Now when gameplay's been released, what does Sup Forums think of it?
Battlefield 1
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UI is sad, hoping a place holder. Game can look epic, but its clearly alpha still.
Yeah it looked straight from Front.
The only thing I'm hesitant on are the details of vehicles and I'd like to see more maps, but what they showed has my interest.
Too many black people imo. Makes it completely unrealistic.
Looks like a fun WW2 fps
shit like anyone who isn't a retard would have guessed.
Good thing i dont have to suffer that horrible boxart in a digital age.
looking at the gameplay the graphics seem badly downgraded compared to the "ingame footage" trailers.
gameplay seems completely standart bf fare. dont get the excitement.
>we literally want the xbox one dudebro and guetto nigger audience
Dropped. It's literally just CoD with some tanks.
There wasn't a single second with people not sprinting, running and gunning like some generic CoD clone.
Literaly BF4 without red dot sights, to many SMGs, why the fuck would I moove out of BF3/4 ?
They somehow found a way to make the UI even more obnoxious and screen cluttering, the art direction/consistency/authenticity is completely non-existent, and the gameplay looks like more bland, skill-less, casual pandering unlock treadmill bullshit.
But it'll sell millions because of advertising, brand name, and pretty graphics. Looks like a solid 5-6/10.
So every battlefield game since bf2?
I had a similar vibe. Paper airplanes, same shitty mechanics movement and stuff. But the weapons and setting make it worthwhile no? Still not buying until i get hands on the beta.
False flagging faggot stop posting this shit
I think this might be the first game not to run on my old phenom II / 4gb / 7870 machine
Way too many niggers and poo in the loos
It's fucking World War 1, the greatest war. It wa fought mainly by white people. If they are going to go for historical accuracy why shit up the rest of the cast?
It looks like hot garbage
>finally have animations for entering vehicles
Did look pretty fun. Probably gonna get it.
destruction is like bad company hopefully other than that you dont have any other reasons
Fucking disgusting.
Kill me.
that looked fucking sweet
>those people can't just bail out of vehicle denying you that kill
I fucking hate those kinda people.
Also, its Battlefield. Without gameplay we already new what to expect.
It's gonna have same reqs as Battlefield 4 & SW Battlefront
>4 maps
Poo in loos fought plenty in ww1 actually. The British took them in when they had a shortage of soldiers. So did Aussies and a bit of black pepes
>historical accuracy.
>uses guns issued by the nazis
Too many auto weapons
UI is blantely taken from Battlefront
The fucking female robot voice is totally jarring
Brand new gameplay
>Caring about this shit
>Not caring about the much, much more glaring authenticity issues in the gameplay itself, and all of the equipment/battlefields.
Nigger do you even play video games or are you just one of those butthurt Sup Forumsrinas always getting assblasted when something doesn't push your childish race agenda?
The game is shit, but you're a faggot, which is even worse.
So no chances of snow-laden mountainside warfare between Russian and Turkish teams?
Historical accuracy was the focus, with Jamal the Australian taking center stage
I think they should have called it "Historic Battlefield according to Hollywood" but thats not quite as catchy.
Please be fake
This. Looks fun, but a missed opportunity to do something fun with trench warfare.
Will this game have that sweet Russian 1895 lever-action 7.62x54R rifle?
Didn't they tell you not to believe everything you see on the internet?
>Australians are the only people in the world to wear stetsons.
>Sup Forums in charge of having coherent arguments about historical authenticity.
Stetsons are quite common in the American military, you know. Even to this day.
Don't disrespect 2142.
>caring about historical accuracy in a game about a specific era of warfare
wow fuck me right?
fuck you nigger
Its literally Star Wars Battlefront: Battlefield Edition
Extremely casual, knee-high skill ceiling, SMG hip firing while running - The Game
I honestly predict it go down in the first 6 months like SWB.
This is the new DICE, welcome the bright future of dudebro and urban ghetto gamers
But the graphics look way better than BF4
Nice edit phone user
indians did a fair bit of fighting
niggers like, not so much
>Caring about BF1
At the risk of sounding like a shill you're retarded. What would you want them to do? It does not make a good trailer if you
>Do 15 minutes of sniping from the edge of the map
>Sit around waiting for vehicles to spawn
>Sitting in a tight closed map throwing grenades endlessly
>Camping some hard to reach area that stops enemy team from advancing
>Spamming mortars from the corner
>Spawning and dying every 15 seconds
>Blowing up anything that can be destroyed for the sake of map control
>Spawn camping
Gameplay is always vastly different from the trailer and we all know how battlefield games play.
Still, pissed to a degree that they blacked WW1.
Star Wars Battlefront 2.0
Assumed it was an Aussie hat, thanks for the correction. Either way though, black man in the British military in WW1 France fighting alongside whites, yeah, sure thing DICE
Same engine I guess
Yea edited that with Adobe© Photoshop™ Mobile™ edition
I refuse to play any game with niggers in them
They're not going for historical accuracy you dip. They never were. It's a shitty casualised AAA shooter and the only reason you care about this game at all is because you're a casual shitter who cares more about politics in the industry than the games themselves.
Indians were the first people gassed by the Germans.
>Abloo bloo bloo my white genocide
>Ignores the much, much worse problems with the authenticity.
>Ignores the fact that the black troops were actually a thing.
>Thinly-veiled ass-pain over being triggered at the sight of other races.
I retract my statement. You're not a faggot, you're a giant weenie.
He admitted it!!!!!!!
>house-to-house combat
>historically incorrect placement of zeppelins
>low texture draw (from jackfrags video)
only good thing is the UI. else its just a reskinned call of duty with ww1 + ww2 textures
>defending a "shitty casualised AAA shooter" just because you're a nigger
you truly are the bane of the video game industry
>that 1 fucking soldier runing with a Lewis gun like it was an AR a with a scope nonetheless
>smg everywhere
I dont even know anymore, I would really have bought this game if it was something new to the franchise, a game where most battles are fought with fucking rifles like in fucking WW1 but no, we have exactly the same gameplay as before, give me a reason to pick this over any modern BF, seriously
Due to the fact that bf4 is still going strong. I dont think so
>niggers in the game
>you can gass them
whats the problem?
>black troops were actually a thing
even assuming this is true (which it isn't), they woudl make up like what? 0.000000001% of the army? But now a nigger is the protagonist of BF1?
You do know that was, in fact, a thing, right? It's one of the few things from this train wreck with any actual roots in reality.
All the forced drama is just Sup Forums fags spilling out of their containment board and being [TRIGGERED] like they always are whenever a game, movie, or whatever has black people in it as anything other than a background character.
That's not a stetson, that's a slouch, almost exclusive to the ANZAC in WW1 and 2. Stop acting so informed considering you don't know shit
With the game releasing in october, and the amount of content they have revealed so far, it feels a lot like what happened with Battlefront.
Game will probably look great, it seems to have the "standard" battlefield gameplay, in the end i'll probably get it only when all DLC has been released and the price is lower.
But wait, there's more! Like a soldier running around with a hotchkiss M1909 firing from the hip
>no lock ons
>no spotting (the way it is in bf4)
How is this not superior?
who gives a fuck, gona run it on 1280/720 low so the useless grapical shit stops being a burden anyway
There's more than one protagonist in the BF1 campaign.
How am I defending it? I fucking hate what battlefield has become and the fact people on this board even care about who's in it makes me question whether those people are even interested in video games, because if they were they would know the game's not worth discussing.
becaues given how pushed niggers are in media, they are probably going to make them stronger than everyone else or something
Literally a reskinned WW2 shooter being titled as WW1. Looks no better than the other BF games DICE has been making.
It's not WW1 game that for sure
>more than one
Slouch hats do not have a flat top.
niggers shouldn't even be one of the protagonists
I expected AAA quality 64 player Verdun, instead I got reskinned BF4.
doubt it. In the single player maybe
Some air gameplay
Tanks look really nice. The only thing I'll do in the game is drive a tank desu
>battlefront UI
>60 bucks for that
>gona be super demanding
>most likely bugged AF
>will be droped by the PC population like Hardline because its an inferior product and can't compare to the refined versions of Battlefied that are 3 and 4
looks more like WW2, they should have done WW2 instead
yes a muslim women riding a horse in the beuduin tribes during the arab revolts of 1914.
how authentic
Black troops were a thing in colonial Africa, eg Namibia campaign.
There were no blacks in the european theater.
having niggers in ww2 would have been just as bad
>Black troops in WW1 weren't a thing
I know you're baiting me, but I can't help but bite. Even if they weren't the main force, what's wrong with a game centering around the units that fought there? There's literally zero problems with that other than you being triggered like some tumblrina complaining about games not being focused on women. You're a fucking joke; How sad and insecure do you have to be that you have to be validated by a game's protagonist? If the character was white or black it'd make literally zero difference. They chose a black regiment because it's not something most games or movies in the setting have ever really touched on and they wanted a(Likely half-assed) attempt at being somewhat unique.
I'd figure you stormfags would actually be fucking estatic at having a game that gives you plenty of opportunity to gun down shitloads of black people in multiplayer.
because it detracts from the real heroes of the war, the white soldiers
not until 1917 and they made up a small percentage of american forces which was already a small percentage of forces on the western front anyway
That's not a slouch you dumb shit.
>ITT: niggers defending niggers in games
I agree its too much
I recently got a good pc, you should get one too
>bugged as fuck
Anything but the netcode this time i hope
I hope not, we cannot know at this time.
>Being triggered this hard.
Did Jamal fuck your mother, or something?
I would prefer to drive WW2 ones however
>what's wrong with a game centering around the units that fought there?
misrepresentation history
they unironically haven't shown a single Frenchman despite france losing almost every single man they had
In WW2?
>autismo trigger warning