Fuck E3

Fuck E3
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i own that from when EA gave it out for free. Man... It doesn't hold up.

KOTOR 2 also doesn't hold up. Mother fucker why can i fucking specialize in light sabers if I don't even know how to fucking get one. Fucking christ, how do people defend that game

overwatch for me tho. Gonna show the gf huniepop soon


I love this game, but the final boss is a cheap piece of shit and I hate him.

O'Dimm is amazing.


No surprise that EA is wallowing in their own mud.

Fuck me for not playing this shit earlier. Action game with guns and swords two years before Devil May Cry, and the entire setting/zany humor just screams God Hand. I call bullshit if none of those games took inspiration from this.

That goddamn theme has been stuck in my head for days now too.


How well has Jade Empire aged? I was actually about to play the SE on PC tonight.


it has aged better than KOTOR

Still good enough, you will get a camera bug sometimes though

controls bad on pc w/ controller

characters are just kotor but oriental. Super simple combat. Loved it on release, pretty iffy on it now.


I've never played an RTS before, but I think I know what I'm doing so far, I feel like I'm really slow though.

Crusading in the Levant in a M&B mod

How do I beat these giant red guys, its driving me nuts

I tried replaying that recently and I'm just terrible. I'm used to sc2 and having 200 food cap. optimising under 40 or 70 is just strange to me.

>characters are just kotor but oriental
Who plays Carth/Kaiden?

I understand very little of what's being said, but I'm still enjoying it greatly. Fuck I want 0 so bad.

Dead Space

i don't even know why i'm playing this on and off, really

but it's an okay distraction.

Are you serious? Dawn Star.

>Dawn Star.
But he's a she?

9v9 Rumble Mode

Just shows how progressive Bioware is!

be more specific

cause its as easy as smacking them a bunch


Playing as the turban guy, use dual swords on a giant three ehaded red monster with a rune in its chest.

it doesnt die unless I use chakrams, during which it eats half my health with those energy shocks.


this is one of the most fun games i've ever played
features dante from devil may cry

Is that game any good? Heard it's rare as fuck.

Witcher 3 since I waited until all the expansions were out to replay.

Why is it so fucking good? I stayed up until 5am playing it and woke up switching my PC right back on.

I was supposed to be playing Drakengard, but I couldn't get an emulator to run it.
Guess I'll watch a walkthrough on YouTube or something instead.

Good taste OP remember Black whiriwind and Chyo are best bros

I want to play it again but then I'll have to play through Louisiana before the game starts.

I got my copy of ebay for like 150 usd, so you'd be better of to just emulate it even though it looks worse on pcsx2

But how could I be playing a game if I'm shit-posting on Sup Forums?


>playing drakengard

That emulator is doing you a damn favor. Watch it, its far much better to watch then suffer through that monstrosity of a game.

Holy shit nigger, It's been a while since I played a game so comfy to explorer and take my time doing things.

I want to try this game out badly, but no Xbox.

Nuffin. After E3 I'm probably gonna take a break from vidya games and focus on drawing cute girls.
But I'm kinda tempted to emulate

I'm doing the FF5 four job fiesta right now. Also in the middle of Valkyria Chronicles Remaster. I have Leifdrasir on backlog for as soon as I finish that.

Wish more games had threesome ending

I still hope Konami sells the rights for this series to another company, however unlikely it may be.

>tfw sequel never

At least Andromeda is looking visually appealing minus the men-women so far.

seriously its somehow better the second time through

Nah, man. They're going to be cranking out Silent Hill pachinko machines from now on.

I can't believe anyone at Capcom thought that the Nino Island Ruins were a good idea.

Only just started and I dont see how I can get into weapon range of enemies without taking hits,


You don't, in the early game anyway.
If you're still using shitty pistols and other low tier stuff, you're better off jerking off behind a wall and wait for them to come to you.


Shit, posted without actually saying anything.

This shit's hard and doesn't nearly feel as mindfuck-y as people hyped it up to be.

I tried doing that in the starting area but the oposition did the same thing and I felt like such a waste to sacrifice so many bullets to RNGeus

Mah nigga.

Is Legends 2 worth playing?
I remember playing a lot of Mega Man 64 and Legends (I owned the game on both N64 and PS1 for some reason, don't remember why) as a kid, but I never got to play the second game.

If its too tedious, you can hire a merc with a decent rifle for 1 day and take his weapon. Pricey, but its an option.

Never played it back in the PS2 days and Dragon's Crown was my first Vanillaware game but I'm loving it so far. The whole "Storybook" feel is fucking comfy

>tfw you can do neat stylish combos because the game forces a hard knockdown if you style too much

How is it? I miss Neopets and need a nostalgia fix.


I am buying the absolute shit out of the PS3 remake soon. So hype.

Radiant Historia, just got it today from Gamestop.

Plus I need another RPG to break up all the beat-em-ups/ARPGs I've been playing on my Vita as of late.

believe me you'd prefer the way it plays now compared to how it was on PS2.

Favorite character?

my junkyard nigga.



Trying to catch Sandworms in the desert

It's not a PS3 remake.

I bought this 45 minutes ago, what am I in for?

I just got it yesterday and I've only played as Gwendolen thus far. Getting the hang of the combat though, it flows so nicely when you get in a groove.

HD remaster sorry

PC version?

Liefthrasir came out on PS3/PS4 and Vita user

Mediocre game. Did the game ever got a sequel? I remember it ending in a cliffhanger.

did you play the other 12 games?

It's a PS2 remake, Odin Sphere was not a PS3 game.

I just replayed the whole game a month or two ago. One of those games with absolute shit level design.

>Swamp level intro with lava-like water, also dark and boring
>Next 1/2 of the game takes place in a bunker where everything is concrete and boring
>Next 1/4 of the game is in some boring blood/gore tunnels
>Final level finally had some decent level design being in a european castle.

Was really a slog. Bought part 2 and Betrayal but part 1 sucked all the fun out of the franchise for me.

It's better than I remembered. It has the best morph ball sections and enemies of the entire franchise.

Someone convince me to buy this. I want to play TW3 but I'm feeling worn out.

The combat in that game isn't supposed to be God of War or DMC, it's an active turn based RPG where your speed (time until next move) is determined by what attack/s you just used (via lengthy or quick animations) instead of an actual speed stat.

if only it came out on pc

JE is a simplified kotor which is a toddlerized baulders gate.

It's just not engaging.

Oh God, yesss. Get this: Silent Hill: a telltale game.

>this entire post

He was saying it was a remake on the ps3.

>JE is a simplified kotor
Except for the combat system being different.

I kind of felt this was hard to play without a controller. Should I just get good and try again?

DMC2. I never heard good thing and you guys where right, it really does blow. At first I thought it was alright and liked the things a dedicated dodge button and wall running antics but now I'm at that amalgamation of all the previous bosses in the Hell dimension and I'm finding it hard to go on. Decided to take a break. It fucking sucks though, I thought I was going to unlock some new moves but I'm doing the same shit over and over.

Not totally unplayable or anything but it's really boring and stupidly simple.

Same, trying to 100% it, at meta knightmare. Love it.




This game was interesting. Never finished it and don't have my PS2 anymore but I wouldn't mind playing it again. It was really buggy though

Good game

Objectively, it's pretty rough in some places. Especially early on, it feels like there's a lot of stop and go in terms of enjoyment because you do so little damage that the only strategy for everything is circle strafe and shoot, but after Nino Island Ruins it stays pretty consistently enjoyable.

Plus, I fucking love where the story of MML2 goes in the end, and on that note I'd say a lot of the presentation holds up pretty well. It's on PSN for like $10, I'd say go for it.