
Beauty Asari /10 ?

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She looks a bit crazy

After all these years I'm still angry that they look human.

Did the Hamburglar join the Blue Man Group?

Dreamworks face/10

>bioware man face

well they did it again.

I'll be buying zero copies but I will salute EA for promoting diversity and feminism on my tumblr!

she looks like flea

That's a cute man.

Weren't Asari supposed to look different person to person ?

Looks like Tim Heidecker

Asari look human because that's how humans perceive them. They look like Turians and Salarians to those respective races.

What's your source for this?

I don't care what anyone says but Shark Tale was the best animated movie of all time. Fuck Finding Nemo.

Bioware has never confirmed this theory heard in Mass Effect 2

Don't know why, but she reminds me of Mission from the first kotor. Seems like a bro-ish character.
Still better than "i got just one and a half eye" face asaris had in the last trilogy

Mass effect 2

>The game will feature all new alien races
>Only shows humans Asari and Krogan.
>no intelligent alien races. Just mindless beasts.

Good job showing a teaser trailer devoid of gameplay yet again EA.

Be more specific.

How much you fucking bet you will have a transgender character in your game?

Or that they insinuate that all Asari are transgender.

Why do this? Ugly humans is one thing but the Asari are canonically supposed to be attractive

They're monogender. Gender roles mean nothing to them because they don't have different sexes.

It's like humans being indifferent to echolocation. It's not a part of our biology so it's not a part of our culture so we're indifferent.

Eh, to be fair there were the odd ugly asari in the past games. Just give me an Aria equivalent to fug and i'll be quite content

Explain Aethyta.

A bar scene has several races talking to themselves about the asari and how they name off things that make them attracted to the asari.

It is insinuated that the races simply percieve what they find attractive about them onto them

Yeah, that makes sense, much moreso than "that Asari looks just like my species".

And the mind control thing: how well does that work with pictures? Not at all, so if it were the case then asari would not be attractive except in person.

Voice aside she wasn't that bad.

What about?
If you get drunk and talk to her she looks prettier and younger.

Seems they can turn up and down their attractiveness.



This is what I got out of the trailer for a better trailer I saw.

If that's the actual, tangible direction they're going for then I'm fine with it. Reminds me of ME1.

That dumb Asari thing is for the waifu-fags to drool over. I liked those tiny cuts to mako-like vehicles and rovers.

Like I've said before though. They can't get me hype anymore. It's more like a wait and see thing now. Hype is dead.

Still, they threw bait I like and I'm munching on it a bit now.

turian asari a best

Nobody actually know if a Asari looks as we perceive them in the games.
It might be a whole techno magic thing.

This is a fucking 4th wall leaning "stoner logic" conversation, not hard and fast canon that asari are mind bending shapeshifters you morons.

I just hope its not "same planet, different color" that's empty with 1 or 2 small structures with some useless loot.
I think there's only 1 interesting thing I found on of those planet and it was a floatingmorb with a very interesting short story, which I think comes back on that leviathan dlc for me3 where they reveal that they fought reapers with orbs or some shit.

Looks like Furiosa.

Who said anything about mind bending and shape shifting.
The Asari might just give off some sort of Pheromones that trick other species and perceive them as beautiful.

The Asari can have sex with anything and produce offspring. What is to say after thousands of years of evolutionary bullshit they could start doing this shit to ensure the continuation of their species.

All Asari children are Asari and not a mixture of races or the other race. It is not stoner logic is a scientific hypothesis that Bioware and the writers on Mass effect haven't decided to denounce.

Considering that the new player character is going to be default female, they probably added a more mannish asari.

Certain Sup Forums folks should enjoy getting to romance a femboy.

Or alien pheromones, perhaps an evolutionary trait that helps them find a better mate by making them look how we want them look, sorta like how big titties, hips and booties can blind you from ugly faces.

Well, I never necessarily wanted the shitty copy-paste scenarios of ME1 but it at least gave you the idea of "I'm exploring these empty worlds devoid of life"

Some were fun as fuck too. Like the Geth ones where if you were leveled up enough you fucking exit your Mako and lift them with your goddamn mind. That was fun.

All I ask is a few worlds kind of like that and maybe some in between that give you that feel of isolation. Like, you land on it and get some armor and a hint at a second quest.

Little shit like that.

Not EVERY planet meaning something. Just little shit here and there and hints to new things. That's what I like the most about the more useless planets in ME1. Tiny hints of lore.

>The Asari might just give off some sort of Pheromones that trick other species and perceive them as beautiful.
Then that means that videos and pictures of them show them for what they really are, but there are no comments about distinctions between in-person Asari and depictions of them, and they've done porn, too, so the silence there indicates that it can't be pheromones.

What's with girls having that stupid eye-makup recently?
>This bitch

Am I the only one who wants non-disposable heat sinks back?

Isolation is fine, just don't make it copy paste with nothing to explore.
That Luna mission had a nice payoff in me2

Mix that shit with their natural affinity for that techno shit and you got them being hot on camera too.

Trends, fads, like everything

>lift them with your goddamn mind
You mean like if you just had Lift leveled enough or is this some secret t hing I didn't know about?

And lose it the instant someone takes a photo or video of an asari without their knowing it, or a dead Asari.

This is not going to remain hidden for long.

i dunno why this picture gives me a boner...

like i know she looks like a man, but wtf

how revolting

They know their audience.

Tumblr artists had a hard time drawing pretty feminine faces so this time around they hit em' all with the ugly stick.

What part of "Natural Affinity" to techno shit do you not understand?

They are born with Biotic powers. It's probably the whole reason they can do the fake beauty thing.

Luna was fun as fuck in ME1.

So was the Geth Incursion quest in that sector.

Still, my point remains about certain little things added. I loved that planet you go to and explore and you find some monolith/easter egg thing a few times and learn about humanities early history. That was really cool. Little things you gotta go and explore.

Plus I saw in the "trailer" those worm things that are right outside of that in ME1. I don't remember their names but they sure as fuck looked like them. It's been a while since I played it so I don't know what their called anymore . I hope they're doing shit like that still.


There's some kind of uncanny valley going on with her face that I really like, maybe it's cause her being an alien gives an opposite effect to the uncanny valley, mixed with her boyish look
Very odd, I really like it.

1. Take picture of dead Asari.
2. Show that they look wildly different in picture form versus in person/living look.
3. Spread that shit like wildfire.

Boom, secret is out. Easy as all hell.

>feminine faces

u wot m8.

Yes yes and more yes. I loved the "shoot it too long like a retard and get punished" mechanic way more than the "look around for "clips" like every TPS/FPS since forever" mechanic.

They are really taking the Inquisition "Everyone is flawed and imperfect" thing way, way too far.

Keep fucking talking man. Bioware and the ME writers were asked the same question.
They said no comment.

why would they even add the easter egg if it didn't have some semblence of truth.

You'll still see her the way your brain perceives her, dying isn't going to do anything, user.

>They're just editing every single depiction of them
I don't think so.

The best theory is that the Asari are just in Goldilocks levels of universal attractiveness either through adaptation or pure luck or both, they're just evolved in a way that each race finds something attractive about them.. This is kinda supported by the bachelor party, the salarian notes her skin and flexibility, the turian notes the head fringe and the human, well he's a human you know what he probably likes.

it looks like a trans male to female at around 3 months of treatment
thanks bioware

> ignoring Prince of Egypt
Holy shit go fuck a Will Sfish

Explain it by saying some biotics can semi-indoctrinate or some shit, literally everything is explained by eezo anyways.

Writers put things into video games and other forms of entertainment that unravel with basic logic all the time because they either didn't think it through or they didn't care enough to.

Therefore it's not a matter of pheromones as produced by the Asari, as is being claimed here.

oh well, we will always have liara. and samara. and morinth.

Nobody has an actual clue how biotics work.

Antz was better.

Even dead ones?

Furiosa was Warpaint.

Yes, nobody would be surprised if Bioware pulled that shit out of their ass.

That or a decomposing Asari still gives off pheromones and Biotic bullshit.

Yeah, that basically. That and singularity.

It's just so much more fulfilling to have your mako getting fucked and then get out and lift it with your mind on a random planet. It made you feel like a fucking god.

An amazing moment that was never equaled in the whole of Mass Effect. More due to non-planning but still. It was hilariously fun. Like getting hacks or something.

>You will never be fucked to death by Morinth
Even after all these years it still fucking hurts

Yeah, ME1 was broken as shit but in a good way. Nothing beats having a shotgun that can only fire one shot before overheating but shreds anything short of an Armature or a resurrected Spectre.

user why do you want to die so much, mindfucking a regular asari would be fun too.

>mfw shotgun starting Adept on Insanity

So much fun.

t. Somebody who's played through as every fucking class on every fucking difficulty in ME1.

Sometimes it's fun to have OP as shit designs and different setups. Fuck balance unless you're setting up a multiplayer scene.

I like having to search for the best option. Then I can play through the game on the worst. It give variety to replays.

Why is asari in andromeda galaxy when they should be in the milkyway with the humies?

Because EA can't be bothered to think up new alien races.

She was the only real Asari that got my attention, all the others like Liara and Samara were just a bit plain for my tastes. Words could not describe my disapointment when she just vanishes in 3.

They fucked their way across the universe.

Also does anyone know the timeframe of Andromeda? Maybe it's post Destroy ME3 and they rebuilt the mass effect relays and shit and now they're sending exploratory teams.

Look at that jaw. All she needs is some makeup and shes goodtogo.jpeg

>Reminder that Asari traditions says they have to breed with other species
>Reminder that before Asari discovered the Citadel they were fucking with their equivalent of our dogs just for tradition.

>when she just vanishes in 3
user... the Reapers turned her into a Banshee. You can find her at London, same if you don't save Jack at the academy or sell Legion to Cerberus.


>wahh women in my games have to be beautiful and pander to my tastes

>game is about travelling to andromeda
>every thread someone asks how there's an asari there

She looks better than Liara. I'm excited.

There weren't only humans in the arc

Also the Arc isn't the only ship that went from the milky way to Andromeda.

What the actual fuck?/10

Shouldn't the relays be broken and isolate the races or something?

>it's just a coincidence that the asari, humans and krogans are exploring the andromeda at the same time guys, I swear!

Well there were millions of different aliens on the Citadel right next to Earth.

Story is that one of the original Prothean discoveries was a sealed portal of sorts that lead to uncharted space.

Portal was opened as a contingency plan if the Crucible failed, massive Arc ship and flotilla of representatives was sent through to start a forward base.
When the Relays were blown up the Portal was destroyed stranding everyone on the other side.

It's not impossible for them to travel together, especially if you're mercs or something

What point is BioWare trying to make?

I may be blindly guessing, but what if the Mako sections in ME: Andromeda are all set-pieces?

That EA has taken direct control and they are still hiding behind the LGBT flag.

That you're probably better off being gay