Here is a sneak peak at Star Wars videogames for the next 5 years. What do you think, Sup Forums?
Disney Prequel Emargo confirmed.
Battlefront is $20 now till June 28th
Installing the 4 hour trial to see if it will run well and then I might as well buy it, heres hoping BF numbers stay in the 4k-5k range on PC at least for a year more
Battlefront is only $20 on Origin right now. Is it worth it Sup Forums?
I die a little more inside every time Battlefront is raped.
That's not a fucking sneak peak
It's literally a video that says
"we're doing things"
Worst conference ever
I want to play a Stormtrooper game in the vein of Republic Commando.
Looks like shit, EA can't produce a good game to save their lives and it's really sad that Sup Forums is trying to be hyped at all.
You never will.
Maybe. It's pretty fun for $20 but PC Battlefront has less players than console.
It's getting free updates, and paid expansions until Spring 2017, in which the sequel hype train will be in full force.
I'm sure it will have a playerbase for the rest f the year.
Will probably pick up with Rogue One, too.
I want EA to suck this franchise dry so that the current gen of faggot kids learn to hate it and it can finally die off...its been begging for death since Episode I reboot
I think they all look like trash and it's safe to say Star Wars has been laid to rest, as you will never find a single quality book, comic, game, movie, or show from the franchise onward
you had one fucking job, OP
This is all I wanted to see, it might still happen if it's XBox exclusive? right guys? Right?
The Visceral Star Wars game looks awesome, even from that brief footage. If Battlefront 2 has more maps and a singleplayer mode I'll probably consider getting it. I enjoyed what I played of the beta, but it didn't seem worth full price.
I also really wish Bioware would make a Star Wars RPG that isn't TOR. Though to be fair I hear some of it's stories are pretty good.
No. Just don't. It's so fucking shallow that even if they offered it for $3 you'd still want to refund. It's looks good but that's all it's got going for it because the developers forgot to put gameplay in then tried to fix it with card equips. Balance is poor, everyone uses the same shit, the best skins are locked away until you're max level, it's shit.
Play Battlefront/Battlefront 2 instead of EAfront.
Aftermath already confirmed that.
Same I want a tv show following Stormtroops training til death.
Band of Brothers or The Pacific.
>Mfw when Stormtroops commando ever happens
This is the worst part, you're entirely right
it sounds good too, but yeah, the game is shit
I have BF2, 10gb of mods for it too, I'm not really into EA Front for the gameplay since I played the beta and I know its kinda shit but i have BF2 for that with mods like UCW and BFX etc but what I want EAfront for is just to be immersed in the visuals and sounds of Star Wars, that shit took my breath away during the beta.
I have no opinion because there's nothing here but masturbation.
>Even following Star Wars vidya in the day and age of EA
I am truly sorry that you guys still have any hope left for the franchise. Some next level ignorance, i don't envy you.
The Darth Vader comic begs to differ. That shit was fantastic.
Fuck off EA. Come back with a conference with some substance
>Play Battlefront/Battlefront 2
And Movie Battles II
>literally every single EA studio is working on something Star Wars related
>they can use this as an excuse anytime someone points out that their games have been either rushed and/or not playtested
>meanwhile, the actual Star Wars products will be mediocre at best, filled with DLC and mobile app tie-ins
Truly a plan only the devil himself could devise.
Didn't he murder a whole battalion of rebel scum in that comic? I want to read that comic.
Thanks for reminding me that the only worthy SW related thing that is to come in the next 10 years is a fanmade game that might never make it.
Yeah visuals and sound are 10/10. Pure eye candy Star Wars fun, it's just a shame that's where the fun ends.
If you want that why don't you just watch one of the films? or just watch "gameplay" on youtube? it's not worth splashing some cash on a game that treats you like you've never touched a controller/KB+M in your life.
>"we're listening to the fans, to their feedback and input"
Shut up jade, no you're not. Battlefront 2 will just be Battlefront 1 but on Jakku, Starkiller, and that woodland planet that was basically not-Yavin 4. Still no space battles, still casual as fuck game
>mfw Jade
>you will be able to buy her game again
you mean that comic with a general grievous with an Ackbar head?
The Bf3 fan project on steam? That's definitely going to die for sure.
Well, it was 10 years in 2013, so only 7 more years of EA SW games.
Except for the unsubtle references about Indiana Jones. That part looked more like a parody than anything.
And why did they had to exterminate the Geonosians? They were fun to kill ;_;
Galaxy in Turmoil should be fine, so long as they don't use any old SW assets or make any money.
Vader does a lot of shit but it's written in a way that's completley respectful to the films so you don't get any Force Unleashed tier fanfiction. It really is a good read and you should get on that, buy it pirate it whatever just read it.
Anything that opposes The Empire must be wiped out like the scum it is user.
>so long as they don't use any old SW assets
So, everything so far?
>or make any money
At least they have that covered,it's supposed to be free
What the fuck does that mean?
>We got this instead of KOTOR 3
I heard it was good, like nearly up there with Thrawn. I'll check it out.
It started with Death Troopers, paving the way for people to say "Oh look how convoluted Star Wars has gotten, we must wipe it clean"
I'm so glad we got such original characters instead of expanding on the back of what we already had.
I still want to know wtf happens to wedge. Come back senpai. Rogue Squadron series ended too soon
>Mfw the Bounty Hunter Storyline
Literally the only reason to fucking play swtor 1-50 all personal content to your story and almost all 8 of them are fucking great so fucking good. Just play to chapter 3 of each ending and then stop.
Forget all the fucking combat and graphics just the story matters
I've been out of the loop.
Two questions.
Do we have any confirmed game coming in the next 2-3 years
and do you get to play as sith in one of those games?
It means that user can't differentiate SW characters without having to use already established ones instead. A MonCalamari gets his head put onto an upgraded exoskeleton from what Grievous had, without the weakness of organs other than his brain. Said character tries to outsmart Vader and get his spot as Emperor's dog but it only ends horribly.
What they have so far are just placeholders. They've stated that they'll be replacing everything with their own work before release.
Yes my buckethead brother, how do feel about The First Order? We need to burn those fucking TRAITORS!
There were some really fucking retarded parts, but I really don't think I could've taken on a Dark Lord like Marr. It's fucking fan wank in the same category as Traviss.
So he's basically Prince Xizhor without the rape pheromones and the robot fucktoy. Eh.
when are they going to fix battlefront? after seeing battlefield one there is no excuse that battlefront is a shitty piece of garbage with no classes and retarded tokens.
>that prick who on multiple occasions tried to sabotage you during the great hunt asks to recover his equipment and battle in an honorable duel to the death
>gun him down while he's defenseless instead
i really should try and finish the BH questline, being a total dick was so fun
I've been thinking of doing this at some point. Can you play through the stories for free?
Death Troopers was an attempt to modernize Star Wars with the current zombie fad and it didn't work, you still had Legacy going on, 120 years after Battle of Yavin, and people liked that.
But some scum in small doses isn't that bad, not like Geos travelled too much outside their planet anyways.
Otherwise you don't give the recruits proper training to avoid losing against teddy bears.
Based Sheev, could have been perfect for Maul cameo.
How did Maul escape Sheev's influence anyway? Last time on TCW he captured him but nothing explains what happens after that.
Why did they choice to put cgi into irl production footage instead of actually spending that time making a decent trailer
>starring not Jan Ors
>No finger on the trigger
Jen Orso doesn't even have a finger on the trigger and it's firing
Holy shit
god that looks like shit
>how do feel about The First Order?
Like non-clone Stormtroopers but with training.
>But some scum in small doses isn't that bad,
why the fuck are there palm trees behind that ghostbuster?
You're fucking kidding, her name isn't jen Orso right?
>Retconning another character for gurrlll powaaaa
Star Wars never seizes to get raped, if it isn't daddy Lucas, it gets raped by its new lover Didney.
>we could have had 1313
>we could have had a new jedi knight
>we could have had imperial commando
>we could have had a darth maul game
>we could have had kotor 3
>we could have had the true battlefront 3
>instead, we'll have yearly cash ins from a soulless company making soulless games to their soulless fanboys as long as disney and ea are the only ones making star wars games
The season finale of Rebels was amazing! outside of the cop out ending to their duel
>all I wanted was Imperial Commando
Did you not notice them in the trailer we got back in April?
That's her name. Jan Arso, Jen Orso, Jahn Arsu, something like that
>that guy in red armour
Best fucking part right there, he clearly does not want to be involved in anyway but knows he needs the cash.
Will we ever get the story on bothans?
>Sorry kid unsheathes invisible flamethrower and catches you on fire
With their own work as in models of ships,props and etc made by them right? Is a Star destroyer made by them safe then?
I can understand them not wanting to make to many star wars games but damn they're taking so fucking long to just give us SP games.
>They are already making another battlefront. Just when I think the average consumer can't get any more retarded. I realize they will still eat this shit up
barring aside my animosity towards disney for putting heavy feminism influence into all of the new star wars movies, that poster looks pretty fucking garbage
oh well, maybe mads mikkelsen will carry the movie
We will whenever the Story Group wants to do a story about getting the second Death Star plans.
Can't wait for Kytro Kanteen to show up and fuck Jen Orso
>tfw no more of the flight simulators or arcade fliers
The boy good part of Rebels after two seasons, and it still felt sub Clone Wars quality because of Disney content control. I know Filoni isn't at fault
>Literally fucking nothing.
>No new IPs, no new games, no nothing.
>MMO, mobile game, and an expansion pack that is going to take EA 2 years to make.
>Literally a wasted conference just to talk about Star Wars, muh memories, and shill EAfront.
>Basically a video talking about how EA is raping Star Wars.
Goodbye Star Wars, my old friend.
Damn fucked up me green post. ignore me. I will go sit in the retard corner now
Reminder that Star Wars died with Disney.
>I will finish what you started
In a way he did.
Write an apology letter to George right now.
Jenn Orso
It should be. They made the model. I mean, going by that logic, Disney could literally destroy every fanmade project out there that merely mentions Star Wars.