanderise" comes from.
>blue arms
I hate this fucking thing in media lately where they're pushing this narrative that women were until very very recently self-hating useless slobs who were downtrodden BECAUSE OF MEN AND SOCIETY, MAAAAAN
It's just not true
I really liked that the characters had more personality than one single trait in the past. Even Marge had some cool episodes. Modern Simpsons are disgusting.
I just noticed how newest episodes always has at least one of people and often they are the main subject of the episode itself, instead of doing a secondary OC that only appear for a scene or two and making fun of them
What are some shows or games that had the decency to end early before they became caricatures of themselves?
when did old simpsons become new simpsons sonny newfag.
Oh wait you cant say its just something you spout to seem "kool"