Why do we hate this studio again?
Why do we hate this studio again?
we? think for yourself you retarded nigger
I don't. In fact I depend on their engine to make games and make a living
we? think for yourself you retarded nigger
I have never seen someone hating Epic games. Their engine is fucking amazing.
Then why is it taboo to speak of their latest game on here? Threads always die immediately.
Unreal Tournament?
How come its still called Epic Games and not "The Coalition" since is its actual name?
But nobody hates Epic
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
it's in early access and doesn't have any exposure
he's talking about Paragon
The Coalition, like 343, is a Microsoft in-house studio made to keep churning out Gears games. Epic doesn't make them anymore.
creating their own shitty launcher is about the only thing I can complain about
I wasn't a big fan of the Gears sequels, though the original was great
I think UE3 plagued video games for too long and most devs fumbled with it, but that's not epic's fault
It does have exposure tho. Ya'll just need to go outside more.
I've not seen a single person hate on EPIC. Their only bad game was GoW Judgment.
>kills Unreal Tournament
>"PC Gamers are entitled"
>"PC Gamers are filthy pirates"
>Microsoft takes a big shit in their mouth
>"N-no we were wrong about PC Gamers, please love us"
They didn't even make Judgment.
Ignorance goes hand in hand with hatred.
EPIC gave the Gears title to Microsoft and went on to make an Unreal Tournament remaster. rom what I've heard, it's really solid.
it will get more notoriety with the open beta coming in august
i have 350 games in paragon and am very excited for the coming updates and since epic has unlimited funds from licensing their engine paragon has a chance to become something amazing
only hated them when they were making gears of war shit
>did a bunch of dumb bullshit
>lost money
>went back and corrected the dumb bullshit
Sounds okay to me
Personally I dislike how fucking hard they dicked over Bulletstorm.
Literally my favorite developer.
So they screwed up with UT3. they can come back.
Because Paragon has had serious balance issues until the next patch. Muriel, TwinBlast and Steel dominate everything. They have no idea how to balance characters either, their way of balancing Grux & Rampage was making them useless Riktor is actually the best character in the game it's just players haven't realized it yet by building him tanky. He can 1 shot people from halfway accross the map if you build him damage/CDR and use his Q
I love Paragon Khaimera has me moist
Muriel is about to be less viable now. Riktor isn't the most op I'd give that to Dekker. Especially this coming patch
they've shown they're not unwilling to rework characters that are broken by design which is great
for an early access game the balance is actually fairly decent and should get a lot better with the patch
except twinblast will still be the best carry
Riktor with a full damage/cdr Q with a right click can silence, slow and do 700 damage every 4 seconds. With the tank class getting a buff into fighter next patch he's going to be an elder god.
Not much left to hate after they sold out to glorious China.
Dekker is still better.
700 damage in 4 seconds is trash and with the new update hell be even squishier.
Kallari wasn't broken and I'm really not okay with them removing actives and replacing them with passives.
They're removing passives and reworking them into their abilities.
>a 700 damage pull that is nearly tower to tower is trash
user are you stupid? Not only is your Q available every 4 seconds but with a full right click that means you can make your enemies unable to use a single skill and be immobile an entire fight. Since this characters release I have yet to die in a single teamfight as Riktor. The Fighter update isn't a nerf either. That only means you build him with attack speed. The crazy thing is, he won't even be the best character in the new update. [spoilers]Sevarog will.
I'm cool with that. I'm not cool with them removing actives and replacing them with passives, which they did with Rampage and now Sparrow.
Sparrow's AS boost is gone so now she'll be the most simplistic character, which bothers me. Removing buttons reduces the complexity of the game.
They wanted to make Jazz Jackrabbit a 3d autism collectethon simulator.
They've been dead to me since.
How will Sevarog be the best?
And okay I misunderstood I thought you meant dealing 700 damage over the course of 4 seconds...
Your argument now makes sense now my bad. The new buff for Dekker is going to make her op though.
Jungling is going to suck without travel mode.
I feel you, Khaimera has a passive as an active and if you look at his kit you cant help but feel hes supposed to do more than just lunge and cut.
Especially after the cxp update building his stack is gong to be a bitch