Good feeling.
Good feeling
Dude was way too stoned for this shit.
playing with a controller
what a noob
How the fuck is that even remotely allowed? You'd get into shit for just smoking a fag indoors.
This perfectly explains all the techno bullshit in TV series. He literally didnt move crosshair over 20 seconds in FPS game.
he freaking finished 0/0
So just like real life for most people
Are you retarded?
Are you? He's literally doing drugs, how are the producers okay with that?
Oh wait never mind, SMOKE WEEEED BLAZE IT LOL 420 DUDE!!!
I can guarantee you that snoop wouldn't have shown up if he weren't allowed to smoke. You don't just take Snoop's weed.
why do autists just go up to celebrities and start filming them?
Okay, I guess you are.
So breaking the law is okay because he's a celebrity?
This is from EA's conference dude.
Enjoy your paltry 500 views and a shit like to dislike ratio faggot, no one cares about your reddit-tier reference video
Speaking of. Terry Crews seemed like he was doing decent and having fun
Jesus fuck what a cancer channel
please kys
>this idiot doesn't realize snoop smokes weed everywhere
Nigga will be at the Oscar's and light up a fat blunt he don't give a shit.
Yep, pretty much. How could you have possibly thought otherwise?
Terry didn't do a lot judging by his score, but what little he did he was ecstatic.
You can literally get away with murder in America if you're a rich celebrity.
Where have you been?
Terry looked like a fucking kid in candystore. I wish I could be so happy playing video games. Total bro too.