Why did they waste a million dollars making this? They could have made 1/4 of MN9 instead

Why did they waste a million dollars making this? They could have made 1/4 of MN9 instead

Elf a cute.

Since its their most profitable game yet, and opened up the west to their games, I don't think they wasted anything.

Why does it cost a million dollars to animate something in flash?

12 year olds do it on newgrounds for free

Because it's beautiful.

Dragon's Crown 2 when?

Probably never. It took 15 years of George's life to get the first one made.

What the fuck is that shillware-looking piece of shit supposed to be?

Yeah and I have much more fun jacking off to shit a 12 year old made on Newgrounds than this.

Seriously though why the fuck would you play a sidescroller in 2016?

Because it's fun and has great food porn.

What does this term even mean. Did you just make this up just now.

A video game that focus on gameplay and being fun.

I love side-scrollers (even though I can't think of a good one to come out in quite a long time) but every single Vanillaware game is fucking trash

Double-Dragon Neon was great for what it was. Why do you say Vanillaware games are trash?

>admits there haven't been any good side scrollers recently
>Vanillaware sucks!
Maybe you just don't like Side scrollers anymore onii chan.

I want this on PC... Please...

I'm dying.

Or you know, I just don't think modern faggots understand what made many of the older ones great. That could be it newfriend

ps4 rerelease when?

All I want is another GrimGrimoire.

>I just don't think modern faggots understand what made many of the older ones great
Care to share with the class?

Since I've been playing games since 1986, I think I have a pretty good grasp of what made older games good as well. And 2D Action/Platformers have been my favorite genre, both back on the NES days all the way up to today. Muramasa was my favorite game of last gen.

If you don't like Vanillaware, that's fine. But you also don't seem to have reasons for it. While I know perfectly well why I like Vanillaware. They're one of the few companies that are actually pushing 2D games forward, in an era where we can't even get a new Metroid or Castlevania game.

GOTY 2013. One of the best co op games of the last decade.

I guess I made it up myself, I just started saying it one day, I really don't fucking know.

To me it's shit that people will instantly circlejerk around because they claim
>"focus on gameplay"
>grafix no matter silly

So that they can feel superior and special for liking a game no one else gave a second glance. And 9/10 it just turns out to be poorly developed, grindy, unfun trash, and it's horrible aesthetic and design is shilled away as a
>creative decision

There the fucking hipster trash of video-games.

Glad you explained your various reasons kid. Muramasa was fucking trash too

Why isn't this on the vita or PS4?

It is on the vita, though.


I typed that pretty fast

Holy shit kill yourself

Fuck you summerfags

Nice deflection sempai.

Yeah man, it's fucking insane that people would praise a game on the merits of its gameplay instead of graphics. Everyone know graphics are really what matters.

Oh fuck, you're right.

because it's already on the PS3
why would they move it to the PS4?

you are a sony faggot you would already have a ps3

Amazon gets me rockhard everytime

Mah nigga

why the fuck you'd want MN9 in the first fucking place
go die in a ditch faggot


You're the only waste of time, flesh and air here user

I love the modern trend of squatbunnies instead of cardio bunnies. Women have never been so attractive.

Sup jason

This game looks and plays like fucking shit, kys

>make a third of a game
>reviewers rave
I just don't get it.

You're really wrong. If you don't like sidescrollers that's one thing (you'd just have shitty taste) but if you do this is one of the better ones hands down. Art is subjective I guess but the art in this is great and way more interesting than most of what we get.

I think you just have really bad taste.

Name something that excels in both compared to DC

>dragon's crown
>looks like shit

Leifthrasir > Muramasa > Dragon's Crown

I really don't see why people would ever pick sorceress amazon has both tits and ass. I can see why some would pick elf though since she has delicious thighs.


I see nothing wrong with this ranking.I didn't think any of the games were less than great though.

Still wishing you could go back to when you weren't sad, lonely, and suicidal huh? Vicariously reliving those years through terrible video games?

GTA San Andreas (for it's time)

You just want to fuck sorceress and you enjoy jerking off to 2d girls because you don't get to touch real live ones

>he doesn't want to fug a tiddie monster
Why didn't you just say you were a self-loathing queer, user

It's all about preference. Amazon still looks to hard and rough, sorceress has the bimboesque look that some like. Elf isn't too revealing so it takes a harder look to get into her. Also skill sets, some like being a mage/ nuker/support