How did Bald and Pignose fall so far?

How did Bald and Pignose fall so far?

I enjoyed the RPGs they made.

>Implying they were ever good to begin with


That panel is literally a joke about Reddit being a place where people go to argue with idiots without facts getting in the way. What the fuck is your point?

That comic is ridiculing Reddit tho

This was the only decent PA in the last... six years? Seven?

Good things end.
That is the nature of things
at this point it's a mindless zombie of its former self

>that mouth

Why does pig intentionally draw like shit now?

1 and 2 were decent. Then they cheaped out for the easy retro crap.

They grew up.

Tumblr style?

They made a full-time job out of their comic and then they were chained to it and had no choice but to turn it into a whole conglomerate.

Were they ever up somewhere where they could fall to begin with?

heh, that one is actually alright.

aren't they both married AND parents now

They didn't really. The full comic for this is fine and if you replace the word reddit with Sup Forums you can see what they're talking about in the catalog right now.

somethin' buggin' you?

Did you miss that the fucking joke is that reddit is a shitty place to talk about video games?

Not him, 3 and 4 were better than 1 and 2 overall.
Then again, I did love Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World.

It's ok, user, one day you'll learn to read.

The art style is still atrocious and the """""joke""""" isn't even funny.

Because it's pissing on your favourite forum obviously.

Not that they were ever particularly good in the first place, but they've been shit for years my man. Years.


it was after dickwolves. sjw was already starting to infest gaming but people hadn't organized against it yet. penny arcade was never the same after that bullshit






I just wish Penny Arcade would do more comics about video games instead of going off into weird side comics like that boy scout thing or stupid one-shots no one cares about.

Where are the fucking video games?

Last one is kinda true at least, outside looking in should get more objective details

First 5 times I saw this, I thought he was saying "it's playable, sugar". Kinda disappointed I was wrong.

i liked automata and that one about the cowboy who couldnt die

that's his left hand

You can't really top this. So of course it'd be downhill from there.

they cant make any comics about videogames because it would piss off their advertisers

also heres a long blog post about how "insert ps4 game here" is cool you guys

They're pretty much the same as they were. The only real difference is the art style.

Someone complained about it, so he decided to push it even further in that direction because he's a cunt.

>that six fingered hand

>Video game based webcomic can't make webcomics about video games because the advertisers on their video game webcomic would be annoyed if they make webcomics about video games


I think this was funnier in your head

Is it time to post edits?

They lose advertisers if they shit on games. When they stopped being honst and started blatantly shilling shit like Assassin's Creed that Gabe also did some artbook for or something, is when I dropped them completely.

fug forgot to post the actual edit

They lost their edge. They got families, they got really popular, they've got their own company and gaming convention and shit to think about now. All of that really softened them up and prevents them from really going hard on hammering people like they used to, and they just don't seem as into video games as they used to be.

I think I knew they were dead around the time they started defending shit like Diablo 3's always online system and Mass Effect 3's ending.

burden of proof is on the accusor, not the accused

>Raped to sleep by the dickwolves

It doesn't matter, apparently referencing Reddit triggers the autism to the point where they can't see anything but their blind, retarded rage.

Remember when this comic was good Gabe was a closet homosexual and Tycho was a full on unapologetic Zoophile?

I seriously hate this art style, it slaps on unnecessary expressions for the sake of adding expressions

When I think about it, the joke itself kinda sucks. It's just another fucking WHAT IF VIDEO GAME MECHANICS WERE REAL joke. I swear they only published this as an excuse to use the word "dickwolf".

It was taking the piss out of MMO quests and how it's weird that you'll see hundreds of slaves but you only have to get a small number to complete the quest.

>Remember when this comic was good
It was never good. Your taste is merely a little less shit

Which is exactly what I mean by a WHAT IF VIDEO GAME MECHANICS WERE REAL joke. It's so fucking bread and butter in vidya webcomics that it needs some really exceptional execution to still be funny after we've all seen a million jokes like that.

So, it's another 'what if video game mechanics were real' joke?

Only if you want to bend the context to all hell and back, yeah.

There's no need to bend the context. It's a straight up 'weird thing happens in game, here's how it would work in real life' deal.

>Remember when this comic was good Gabe was a closet homosexual and Tycho was a full on unapologetic Zoophile?
Watch the edge boy

Why is there like, petroil on his arm?

I think it's different since it's a very specific thing that is weird even in the context of the game itself. There's no "what if real" part to it. It's not like something that makes sense in the game world and only becomes weird if you take it out of that, like all of those "what if Mario real" jokes.

You cannot honestly pretend to be a teenager, much less a hip youngster, for over 16 years.

>why do they not realize reddit is shit?
When you go against trends like social media you end up like GT and Joystiq, although Bald and pig nose are as bad as syndicated strips like Garfield, and PvsP at this point. One day they might get a crossover with Dilbert, and Heathcliff.

They still exist because, as this E3 has dmeonstrated, Pax is the only important gaming con in the west. Sup Forums will forever maintain its image as the internet boogeyman despite its actual impact on the Web 3.0 because of REASONS.

It's a Pac Man tattoo.

Pacman tattoo because he's just that hardcore a gamer.

they slowly became casuals and the art got worse and worse.

they both got married and had kids.
they kept talking about their kids in the videogame comic, with stories that may or may not have happened.

It bears mentioning that he was actually mocking reddit in that comic.

I miss their nsfw days
